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<br /> 50048—KLOPP c�BAPTI.ETT CO.,Prinlin9,T,ifhograPhing¢nd County Supplies:Omahe. . __.:-. _._�_� _�._.��_�---_,-----—_�_�_.—
<br /> FRQ��dT I liereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this__ _ _ 17�h ___..___1ay of___--- P,���TCh--_ .
<br /> :�, D,, 19_ �.�, _ , at-- -_._ _... .__ ._ 3.4� --o'clock - --- - - p_�1VT.
<br /> Ett�el --�.,�ti.cY�arcison, u��amaarrie�---� �Narra►nty
<br /> To Deed.
<br /> -1���� � __ _ -
<br /> - -- -
<br /> T���ist�r of T�ee � 6�xi��
<br /> ._-- -- A1L�ir� E.T-r�i�t - __ - - -
<br /> - -- - - --_..--- -- -- - --- - -
<br /> Depucy.
<br /> I�now All 1VIen by T�ese I'resents : �
<br /> That ---E�h�l A_,P�.cha.rt���:��- un:�arx_i�d• _ -- - - - -- - -- - - _- -
<br /> - -- -- - ._ -- -- ----
<br /> of the Cou12�v of--- ---- ---. -����7-------- - --------- ---_---and State of_-- ------- -- I�y��x���,;�,.---- - ------- - ------- - ---------Grantor------, in coiisi�e.ration
<br /> of the sum of__ _ �'U1�,x .�zt��nCls�d.-�.riCt--�1-r��`"------ ____-- - -- -------------------------- . ----DOLLARS,
<br /> in ha.nd paid, do-- _ _- ---hereby GRA�W T, B 1I�u":1IN, SELL, AId'D CONVEY unto_ Almi.�2_ �'.T�tL1.t-t - -------- - __ ---------- ------
<br /> _. -- -
<br /> of the G'ountV of_ --- r�x11 - - - - - - -a,ncl State of ._ _ -lsear��k3- - ---- - - - - -- -__- -, Gra,ntee--- ,thefollowing .
<br />� described premises,sitl.i�,te��i� the Co�ility of_____ __________ _________ fZ�7�1 __.__ _______---__ancl State of Nebrask�a, to wit�: �
<br /> -- -_ Lot--Twa -���___i� _Fls�ck T�i-irt�en -1�.��- Qf Jah-n-��'nat1�� ��c;��.ti�n-to -�Y�� -Cit�}-a� �'r���i-T�1�.nd-,-- -
<br /> ?;eb-rask;�� a:.�_ �urveyec�,__rla�_��cl_ a�!d _:_�_�Q�dad_._ -- - - - - - - -- _ _ _- -- - - - --
<br /> -- - �u�j_��t . t-c� -4Yze _unx�a3S :��.l�nc€� of_.a -�'�;�J�. r�c=������� -i� f��rar--of- �l�a -Fc��it�kala--�uil:c�in� anc� .
<br /> -- - -�.9�n_ A��_a_ci�z�ion �f__�.�r_�z.n�- I��:«nc�, -�,��;F�x��_.aj;�h�c:.h- �����:d- ba���re-�-ra�tee--as��r�:�,- 6-���.----- - ---
<br /> ��_���s to. ;���aY- as _��ar� o�-�h�_ __cnn��.ue.ra-ti�n--riL_c�v-e �a�.�- .. - --- - -- - - -- - - - - -----
<br /> - - -__-- -- -- - _ -- - - ----- - -- - -- -- -------- - - - --- - ----- - - --- - ------ ------
<br /> Toget�er witla alI the tenelnen�s, here�Iita.r�ents, and appurtenances tl�ereunto belonging, and all the Estate, P,ight, Title, Interest, I)ower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Der_and whatsoeti•er of the said Gr•aritor_.._______, anc� af eitrer of them, of, in, or to the same, or any pa,rt thereof.
<br /> TO H:4VE AND TO i��L�? the Wbove-c�ascribed preln_ises,with the a�purtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_____ ______h8T__________ ____ ______heirs and
<br />. a,ssigns forever, Aiid___ ___�___-____ ___ _.--_�i.ereby coveriant_____i��ith the said Gran�ee_.__________tha�__________T___--____hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____________I ____________ha�r�_goo� right ar��l I��,wful authority tc sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd elear of��;11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_----�X G3��__.3�--2'�QVe �-f�t�,t�C� - - ----- ----- - - - .. ---- - ---- - - - - - - -._. - ------ - -------- -- --------------- �
<br /> -- -- --- --- - -- --- - ---
<br /> -- --- -- - - - - - --- --- - --- - - -- --- ._. -- - -- - ----- - - ---- - -- ...------ ------------- -------
<br /> --- -- --- - - -- - ---- - -
<br /> - - - -- ---- - -- - -- -- - - ------------------ ------ ---- -- --- -- ------ --- - -- ------------- - ------
<br /> _ __- - -_ - _-- --- -- �nd---- -- --- - --- ---- � -- ----------------covenant-- ----to warrant and
<br /> defend=�o�said premises against �he lawfu2 claims of all persons whomsoever, _______E_xCQ�?�__�.�___��Q_V_�___s_`_3�BC1.___._._________________._____ _
<br /> -- - ---- ---- -- - - ----- - -- ----------------- ------- ------------- - -- -- --------- -- -- --------- --------------- ------
<br /> 1?a,ted the-- -- ----- F>3�h- ----__ ----day of_- - - ----�-,-,l::ru�ry -- - - ---- ------A, D,, 19_Oa----�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------�t��.e1---A_._�.i�ha.�c:l�_on--------------------------- ,
<br /> � p y� � - --------------------------------------------
<br /> r3�J�i.IF:'EVE;l .
<br /> -- - -- -- - - - � --------------------------------
<br /> ss. •
<br /> ----- ',iall -- ---Cotin�y, On this-- -- - - ------��;�n--------------__day of------------F�:�r_u��y---------------A, D., 1�05----, before me, the
<br /> undersignecl, a Notary Public _______________________________within and for said County, personally came ________________._______._.____
<br /> -E��e-1- A.F�c��r-d�or�--- --------------------------------------
<br /> ��'u'AT�} to rre personally bnown to be the identic�l person_.____.___whose name____________1�_____________________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor______.____, and__________________________�e�l�cackno�vledged the same to l�e______hl�____._________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purposeatherein expressed.
<br /> I� IN ti�ITNESS WHE'REOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi"'ixed niy official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> --�-7C�.riCI_-Z�11�T1d�---3�E�k��-_--_-----_--------------_---------_---on tlie date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------Ar':t�iu�---�-�'��yQr-----------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Illy comrnission expires------------- --'s';�Ir -��--�--------------------------------------------------1�_��----
<br />