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<br />_ 50048—I{LOPP�£BARTLE4'T CO.,i'rirtinp,T ithogra�hinp and Couoat�Sv.�Plies.°Omahe. . � ^"' --=-�"�
<br /> �'R 0�'�T ` �
<br /> I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nulnerical Index and
<br /> flled for recor�l this--- __1-� _----.day of----- -_�'��,Ch.------_ _ -
<br /> _ - -
<br /> �. D., 19__1l ,at -- - - 11.3Q --- -o'clock - -- - -- - A. -NI,
<br /> -- - ---��S.�x.y L_.�rent-fiU'�v f: _hua��.n.c� - Warranty
<br /> T0 Deed. •s
<br /> ' __._��l T�=�- �/�-- - - - ---�- - �-
<br /> PLe�ister of T}ee �X���
<br /> -- - . Eli��er_ �_re�;�ster_ -- -
<br /> .- - --- -- -___ _ - - - ----- - - -
<br /> • � � �eputiy. �
<br /> I��a+�w All IVIen by '�'l�ese Present�: � �
<br /> That, _ .'��., I�;x�rT,� _�._l�entf2_orr �ncl_,Tan,es ftentfrc�tiy_, he__r_ hu��ancl_, _._ _ _
<br /> of the Couni,y af--- --_---- - - _aiall ___a.nd State of __ __-- -- rdebraska _---.. __. --.- ----- -- " ------- -------._Grantor--�----, in consideration ,
<br /> of rhe sum of- '1'h:CB�-�'h4u��rid- 00--�1�C� --- -- ------ ----- --- - --- - -�----- ---- ----- ------- -� ----- -'---- -----DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___ . . __liex°eb�c� C�ANT, ��l��G:1I�'�', SI;'LL, A�'D CON1�'EY unto----- E_1i�?1�r__��e��s�83'_._ _ �
<br /> ����-� and State of__ i�Q��r3ska � ' Gr�,ntee__..__ _,the followin
<br /> of the County of_ - - - - -- -_ _ -- -- - - -- - � g
<br /> described pren_ises,situated in t}ie Cou�ty of______ _______________�r�?- and State,of Nebraska�, to wit: � � � � �
<br /> _T��e___��T�xth_.�=�alf- of, the_ �so�t�._,_�e�t---�uax��r_ -o�'---ths_ "�uth_. _ire_�t .Qu�.x��x- -(- -T,_._�._r>f 1�-,-�,=�-of .S_,_u�.-�
<br /> � -�- -
<br /> C�f--_S_e_�t�.�n Four _t4)- in _'�_c�_rran�hip__�:_l�v�n---{_ll_�- -�r�rth x -Qf --F�an�a__�Iine----��)---- -�e-�-t---s�f--the__�th� -�'_.='�.----
<br /> c_ran�tain_3_n�r_�G_acra� ac;,c,�ai_n� _to_ _ti�e_ �c_�verrx�ie_nt--u�?rve;, ���o�e�.��- - - - - ---- ---- - - - - - --- -- -----
<br /> Tr�gether witii all the t,enements, r�ere�itamerts, and appurtenances thei°eunto belon,�ing, �,nd all the Esta.te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and '
<br />' Demand whatsoever of the said Gra,ntor_�______, ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO I�OLu the above-�escribed prelnises,wiih the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___-_____a,nd to__ ___...h_is_ ______________._heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And___________�"_?e._ ______-____here�y covena,nt_______with the said Grantee___ ______that_________._��'�.. _______hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____________��'�_.__________}�a_ve_good right �,�zd Ia��frt�l aiithority to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear af all liens ancl incttmbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- - - --- - - -- - - ---- - -- - = ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ------ ---- - -- -- --------
<br /> - --- - --- .- - _ . - - ---------
<br /> -- - - --- - - ---- - - - ---- - - --- - - --- -- - ---- --- --- -- -- --- - - -- -- - --------------- ------------
<br />� -------------- -- - ---- --- -- ---- --- ----- - - - ------ -------- ---------------- ---------------
<br /> ---- ----..-- - -- - ----- - --
<br /> -- - - - _- --
<br /> I, P nd------------------.- ��a ---------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> t:ne , � �
<br /> clefend t�sairl premises agai��at the lawful claims of all persoz�s tivhomsoever, ____.._________.__
<br /> -- _...-- -- --- - - -- --- - -- - ---- ---- -- -------- -- ----------
<br /> lrth ���3rCh - ----- - ---- ------:A. D., 191�---- •
<br />,i .
<br /> l�ated the- --- - -- __ -- - ._._._ --da,y of---- --_- - --- - - -
<br /> 3.'
<br />�I WITNESS *��axy_---L-._�2ant f ro�YJ
<br /> eT�xmos �ier.tfrow
<br /> ----- ---- ----------- ------- -----------------------------------------
<br /> J�hn Allar. '
<br /> I - - -------�---------------------------
<br /> -- - ---- - -- -
<br /> _-- -
<br /> STATE OF NE"BRASK!�, ) �
<br /> }ss. ,
<br /> ----- --- �iall-- - ---_�ounty, 5 On this---- - --15�7��-----------------day of_---- ---------:��a��Y� --------------------A. D., 19---��---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Noiary 1'ubli,�_ -----------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -
<br /> -�;:.�.z-�T_ L_..R�_n��ros��- and_.Tar,:e�_�''�er�_�'_r_o_w3 --har__ht�hand--- -- --------------------------------------------------�---
<br /> (��AL} to me �erso�7aliy �nown to be the identical person._�______whose name$___._____�.x'�___________________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> 13�ent as gra.ntor_ �______, and_________t-7;�-�r__----severally acknowledged the same to be__.____�1:�i.r__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IiV �Z'ITNESS WFIER,EOF I have hereunto subscribed m��and aff'ixed my oflicial seal at_______.________________________________.___
<br /> --_�rar�-�_-����nc�-,_-a.n---��.id---C_�un��',-----------on the date last above written.
<br /> John l�llan
<br /> ------------------------------_�-------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My comrnission expires-------------- ----- -�--------- ----------------------.?an�---5---------------------------191-�-�-'------
<br /> r .
<br />