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r _. . _ <br />' � �7�� ;� <br /> � ��� <br /> D D ° 0 ° D ';F�°� <br /> 0 <br /> __. _ __. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ <br /> __� __ : _ _ _ _ _ _- _- - _ _ -_ - <br /> _ _ _ __ . _ _ <br /> ___,__ __..��Ql$=ICI�1�'t'_sS;BA�TL�TTCO..�Prinlin�Lithngr�hingnndCountySu�pl2es Q?n¢hn. _- _ <br /> FROM I hereby certif,y that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this-------------- -1.4.'���.---------day of----__�,:t3r-Ch------ ----------------- <br /> A, D,, 19_._l� , a� --___ - - - - ¢- -- - --dcloek- _ - �'. M, <br /> -- - Ec:.yth St__r__ai�ht �'x_.h1��1�?an.d___ _ _ _----- ---- Warranty <br /> �0 � Deed. O <br /> ---- -- --- - - - _ --- - - - <br /> Ra�ister of Dead (��qc� <br /> --- - -- -Blanche-Soy�e -- - _ - --- - - _.. _ <br /> - - -- - -- - - --- -- - --- - ---------- -- - - - - - ----- - <br /> De�u�y, <br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That- --- Ed`�'�h--St_x_air�h�-anc3. -�ta.�.fard- �t.�tr�i�ht _��r ��aba�� -- - - ----- - -- - - - -- - - --- -- - --------- ----------- <br /> �nr, ° _ � - - _ - -- -- ------ -------------Grantor----,_, in c�nsideration <br /> of the County of_---------------------'�all ��E3r���..���a <br /> -- - -_ - -- - -and State of- -- - - -- <br /> of the suin of ----- T�'O -�7u':�x�Cl_ce. 04�100-- - ---- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand pa,id, do------------hereby GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---. _.-��.3x1C��---�QyCQ_.------------_-------------------------__----------------------- - <br /> - -- - - --- --- - -- - -- -- -- - - -__- - - --- - - ----- - --- - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - �- -- ---- <br /> �ta11 Nebras ka , the followin <br /> of the County of-- --- ----- - - - - - - - ---and �State of_ - -- -- - ---- - _ --- - -- -- Grantee- -- � g <br /> described premises, situated in the County cf____._._._________.H311_.________________._____________and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> --Lo�_�._�r�_lYS--il�� -T�iirt�Qn -�1��- �.na--F�_u� _�1ack Thrao - ���- � BQ�k3s -Q� --��i_].1�--A��.i_'�_�.Qn------------- <br /> to �r�nd T�land, ilebra�ka, �� �urveyad_�?latt�d_._anc� .°ocnraed, <br /> -- --- -- -- - -- --- - - -- -- - - ._ - - -- --------- <br /> --- - - -- - --- - ---- ----- -- -- - - --- - -- -- - -- - - --- -- --- ----- --- -- - -- - - - -- -- --- - ------ -- <br /> - - - ----- -- -- - - - -- - _ --- ---- - -- - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- --- - --- -_ - - ---- - --- - - --- - - -------- -- - --------- - ----- , <br /> ToDether witIl aIl the tenements, hereditamen�s, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and , <br /> Demand whatsoecer of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO K_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_.._____and to____________._h�x______________.____heirs and ; <br /> a,ssigns forever. Ancl___.__.�Je_________.______hereby covenant________with the said Grantee_.__________that________._��___.___hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that._______ ____���'_�_________ha�1'�__good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------------- ---------------------- -- -------- --- -- --- -- ---- --------- ----- - ----------------- -- ------ -- ---- <br /> --- - - - ------ -And- ---- - -- -- ---- `'g --- - -- ------------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> *h� <br /> defend�b said premises against the lawful claims of all persoiis tivhomsoever, __._____.._____ _______,_____________________ ___________________________________---_-_.___________-_--__--------_------- <br /> ------ ------ ----------- ---------------------------------------- � <br /> Dated the 14�h---- --- - -- --daY �f--- --- -2��iaT�h_- - - - --- ---------A, D., 19--�-�----• ; <br /> � <br /> WITNESS <br /> ----------------------�dyth�--rtrai��:t-------------------------------------- f <br /> ---- ------------�ilfgra__NsS'�rai�ht----------------------------- ' <br /> --------------- --- -- --R7ahn F--�Thor�paon-- - ----- ------ <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> -----------Hall--------------County, On this_ ------l��th-------------day of------------------I��r�h --------A. D., 19--11---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public__________________________,_.____.__.___________within and f'or said County, personally came________________ ___________________________________________-__------ <br /> ------�c���h--�_tr ai�,��--�.ncl._?1i�.�c rc�__H_.�'ts_ai�ht ,---�e-r--hus�_as�.d.------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�_______whose name__E3__�_Q_____ __aflixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor.__�_____, and________�ht3_y_____._-_severaliy acknowledged the same to be__tr�ir�______________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed r�i�'�and affixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> j _ __rs��ad___Is_land_�___I�Iebr___________------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------JQ�_.��_._�'h��mp_�Qn------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires--------------- --- - -------------F�-�-Y---��------------------------------------------�-----19--1�---- <br />�'� _ <br />