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<br /> 50018—KLOPP&B.4I�T7.IsTT CO.,I'rinti�zp„Li[hographing an�l County Supplies;O+nahc.. "-" ---�—'-
<br /> ����'�� I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered pn Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- _ --14-- -_._..- -day o£ -2:�2��_�h -- -
<br /> :�, D„ 1� ..11._ , at- - _ ° -- .___ ___._ _..- --- -o'clock_ - - -A,__M.
<br /> --- --
<br /> Anna ?,�c�'auirQ__ ___ __----- - ---------- V6�arranty
<br /> �U Deed. '
<br /> - --- -- - -.__. - --- _ _._._.--- - - --- - -- --
<br /> l�agir�ter of De cl� �a�t����
<br /> Lucrc�tia_ ��rr�c'�--- - _ - - ----
<br /> -- - - - - -- - -- --- .._ - -
<br /> - -- - ---- -- -- --
<br /> lleputy.
<br /> I�now �11 IVIen by �'�ie�e Presents:
<br /> . .
<br /> That -� AY'ina_ 1�C���x�i, �'�.c�Q4�t� ---- - - --- - --- --
<br /> of the Coun�y of_--- _ _ -- -- -���7-1 __and State of_ - --------No r��:caska ---- ------- ----------_Grantor------, in collsideration
<br /> of the surz� of-- ----- ----- ----i1i716tE38ri �tU2lciieCi._�00-- ------ � --------DOLLARS,
<br /> - ____ ----- -- -- ------ - --- ------- ------ ------ -------- ------ -----
<br /> in hand �taid, c�o--Q�----------hereby G1i,A_i�T, �-�?ZG�xIN, SELL, ATv7D CONVEY unto___ ---LuC:_e_t1.a---��.rr1C1�---__- --
<br /> __ -- -- -- - - --- - -
<br /> �-t�11___ . __ __ and State of R.�:�x��l'�_ Grantee_ ______ the followin
<br /> of the County of_ .._ - - - _ - T r . __ _ - _ -__ - __ .- - - - -_ � , g
<br /> deseri'aecl premise-s, situa,ted in the Cour�ty of___________ _ �'���1 __-_____. ..-__ _-___----_--and State of Nebraska, to c��it:
<br /> -_ _
<br /> �,ot Tl�e-e--(3) • � T��.v��_s _i1e��_�.��;a,- -- --
<br /> �lock--��ine_ . 3_)__._Cra.�ina.l_.T���m of---�dcoc�_
<br /> - _ --- ---- - ----- --- -- - --- -- - --- - - ----- - - - --- - - - -- - - -- ------- --
<br /> -- _-- - _- - ----- ----- --__ -- - -- --- --- - -- - - - - ------ ---- --- -- - - -- - - ---- - --- ------- -- --- ----------- -----
<br /> Togethei°wit�a aII the �enements, hereditar�ie:�ts, and appurtenancss thereuuto belo��ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Deznand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.___.__., 2��a���t,�� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO N�4VE A1�D TO HOL.D t-he above-described preniises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__ ____and to__________her___________.________heirs and
<br /> � �,ssigns forever, And______._______I _____________here�y coverant___ _with the said Grantee______.__that_________Z_____________hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; t,hat_________�______ _.________ha_vQ__goed right and la�.vful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---- --- ----- - - -_ _ .._. - - -- ------- -- ---- - - - ---- --- -- - -- -- - - - -------- - - --------------
<br /> - - - -- - - -- - - -- --- --- ----
<br /> I - - -- --- - - -- -
<br /> -- ---_ - -__ ----- - - _ - -- -- -- -- - - -- ---------- - ------ --------------------
<br /> --- - - -- __ - --- -- -- --
<br /> - --- -_ _ . . -------------------And---------------.- x ------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> -- -- - --._..
<br /> -- - --- - - -
<br /> -- -- ------- - ---- - ----
<br /> defenr���sairl premises against tlie lawful claims of all persoz�s wllomsoever, ____ ___ ___.____._______________._._______________________.______.______. _
<br /> Dated the- - _----1�._�t;h - - - --da,y of--- --�uidl_��1 -- -- -- ---- --- ------A. D,, 19--1�1�--•
<br /> WITNESS --------------------Anna---��'1 c!�u i_re--.----------------
<br /> — --1���.�`,�1T?� -- --
<br /> STt�TE OF NEBRASK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ��.��.1 ---. ---County, On this. ----.���Y� -------------day of_- ----- 2�,i�x�h-- ---------------------A. D., 19--�-�---, before me, the
<br />' undersi�ned, a ilotary Yublic _____________________..____________within and for said County, personally.came__________________________________________ _____________________
<br /> - ---Anna__�.�cruire- --"�=Ticlow"------- -------------------------------------- ------ --- --------- ---------------------------------------------
<br /> to nie personally known to be the identical person___._______whose liame_________________i8_____________________af�i�ed to the above instru-
<br /> ����Z+� ?��ent as grantar___________, and__.________�1���'_______severally acl�nowledged the same to be_._____�8r.__._________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> ior �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�' �UITNFSS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m��and af�'ixed my of�icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> _____l�cot�__�ive�__in___��i_d__Coun�_y_�_______________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------------- ----I�_.-D._�I�an.Q------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires-------�--- -------------------------�7��:�r---l��h-----------------------------------�9--1�----
<br /> 4 � �
<br />