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<br /> � 5603$—F{LOPP&�BA`RTT ETT CO.,Printing,LithograpTzinr and Cozcnty Supplies;O�zahc,. `�`— '"--
<br /> �'RO�T I hereby certify that this in_strument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this _ 1� __ .____da,y of___.__j!aaTe�
<br /> �, D,, 19_.11-- � ��t-- -- -- -_ ---_ - 11 -- - ---o'clock - -- - --�• M.
<br /> -.._ .. ----��';�Yitt "Ik'. _F'iG�l.in� _�°�-.rrif'� ---- Warranty
<br /> To Deed. • n �Q
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<br /> _ - -
<br /> �?a11 --and Sta.te of--- ------ --r'P,L_23s_zc�_ .-.- ---- ---- ------- ---------Grantor-�---, in consideration
<br /> of the Count� of_ - --- -- - _ --
<br /> ot'the sum of-- Four �it:rndred-T��,�entY_�ix-ana__no�1GG ---------- - - -------------------------------- -- ---------------- - ---------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa,id, cic-- ---- -----hereb;� CRr1�T, B�lRG:1I�v, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ •Ta_r:iQ.a__±,;,�aB.�Q�._...- -------------- _ -
<br /> -
<br /> _ -- - - _- - - -- --- ---- --- - -- --- ---_- --_ -- - - --- - - -- --- ----
<br /> of the County� of_-- -------------- -------Hall _. ._--- --a,nd Sta.te of_-- - - -._}u��r�SkFl_ _ _ .--- _ _ . . - -------- ------ ---- ------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> ctescribecl prerrlises, situatad in the County of_ . �a�-1 __.-__---_.___-----___and State of Nebrask�, �o wit:
<br /> -- Lr�t Num4+e� Poux ��) in-�lock--fi'�tu:�'�aa� _�_�v.e�n----�-'r-�----�a_J._��.�h_'_.--�cxs�it_ion ta--��and--I_�l�,nd-�----P:T_e�x�����-�-----
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<br /> - -- -- ---- -- -- -- - - __ - - --- -- - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - --- - --- -- - ----- -- ---------------
<br />� Together wit1�all the teLelnen�s, n�re��ita��nel�±s, and appur�enances tliereunto belon�ing, �,nd all t�e Est�,t�,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Ciaim and
<br /> Derrianct whatsoever of the said �rantor�________, and of eitlier of theni, of, ili, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> 'l0 KAVE AI�D TO IIOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, urito the said Grantee___.____and to________ ___._____h i�______________heirs and
<br /> a,ssig2zs forever. And_____ ___"f�____ _______ ___liereby covenant______with the said Grantee___________that______�te__. `{__.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> titIe; that____ __sr1e.______ ._ ______'rla t.r8_�cod ri�rlt arid lati�ful authorit,y to sell a.nd convay the same; that they are free and clear of all lier�s and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----����a-�_�_�.--;cz---�11.--ta�e_s_ _a.nd__ase_e-����nta_.-a-�---�v�r--y.--�����-e---yah�t�a��e-�-�--�zzb�-ec�-ue�t---ta--�h�----------
<br /> - - =�rear -1:�QJ- --- - --- ---- -- . _. _- - - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - --- - -- --- ------- ------ - - - --------- --------- - ----------------
<br /> I -- -__ -- -- - -- --- --- ---- - - - - - --- --- -_.__ _ - -...--------- - ---------- - - -- --- --- -- -- -- --- ----------- - --------- ---------- --- ------------------
<br />' - - - - - _. - - -- - - - _ _ - - - And ----- - - - - �e - -- --- - ------------covenant------to warrant and
<br />, �l:l�
<br />, defencl�'o said premises against the la,tivful claims of all persons tivllomsoever, ____ 6x Cet?t__�s__�'t�U__v__�_________.__________________________________
<br /> II� --------- -- -- ---- ----- - -- - -- -- --- - - - - -
<br /> - - ---------------------------
<br /> I ----- - -- -cla,,y of_-- -- ��C�r_;!��� -- ----- --------------A. D., 19--�� - •
<br />� Dated the-- - �5�a
<br /> Z�ITNESS --------------------�.�avit.t---��-.-F�llins-------------------------------
<br /> ---�'�_c'i�'l Cf�%�--��_._�Q�.�'.�Yl.�-------------------------------
<br /> ----- - ._ -- ------- -
<br /> ----- - '•?,_C_..��L1�i"�_41"I_ - - - - -
<br /> -
<br /> ss,
<br /> -- -I�aZI------------County, �n t1�is-----------------�'_����h-------------------day of_--------T;!eue2��-e�--------------------A. D., 19_10---, befare me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public--------s�.�>�?O].T'.�L_et1--------------witl�in and for said County, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> L�av3.tt `�l.I�o11i*�: u�;�i �'�anc�� F?.I�ollins
<br /> - ----------------- -----------------------
<br /> - --- --- --- -------- -
<br /> - ----------- - -
<br /> htz:�bana �rd �i.fe .
<br /> -- - --- -- ------- --- --- -- ---- -- --------- - ---------- - - ---._.. _------- ---- -- -------------------------- ---------- --------------- -------------
<br /> ta me personaliy l�nown to be the identical person_._�______whose name_�____a��__.._.________________.__a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> (�:'�EAL) ment as grartor____�_.___, and _ t�==e_y'___________severally acknotivledged the same to be_.�_h��3_��___._._____.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for tiie purpose tnerein expressed,
<br /> �:ar.ia
<br /> IN I�'ITNESS WHEREOI' I have l�ereunto subscribed my h�l and aflixed my official seal at__________________________________________
<br /> _ G�anc�__I��.�xld,___IT�b�________________.______._ov the date last above written,
<br /> ___"'_""""_'____"" """'___�_f._�l__f�_l�,a!t_�IQA.i'_"""""""""'""'"
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------ -- ------------- ---------------7uly---'==`-�-�-----------------------j9--�-��-'-----
<br /> I
<br />. �
<br />