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<br /> _. �.:. .____._ _, . .,. � 3��_Q$_�LQPP&SARTLEI'7'CQ.,_PrinEin.g,Lithogra�hzn�nd,Count�Sugplees:O^nahe... __ - " _- -- � �— -_ -� — -_ __ _—
<br /> - _ _ _ __ --- _ _�_.
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> " filed for record this---- ------10-�h---------------day of---------�t[�r�h------------ --------
<br /> - --- - --- - _�'aYt N Ho.lz�r �_�tif�-- - - -- -
<br /> A. D., 19�.1- - , at- --- - 11�3Q - - -- --o'clock -� - __1�`,_M,
<br /> - --- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- ._... - --- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. '
<br /> ��%�-����r� - - - --- - - -----
<br /> - - - - -- U���v��
<br /> /C ^ � , _
<br /> - -- - --H�nr�r__xo�lzer --- ------ - ---- � ��9-.e��-�
<br /> - -- - - -- -- - - --------- - - - -- ------- --- ---
<br /> lleputy.
<br /> I�now All 1VIen by Tliese Presents:
<br /> That------- - Jo'�n_H-o�lz-ex-- anc� -�hr��ti��.- S�o��z�r husband- and--u��if� - -- - ---- - - - ------ -- - ---- - - -- � ---- -
<br /> of the County of------------H_�.11.---------------------- ---------and State of_-------------.___.���br�.5Ka.--- -- ------- ------------------------------------Grantor--�----, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of -----F�..�_t_��ri__hU21dx-�t1---�'ld r14� --------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do---------------hel�eby GRANT, BARG�lIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----._---------- - -
<br /> - -- --
<br /> ---- --- - - - - --- - - - _ _ --
<br /> I3enry HQelzex - --- - -___ -- ---- -- - ----- ---- -- -- -- -- - -------------
<br /> of the County of---- --------_Fiall -------- --.... . ---------- -and State of------- ----N�bra.�k�----- ------- -- ------- _- ----- --------- ----, Grantee------._,the following
<br /> described prertiises,situated in the County of______________________H�.11______________ and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---Lo�___Ei�;ht----��)---in--Dlo_c�_.one---htzndx-��---�0��3�—�v�� {�47) - of __the__ Unian__P�.cific__Rail�ray--Gampany-!-s----
<br /> ---5ecoizd .Addi�ion_t-4-- Grand _I51and_ _Nehr_aska- as- surueyeci p1�,���d ancl-��Gar�ed: ---- - _ -- -- - --- --------
<br /> ----St�.`��_��t---�Q--th�__un�aid--halanc�--nt'- -�wo- -mor��a�;�� -(r�r�E- f�r ��00 -Se�ies- 3-8 -anc� -or�e- fo� $2fl4-� --------
<br /> ---S�rie-s---41-�--in._�avor--of---�he--E4uit_ab-1-e---I3ui-ld-�.�.�--and--�,oar� A���c-ia�ian -af---G�ar�d--Isl�nd-Ne��a�K�----
<br /> -----which__balanc�---Grr����---h�s_�.in--a�_5u.m�s---ancl---a�r--e��--to-p�y_ �.s pa�� -af -���- cor�s��.e����or� - --
<br /> -- - abov�_ nameci. - --- -- - - --- -- - - - -- ---- - - - --------- -- - --- - ---- - - - -- ------ --
<br /> Together witli all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_8.______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO FIAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______.and to______h1S_________________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And______..__'��____ _____________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee.__ _.___that_____we________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> titIe,; that____W_E;______________________ha��;__good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the s�,me; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> " whatsoever_---------e�Ce�_�..--,�,�---�b_4V�---S�_3t-�-Cl--3rid -t��-_fa�--t�€ y���'-- 1}1(�-s----------- -- --- ---------------------------- - -- --- -------------------------
<br /> --- ----- - ---- ------- - - ---- -- ---- ------------ - -------- --- ------ --- -- - - --------------- -- -- - - ----- -- ------ -- --------- --- ----------------------- -----------------
<br /> - - -------- - - --- ---- ---- - -- -- ---- -------- -- --- -_. . -- - - - - -And-- - - -- ---��- -- - -- ---- --------------____covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend�l�a,id premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _ �XCe_p_t---�.s---�.b-O�e--��-�.t€ll.-----------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------- - --------- ----- -------------------------------------------- �,;
<br /> Dated the_ - ---- 1Q'�Yl,-- - ---day of_- -- --- ---��.Y'_Ch - - ----- ------- --A. D., 19_.1].----� �
<br /> WITNESS to mark ------- �-�-- �� - - �-------------------------------
<br /> C.W.�3rininger h r
<br /> L. He3.z�r ------�hr�i��ina----,x------xo_e1z�r_--------------------------
<br /> -----I..R-.1�r-inin�;ea�-- --------- -- ------- - - -- ----- --- ---
<br /> m ark
<br /> ss. �
<br /> --------H�,].1-------------- ----County, On this---- - ---- ---lOth- - - ------------day of_---------M�,z'.Ch--------------------------A. D., 19_11---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public---------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- -----�'c?k�n__Hoe_�.z_�x----�.nc�----Chr_is_t_ina__Ho.elzEr----- ------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------ �
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_._8__.__whose name_�_____________3rE-------------------af3"'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ���� � ment as grantor___�______, and_________th�y__________severaliy acknowledged the same to be_____th�ir_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS W HEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afCixed my ofl"'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ____�r�'_c�SLd__ISla.riC1_NE�hr______________----------------_-------on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------I�:A��i�inin�;�r--------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> l�ly commission expires--------�3:cC:h---16.ii---- -- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------19_.��k---- .
<br /> I� .- .. i :
<br />