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1 ��� � : <br /> � ��� <br /> . D . D ° 0� ° D � , �. <br /> 0 <br /> __ . . _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ <br /> _ _ _ , _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ ._ _ _ <br /> _ . �. _ <br /> __,_ ___.,, ,, �,, ,5DD�$.,jC�LQPP,&BARTLE4'T CO.�Printi�Lith�r�zn�nd Countk Supplzes;U:malaa. _ __ <br /> ,_. __- _ __ ,...-- --- -_ -;-�� �.— _- ----_-�_-._.�. <br /> FRO]YI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on IV'umerical Index and <br /> filed for record this_________�___________._____day of__�3rC�'1_____________ _. _ <br /> �, D,, 19 �-� � a-t- -- - - - `�_.�Q-- - - --o'clock- --- - P- -M• <br /> , ------Js�hn__R.Thmm��_on,--�in�le_ ---._- -- -- Warranty , <br />�� ��p Deed. ' � � - <br /> - ----- -- -- -�-- -���� - -------- ----- -- - <br /> R� ister of De�d�'/ �amn�� <br /> - _L.�.�,F3.;:>��ar P.�-Lu��� A.Fir�h��- --- - _ - <br /> --- - - --- - - -- _ - - ------- ----- - ----------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That- -��hn -I�.-�"�����s�r�- -e�ingle-� - - -- - -- - - - ----- -- -- --- - - -- -- --- - --- -- -- ---- --- -- <br /> -- - - -- --- <br /> of the County of_-------------------------H31�.-------------------and State of----------��k�l"38k�------- --------- -- -- ---------------------------------Grantor------, in cnnsideration <br /> of the sum of. - T�O--rlun��d c°�--F_i�'�y- - - - -- - ------- --- ---------------- -------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> ------ -- --------- -- ------------ ----------- -------- <br /> in hand paid, do__________________hereby GRA�VT, Bt�RG!11N, SELL, AND CONTi�EY unto__.I.-.'IA...EiSh-er__al�d--LuC�--A.F.iBhe-r---------------------------_----------- - <br /> ---------- - - - -------- ---- - - - --- - . - - - - - f�u>�aand-�x--'9Pi�� - - --- - ---- -- -- -- - - - --- - <br /> of the County of_--- ------- I�a11_---- ---- ----- -------------_and State of----- --Neb��8k3-- ---- -------- - -.------ - ------ ----------------, Grantee-B---,thefollowing <br /> described premises, situated in the Cour7ty of____________ _________����1.._________._.__________.-----__ancl State of Nebraska-, to wit: <br /> LOt���ven iz� �loak . ���) F9�,��1�.ich� g---1�ds�iti�an._�c�__Lhe__._Ci�y--o-f- -!�_rand--Islan�l-,---------------------------- <br /> --- - n --- -- ._ - - - - - <br /> -- -�� ��Ya�rn ��:� t:ne- �:e_car_ciet�-}�lat- t��reo�. _ --- - - -- _ -_ - - --- - -- ------- <br /> -- <br /> ----- - - ----- - - -- ------ --- - --- --- -- - --- - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - ----- - -- - - -- ------ -- -- -- <br /> - - _- --- - - - - ----- - --- - - ----- - - -- - -- -- --- ------ <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances tliereunto belon�ing, and alI the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> --r <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__S_____and to_____'�11�_i_r_________________.____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And___.._..__I__ hereby covenant_______with the said Grartee._________that________.�_._______.hold__________said premises by good and perfect• <br /> title; that___.__�_____._______________have___good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------------------------- --- ----- -------- ---- - - --- --- -- -- ---- ------ -- - ------------- ------- ------------- - --------------------------------- <br /> ----------- -- - --- - ---- ----- - ---- -- -- ---... ------ - And---- � ---- - -- - ----- -------------------------covenant-----__to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend t�csaid preinises against the lawful claims of all persol�s whomsoever, ___..___________________._.___ _____-_-_---__--_--.-----____-_-__------_-_-__-_---------------------- <br /> ----- ---- ------ -------- - -- -- - - -------- ---- - --- --- ---- ------ - -- --- --- -------- ------------- -- ------ --------- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> il Dated the-- --- -- 1!Iinth --- - .da,y of_ ----- �R�x-C2]. ------- ---------- --------A. D., 1917.--- • <br /> I WITNESS ----------------------�nhn___I�_-Th-cmnson---- <br /> Lizz2e Lirnbac� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ' <br /> ss, <br /> ----------Fial1-- County, On this-- ----��ix�'�h- ---------- --------day of-------- --- �����1-------------------------A. D., 1911----, before me, the <br /> undersi�necl, a Notary Public__.___________________________.____________within and for said County, personally came____________ __----------------------------_---------------------------- <br /> --=------Jo�l_�_�._T_hszr���_s�n�-- �in�1Q----- ------ ------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ' <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_________whose name__.________________i 6_____________._____af�xed to the above instru- <br /> ��E�L) ment as grantor___.__.____, and__________<k'iQ___________severally acknowledged the same to be._______hi�_____.______voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�,��and af�xed my ofl'icial seal at___________._______________________________ <br /> ______________���.nd___T_�_13n�i_s_._?Z��J_.________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------�1Z Z 1_�'_-Ta1��7�C�------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------------------------a9�;a'�---�T1C�-----------------------------------...------19.��------ <br /> _ ..i__. <br />