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<br /> � u a
<br />— 500�g—KLOYP&BARfil TT7'C�.,I're'nGin�,I,itFiogra�hing an.d Couizt?�Supplies;O�reaJ¢c.. _ _ _ __ ___. _— ._. —__-=.^,___—.--�--��----
<br /> ����� I hereby ceriify that this instrument was entered on Num_ erical IncIex and
<br /> filed for recorci this__.. __ __ ---.__9th._._:---da.Y of---------�ar�h.------ ---------------
<br /> A, D,, i9___11 • a�t- -- - �.10____._._._--o'clock--- --- -- P• -M,
<br /> - --- ---Thc�.�.a�__J.-C�r�ni-o-n �.� cvi�'a _ .. - Warranty
<br /> 1-��) Deed. ' '
<br /> -- - -
<br /> ���ir� - - -- --
<br /> RQ�ister af DQed� �����
<br /> G.'�.1�a��h �� ��
<br /> - --- - - -- -_ _- - -- - - - ----- --- -- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> n�w A�l 1'��ri by �hese Pr�esents :
<br /> T11at,-- �io,._���ymas�._..T.�_a�ion_.and._E_1i���_eth Car�}�ioni._hu:zb�nci--�rd__zvif� - - - -- - -- -- ---- - -- -- ---------
<br /> of the County �f-- ----_ _ _P-�_ov�----_-_- ----------- -----�rld Sta.te of-- ----_U�a.YI- --------Grantor--�----, in consideration
<br /> of ihe sun� of-------- _Ei�ht- -J-�_undr�d_�nd---Fift_y--ar�.c�---no�lq�---------------------------- -----------DOLI,ARS,
<br /> in ha,nd Aaid, do--- -----------hereby GP g�lT, B�RG�IN, S�LL, gI�'D C0IVVEY unto_ C.'��._1±�a�'�3_h__---------------
<br /> of the Courity of------------ " --a��d State of _ _i�_rau�'_,ct:�k3_--------
<br /> ria11,. - - _ - ---- - - , Grantee-- - ,the following
<br /> deseribecl premises, si±lzated in the County of_._______ _ _. f��l_�,_____________________.-_ancl State of Nebraska, to i3�it.
<br /> „ • c� � .
<br /> -- -I.�__ot_a____n__ur,�t�er__Tti�o- --(�a.)-- -�.na__Tl:�_.a:��--��-�--�_lo�k„nur:�er Thi�ty__:�e_v__en -- 3'7 _Charle�_ _�asme__r�J �cl�lit i�on
<br /> - -----------
<br /> -- - �o �'x_and_S�lrind, ����ra�_ka, _�.s__:�u�rQY�d� ._�a_lz�-�_u��l--and r�_co_xdaci- -- __ - - - -- - - --
<br /> - - -- -- -_ - --- - -- - -- - -- - _ _ - - -- - --- - -- - --_ _--- - --- - -- -- ------ - --
<br /> - - - - - _ --- -- - -_ -- - ---- --- --- -- - -- -- - ------- - - - - ------- - --------- - - -- - ---------- ---- -- -------------
<br /> Tobether tivitli all the tene��lents, l�eredi�ainents, and appurter.a,llces tliereunto belon�ing, znd all the .Es��,te, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dotiver, Curtesy�, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoevel° of the said Grantor__g______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any pa.rt thereof.
<br /> TO H_�VE AND TO HOL1� the above-described prem.ises, u�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______and to_____________h_�.,� _________._____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, Ard_______.__. _s�1�3_________.__hereb� covenant_______with the said Grantee___________that________�'_�________hold__________said premises �y good and perfect
<br /> title.; trat___ _______3��_______. ___ha__ve_goo�l right and la�✓fiil authoriry to sell and corlvey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- --------..---- - - -- -_ ------ ----- --- - -- - -- - - -_------- - ---- -
<br /> ---_ -__ --- - - ------ --- --------------------------
<br /> ------- ------ - ---- -- -- --- - -_---- - - -- -- - _- - - -- - - --- --- - ---- ---- - - --- - ----- ----- --- -- - ------- ---- ------- - ---------------
<br /> -- -- - .__ - --- -- - - ----- - - ---- ---- -- -_--�lnd------ - - ---�t8- - --- -- - - ------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defena��said premises against the lawfi1l claims of all persaiis whomsoever, ______ _.___________________________________________________.___.
<br /> - -- ---- -- - -- -- -- --------------------
<br /> Dated the- --- 4-tYa. - - -__- ----- --cIay of_- - -.���Cl�.__..--- -- ---- -----------A. D., i9�.1--- �
<br /> WITNESS --------------------Th�ma,a--J-�-C��i on-----------------------------------
<br /> ------------�1�._����yh---�_�:�p_�.on-----�------------------------
<br /> ------ - --- - -- - A.�_I_._DeLfln�-- - -- -- -- - ---
<br /> STATE OF U��Y1-- '- .�-,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------- - -- ---tTt�h- - ---County, On this-- - ----�th------- - - - ---------day of_--�-- --��3�_��1--- -------------------A. D., i911.---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a iVotary Public____s3�}2s�in���______________________within and for said County, personally came _________
<br /> - - -- - ---1'��or���--�7-,_�a:;.�a�.��.--�n�.--�_13z_��_�_��- -Carap-i-axt-------------------------- -------------------------------------------
<br /> hu sk��.nd and v:if e
<br /> - - -- - - ---- -- -- -------------- ----------------------�------- -_ -- - ---�-------------------------------- ------------ -------------- - -------------..
<br /> t��AL� to me personally known to be the identical person__�_______wllose name�________�_8________________________afl'ixad to the above instru-
<br />' lalent as grantor._�_____, and___�h�Y_.__________severally acknowledged the same to J�e____:�h��r___________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressecl.
<br /> It�' T�'ITPIESS WHERFOF I have hereunto subscribed m ��'
<br /> y`�,7¢�and affixed Iny of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ----------�'�U_Y_o_,__tJ 4�h---------------------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------------------- ---��-�.�eLang------------------
<br /> 1Votary Public.
<br /> 1l2y comn�ission expires---------------------- ---------�ug_�th------------------------------------------------�`�---�=�---
<br />