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<br />� 500�$—KLOPP&B.9 R'fLF,7'T CO.,Prinli�ap,T.itho�raphi�xp a�ad Count�Stapplies:O+�vahc:. ` �___._-_- --..�_._.�—
<br /> FRD]VI I herehy certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical rndex a,nd
<br /> filed for reeord this--- ------- __ _ 9---------_day o£--------_3'd3_T__Ch---------- - -
<br /> - --
<br /> �. D., 19_.11- , at-- -- - -- -- -11_ - dclock-- -- - A.__M,
<br /> ___ _ G.1°���1i11iamson--�-- �'�.ife_ --- --- --- - Warranty
<br /> � � T� Deed. ����
<br /> � �
<br /> Ra� �� - - - - - - - ---
<br /> ister of De s ����;,
<br /> � .S.Fairk�anks
<br /> __ ._ - -- -
<br /> ___ -- - -_- - --- ._ - -
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> I����v 1�1� I�en by Th�se Pr�es�nt�:
<br /> That--_-_ C.,';,�7i 11 iamg�n _ancl. I,e ona___�i ll i ams on, -h i s .��i f e-------- ------ -- ------
<br /> - - _ - - --- - -- --- - - - -- - - ---- --
<br /> of the Cour�L3' ol---- ----- ---- -- _ r�311 --- . _ __ _.ancl State of-- _ _ --- -Nt3't)r�Ck3 - -- - - - -- ---------Grantor-�---, in c�nsideration
<br /> of the surn of- - Cn� ��1u]'�c��'ed �'4�;8n�y-f 1,Y8__ - -------- - - - ------- --- - ------ ------- --- -- ------- -- -----DOLLARS,
<br /> ----- -----
<br /> in hand pa.id, clo- --------- ---_1ial�et�y G��1�TT, �ARG_=1I���, �SF:LL, APrD Cc�NT�EY unto_ ._ .__E.S.F'airbanka
<br /> of the Count3� of..- - -------- ------- lIall_ _ - - -_ _------- ._ar�c� Stata of. __- ---I`3Qbr�s ka-- - - ------ --- - __, Grantee_-----,the following
<br /> _______ ___`r��ll ___________._and Stat.e of Nebraska, to u�it:
<br /> dascribed premises,siniated iz�the Couuty of � �
<br /> _Lot E;.�;Yit- --(t3-�- i� �31o_ck___�QVen�_��� .��'+ ) _of__ �chiramQ__r'-s-,_Adclition --t�- -tZio _City-of Grand _Island,
<br /> - - _ �iebraska,_ a� s�r_v�y�a,�lat_tec� a�d_ ��_�nr_ciecl. -- - -- --- - - -
<br /> Toge�ther tivitl7 alI the tene�r�en�s, hereciitalnents, an1 appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Est�,te,R•ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoevc-r of the said G�°antor_____�_.__, a��'� , or an art thereof,
<br /> ����, of, in, or to the same y p
<br /> TO H�TTE 9ND TO HGLD the above-described pren�ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_._._ __and to_____,_________hi5_____ ___._.____heirs and
<br />! a,ssigns forever, An_�i.____________ __!��__ _____hereby covenant_ _____tivith the said Grartee__ ______that__...______=�'�e_________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br />�'; title; that____ _ ___?t1e__._______f�a_ 4Qgood right aild la��ful autharity to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all lieris and incumbrances
<br /> E � �
<br />� whatsoever----- -- - -- _- -- - ___ -- -- --_ _ --- ---- - ----- - - -- ---- --- -- - --- - - ---- - ----- - --- - ------- --- -----------------
<br />� -- - __ ._- - - -- _--- --- -- - - - - - - -- - -- --- --- - -- ---------
<br />� And --._..- ------ -- -------w�.----_ -------- ----------------cavenant--------to warrant and
<br /> - -_ - - ----- - -- _ __ _ . -_-_
<br />� th e
<br />! defend totsaid premises against t11e lati��f'uI c?ai�ns of all persol�s wl�omsoever, -----------------------------------------..---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------- ----- ------- ------.__. ._ ___ . -- - - -- - - - -- -- ---- -- -- ---- - -- ------- ---- ---- - ---- -- ---- - ------------------ -------- -----
<br /> Dated the- - _ 9th -_ -- -- - - _da�� of--_ __. __._i�dTCh_ - - - -- - -----A. P., 191�----�
<br /> WIZ��TESS --------------------0_..�a._�7illi_a�czn--------- ------------------------
<br /> , - -- --------- -L�9na___�9�._lliamson--------------------------
<br /> L.r.Allan �
<br /> ------ - --- ----------- ---- ------- - ----------------------------------- ---
<br /> i STATE OP+ NEBRASK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -----------------H�,1-1------_County, On this------------------.--��h------------------day of_-----�;�1�r_�---- --------A. D., 19-_-11-, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a iYotary Public-----------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came-------------------------------------------------------- --------
<br /> ---____U,:�i.��i l l i ams__on--and---Lo o na--�f i 11 i a��om_--1--h;�-s---W__i�e----------------------------------------------
<br />'�
<br /> -- -- -- - ------ -- -- - --- --- --- ---------------- --- --- - . _---- ----. . ---------------- ------------ -- --------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�______whose name__._S______��___________________a,fi'ixed to the above irstru-
<br /> (:EAL) tnent as grantor_...�____, and____th_�y.__________severally acknowledged the same to be__.____�he�r________voluntary act and deed
<br /> f for �he purpose therein expt�essed. n Q
<br />' IN ti�'ITNESS WHEREOF I 11ave nereunto�Qbzn,�b,Yed my f�and affixed my of�cial seal at---------------------------------------------
<br /> I� _.___�x3nt1_I�landi___Ty?e�r_,3_n_fi�.i.sl_________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------ ---------- ------. ._L_._r�Allan--------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My coanmission expires--------------- -__----- --'��t ---�4------191F�-----------------------------------i9-----------
<br /> E _
<br />