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� <br /> ��7�� <br /> . � �� <br /> � D (D ° ( O ° D <br /> J � o ��� <br /> -_. . _��_ __ __ _: _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __- . _.-__ _ _ _ __ _-- _ -- __ -- — <br /> _ _ _ . � <br />� .-- _ --y_ �9Q48-XLOP1�&BAI�TLETT CD,Prxnlzn�Lztlu�ra.�¢nd Coanly Supplzes O;mQh __ _ -- - -_- -- - ____ .-- --- ._.__—_----.-- - - __---- __= <br /> _ :-. _ .__ <br /> :__: _ _._--. ___._ _ _ _ � � _. � <br /> , <br /> ERONI I hereby certify thaL this instrument was entered on Numerical Iiidex and <br /> filed for record triis------------$'Eh----------------day of------�aT-�Yl----------- ------------- <br /> ---- - - -- ----- - ---- - ---- ---- - - - <br /> , A. D., 19�..�_- � at . -_ __.__u_.15-- - --o'clock--- - - - -P. -M, <br /> Lucy-3�I.�tilseY� a- �ric�ow_ . ____- - -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> ��%9��.� - - - _...- -- - -- - <br /> --- - �- - - <br /> ' Register of Deed c��aC�, <br /> - - - - l�ar�,aret--R..aarver--- - -- - .; <br /> - --- --- - --- --- -- - -- - -- - ------ --- -- -- -- <br /> �epuiy, <br /> I�now All 1Vlen by Tliese Pr�esents: <br /> T11at- --Z�--LuC'�-I,I.._�fils�y�- --- ----- - -- -- -- --- - -- -- --- -- - - - - -- - -------- <br /> ( a wiclow ) <br /> - of the Count,y of---------------------Fie_n__ry-,--------- ----and State of------I_ll__inois ------- - ---------------------------------Grantor-------, in c�nsideration <br /> of the sum of - -- -T1�4--�IuT]Cixed --��ld--�0��_0_4---- - --- ---- - -------- ----- ---------- - ---- ------------------------- ------------------ ----------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do____ ._______hereby GRA?1T, B�RG.�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto..__ l��r�_aret __I�,�ax'VE3�__________ .____ <br /> - - ------ ---- - ---- -- - ------- - - - - - -_.. ---- - - - - -- - - - - - - - ---- - - - -- - - - - -- --- <br /> of the County of- - - - --- Hall -- ---and State of___ . -- 'i18�1'aaka- - - - -- - , Grantee ,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the County of_____..__________ __________H311_._________________________ancl State of Nebraska, to ���it: <br /> ____�,o_�s_.�um'�or_---Eour--(4-)-- _and Fiva ---(5-)-------in__F�lock._Nunk�e�--Eight-- (-8-�---P�.cke�_� _B�rr-'-s--Aac�i�ion---------------- <br /> -- to__�'rand Islana_ Iso�ara�ka;- as._s_urYQyQd�-�la�-�ed_ and��ra�d_. - - - - -- _ - -- -- ---; --- ': <br /> ---- -- - --- - - -_- -- - _ -- - - - ----_ _ __ _ - - -- -- -- -- -- ---- - - - - -- - - --- ---- ------ - -------------- <br /> -- --- - - - ------ - -- - - - _ -- - ---- -- - - - - -- �-- ------- ------ - - - -- --- ----- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - - ---------------- <br /> Tebether with all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and dll the Estate,Right, Title, Inte,rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Gra�ntor_____________ and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO H!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenanr,es, unto the said Grantee_________.and to___..._.___.___he r_______.___.:____heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And________.___I_____.______.___hereby covenant________with the said Grantee__._______that_____.___I_____.___hold_._____said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___.__._____I_______________ha_ve_good right and Iawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------- --- - ---..---------- ------- - ---- - -- - - ----- - -- - ------ - -- -- -- --- ------ --- -- ---- --- ------ ---- --- --- -------- -- - - - - ------------------------- : <br /> ----------- - ---- ---- --- -- --- - - -- - - ----- -- - -- -- - - --- --- -- -- -- - - ----- ----- - - -- - - --- ------- --- --------------- --------------------- ----------- <br /> ---- -------- <br /> --- -- -- - And---- -- ------- - --�- - ---- --- -----------covenant------to warrant and <br /> '��1E3 <br /> defend �said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ________..._________________________.__________________________ ____________-------- i <br /> Dated the-----T*�_v_enty_-fouTth-------------da,y of_---------�"ebruaTy.-----.------------------.__A. D., 19--11----, ' <br /> WITNESS --- ------------------�S��y_--�:1._R1_31�9y ------------------ <br /> � <br /> ------ - ---------Rena---i�_._Lang�lan --- - - -- ---- - ' <br /> - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� <br /> �T.E. Ca rt e r -- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF ��.����'�}ia <br /> ss. <br /> _Los__An$�7:8�---------County, On this ���i------------------------day of----.-------,��a�Ch----------------------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the : <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public____________a�p0i11t�d_______.____within and for said County, personaliy came <br /> ----- _L_u-�y--��,�_�ilse�'----- ----a--�iclo-w--------- ------- -------------- --- ----------------- - ----------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person whose name_________________..__1Q____. __afl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor__________, and______8he.___________s��� acknowledged the same to be_____________her_________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. n�e <br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�xed my ofi'icial seal at___________________________________________ ' <br /> _._Los__An�eles___,___California_______________.______on the date last above written. <br /> --------------Fxede ri ck__C..I,angdon--------------------------- <br /> Zdo tary Pu�li c in and f o r Notary Public. <br /> 1VIy commission expires----------�13�ch--3�d--1S14---------------------�-c���Y---�f-_I�os._1.�nge_les, State of ; <br /> California � <br /> i <br />