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� <br /> � � � � <br /> �;:. � � � � o � o � <br /> �, � o <br />� _- _ _ _-_ _ - -- __�-_ _ �_- <br /> `�DOdfl—KLOPP c��BAKTLETT CO.,Prinling,I,ilhagr¢phirzg and Caunty Svepplies;Omahe. ����� � � ��'" � "-" <br /> FR��T I hereby certify trat this instrnment was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this---. _.---7th---- ----------day of_----------RdBr-Ch---- ---- ------- <br /> A, D., 1911_ __, at . - . - -- -- .- 4_.45-- - -o'clock __ - - P__�__M. <br /> _-- --- --Jane__ ARc��Sul1e_r. �• tius�ancl _ _ _ Warranty <br /> 2�o Deed. � <br /> - - - _. <br /> -- -- -- _- - - -- <br /> Register of I� eds �asi��"��;� <br /> ___ ---._. John_�.�u:L�a,� _ __ -- - <br /> -- - - -- - - _ -- <br /> _ _ -- ----- lleputiy-. - <br />� �11 1VIea� by Tlies� I're�ents o <br /> That_ _ J�ne--i�ci�eluller.-__forri�x�.y-�'�ne ��r�rm, _an�i.__Ax_�Y�Y r�.�_c:yiullen_}_ her___hushand,---- ---- -------- --------- <br /> ------- <br /> of the County of----- __.- _- - __ �-��1�,- - -----anc� State of_-- -----.__T�e.Lx��ka--- -------------- ------- ----- ----------Grantor-�---, in cnusideration <br /> of thz sum cf - �ou�' ._fi�LOUu�.rld -& oo -_ - - __ - --- ------------ -- - - - ---------------- ---- ---- ------------ --- -------------- --- ------- - --------DOLI�ARS, <br /> ir� hard paid, do-- --- - -----liereby GRt1:V'�', BA_R�AI�T, SELI�, AI�'D CONVEY urito-------Jphn---L�,��.J.1�___ _. .- ------- ._ . <br /> of the Cou�7tV of_--- -.-----------iiall -_ _- -- - - ___ _- ----_ard State of_-- --- --I�TeUr��_: a----- - - - - - _-----, Grantee------,the following <br /> described preinises, situated in the Cou�lr,y of______.__ _ _ __ __ _Itall_____._._ _ _____ __________a,nd State of Nebraslsa, ta wit: <br /> -- _ _T__hc_-�IQ�t -ha�.�..Q.�'___�he__TT�rth__�a�t- -C�u�r_Lex--s�f- -S�.c.tion---(�Q-)----Ti�e_nty--in. ��_�rnshi� ---�11�---J�_levsn ��orth_ <br /> of__Ra��e__.�1N� -t:4��lvo _�e_�t_ of_ t.�e 6_th P.-��I. _ <br /> -- The__�a�d_J�n4. k.t_c�,iullcn-c�a:- -fc�r-r:�es-1y-.Iane----�r_own-,-- -�icl.c��v--of--l►ndra�u--i�r_o�vn-,--De_�ea���i-,--ar_d--�h�------------ <br /> �ecaived tl�e- -t_itle---t�--ar�id. l_a_ncl_ tt.lrr�ugY�.--i=��---la�t -�Ii.11__ an�i__Te��airi�nt__a_s____su.�h wlclov�---- ------ <br /> - - -- ---- --- -- <br /> Together witl� ail trie tenen_ients, hef°editalnents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, ancl all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Dernand wliatsoever of the saicl Gralltor___.____._, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO I�%�ti'E AlvD TO IiOLI� the above-cl�sci�ibed premises, ti=✓ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__.____ __ __hi�______________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And________.._v1e________. ______hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee__. . _____that____.__y,�_________ __hold_______said premises by good and perfeet <br /> title; that____ _.�.�'a____.___._________ha_v_�_gocd rigllt and lawful aizthorit,y to sell and convey the same; that �1iey are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------ -- - ---- _---- -- - - --- - - - - - - ------ -- - -- - - -------- - -- ---- - - - ---- --- ---------- ------ - - ------------------------ <br /> - -- -- - --- - ------- ---- - -- --- - - ------- -- - --- - - ---- ---------- ---------- <br /> I - ----- ---- --- - <br /> -- _ --- - --- ------ <br /> -- -- --� ._ <br /> _ _ - - --- -- <br /> - - --- <br /> - -- - - - -- -- And --- -- -- t:e ----- ---------------covenant-- ----to warrant and <br /> �e <br /> cIefend�e said prem.ises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____.________.___ _________ <br /> -- ----- -- -- - --- _ - - - -- ----.__- - --------- --- - ---- --- -- --- - - --__--- --- - - ---- -- - ------- --------------------- --------- , <br /> 1)ated the- -- -- 7_ti� - --- --' of--._ Id4�.�Ch ------- - - - -- --- ----.A, D,, 19_1__1----- � <br /> WITNESS Jan� :�;ic P�lullen <br /> - ------------,F�,x-�iy-�_ic�,4ullen-- -------------------------- <br /> - ---- - - - J��.n--Ft_..Th_c�x.���o�a.- -- --_- - <br /> STATE Oi+ NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> ----_. --- -- -iit���- -- _---County, On this-- ------f�h - - ------------------day of_- --- ��It�_Gh--- ---- --------------------A. D., 19---1-1--, before me, the <br /> I undersi�r�ed, a Tlotary �ubli�-- ---------------------------within and for said County, personaily came-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />, _-.T_anQ---2.1_chtullsn__f_or_m�-x-ly--�ans__��rQwn3--�n�i--Ar_�hy _----Pdxcl�ull�n-,--_her---hus�.�.n.d------------- <br />' ---- - - - - ---- ---- ---- - -------------- - ------ - - --_... -- --------------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------- <br /> to me perconaliy known to be the identical person_._g_____i�hose nan�eEZ__�.r_e____________.____________,ai�xed to the abave instru- <br /> (:�AL} ment as grarltor__..�_____, and________�.�,1_e�,�__.______severally acknowledged the same to Ue___u�1eiT__.__________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> rar1e - <br /> IN T�ITIVESS WHEREON' I have hereunto subscribed my '�and afCixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ________________�x�nti__Z_gland__i�eb�_________.________._______._on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------------- -JQhx�--�a.�'�a�gson--------------------- <br /> f��_�c Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------- - ---------------- ----------`-'-----`=-`-'-------------------------------------------�9------ln <br />� <br />