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<br /> � S.Y7u!� I.ender and Forrower otheravise agree in writing, all awards. payments or judgments. including interest F � --
<br /> ;� thereon,for any injury ta or decrease in the value of the Propetry received by Borrou�er will be used to mstore the Propetry or f .. --
<br /> � applied to the payment of sums secured by this Securiry Insuvment, whether or not thea due, with any eacess paid to � —
<br />_ ,^ . � •
<br /> � Bomower. Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extead [ ,. � " : --"
<br />• or postpoae the due date of the monthly payments referced to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amounts of the payments. E • ,�
<br /> Bormwer agnees tbat in the event aa award,paymeat or judgment includes compensation for both injury or decrcase in the
<br /> ' value of the Properry and campensation for any other injury or lo�s,the toial amount of sach award, paymcnt or judgment k � '.�.
<br /> i shall be deem�d comgensatioa with resgect to the Progerry and Borrower hereby consents to I.end�r's interveation iuto any - -� — : --=..-.:: `
<br /> proceedings regazd'mg the Progrerty- 4 `
<br /> 7. L oan App l ica t ion P r o c c s s.B orrower s h a ll b e in de f a u lt u n d.er t h i s Securiry Insuument,if Borrower,during the loan ;: •°'���
<br /> applicadon process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or MafP*�+P*+u w Lender(or failed w provide I.ender with � _ . ��.;�'
<br /> any material inforn�ation directiy bearing an Lende�'s decision to extend credit to Borrower), in connectioa with the loaa • ��
<br /> evidenced by the Note. . �1:�-'�'_� -
<br /> 8. Pr�teciIon of Lender's Itights ia the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the oovenants and agreements wntained � '���'j
<br /> i��Security Insuument,or there is a tegal pmcxeding that may sigaificantly affect Lender's righu in the Ptoperty(such as �. . • `
<br /> a��ding i�bankrupttiy,probate,for ca�slemnation,forfeiture or to enforce laws or tegiilations).then Lender may do and .* : `''���-
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propercy. I.ender's aaions may ' _
<br /> . incc=ude PaYing anY sums seeiued by a lien wluch has priority over this Serurity Instrument, aPPearing in court, P�8 . _ -
<br /> � �o n a b l e a tt o m e y s'f e e s a n d e n t e r i n g o n t h e P r o p e rt y t o m a k e r e p a u s o r a b a t e n u i s a n ce s.A l t h o u g h L e n d e r m a y t a k e a c t i o n ' • � ~ ��-= �
<br /> ir 3er this Paragraph 8, I.ender does not have to do so. The right of Lender to pra.act L.ender's rights ia the Froperty shall
<br /> :;s inclnde the right to obtain at Bor�ower's empense,property inspoctions.csedit reports,appraisals,opinions of value or other • "„-=' 'r
<br /> " expert opinions or repo:ts unZess prolubit�by law. � '`,E-�*'�IF'.�'• --
<br /> ... Any amouats disbursed by Lender uader this Paragraph 8 shall become additionai debt of Boaower secured by this � .. a.t �' .'�.
<br /> r� � s
<br /> � Sa�riry Instrument.Unless Bormwer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the f ': � ..
<br /> �:�:.of disbursement ai We Note rate aud shall be payable,with interest,upon demand of I.eader. F '` - •�� E�
<br /> . 9. Mortgage Insmanoe. If Lender required mortgage �ncnranCe as a Condition of making the loatl SeCUCed by this � . �
<br /> .,` .`�
<br /> , SECUriry InstNment, Eorrower shall pay�:premiums required to�:�.--�tain the;n�,*�nce in effect until such tune as the � =��-: �. -
<br /> requitiemeat for the�nc��rnn�terminates in axotdanCe wit11 Borr�wer's zad Lender's written agreement or applicable law. • ' ' ` --
<br /> 10. Inspedtoa Lender may make or cause to be made reasonab2e entcies upon and inspections of the Property p vided . .�. �� ' �
<br /> , ro
<br /> � t�t Len�ler shall give Borrow�notice prior to azry such inspection specif'ying reason�le cause theiefor as related to Ixnder's I '�;�� ��� .• ,
<br /> ` inter�st iu the Property. �� � f ., ^ �.:.
<br />" � 11. Condemnatton.The proceads of any award or claim for da.�;es,direct or consequentiai,in connection with azry �-.�'�'�"- �' �.�, 4 _.
<br /> ' wndemnation or other t a k i n g of the Pro ` • '' •:�-��
<br /> perty,or part thereof,or for wnveyance in lieu of wndemnation,are hereby assigued ,.,.,
<br /> ai�;_.
<br /> and shall be paid to Lender,subject to the terms of aay mortgage,deed of uust or osher security agreement with a Iien which � � � � �.�-�'
<br /> has priorlty over this Secudry Insuument. '�•'.'�' - '�:,.-''` ; ..
<br /> , 1 n t h e e v e n t o f a t o i a l t a k i n g o f t h e P r o p e rt y, t he p r o c e e d s s h a ll be app li e d to t he sums s e a u e d by t h i s S c r.u r lry •=�-�.,,��_•;�-.•-
<br /> Inshument,whether or not then due.with aay excess paid to BosoRea. In the event of a partial talcing of the Property in ,,-���`,__—°
<br /> whicL the fair market value of the Properry immediately befon the taldng is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums '� '�'' =-� �
<br /> . sect�red by this Security Insuument immediately bcfore the taldng,ualess Borrower and Lender otherwIse agree la writing,the �����:..
<br /> s�s secured by this Securiry Insuument shall be reduoed by the amonnt of the pru�eds multiQlied by the foltowing fiaction: �
<br /> �.�,.�.,,:�� --
<br /> � � (a�ahe total amount of the s�s secured immediately before the taYing,divide�by(b)the fair marYet value of the Ptoperry ���. �;;�'�;;�-•
<br /> immediately before the taldng. Any balaace shall be paid to Borrowe3. In the event of a paztial taldng af the Property in ._t. _
<br /> '' which the fair market value of the Prope�y immediately befoze th: c�dng is less thaa the amouat of the sums secured
<br /> immediately before the taking, unlcss Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law othecwjse ��.;��,:-
<br /> s.a�ides,the pmceeds shall be applied w the sums securs�by this Securiry Instr�ment whether or aot the sums are Wen due. :.,,n„L:
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or:L after noace hy L,eader to Borrower that the conde�or offers to ---•..:�_��
<br /> . �ake an awazd or settte a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is . . . �-_
<br /> given,Lender is authorjzed to wllect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to reswration or repair of the Property or �• . ' , —
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Iastrument,whether or not then due. '" . , �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of procecds to principal shall cmt extend or . � •
<br /> �e�tpone the due date of the�ontlily payments refemed to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 or c�nge the amount of suc�a pz�ents. . �
<br /> it. �orrower Not Reteased;Forbwrance By Ler.�ea Not a Waiver;Acceptance of P�rtlal Pbymeat.L�aaeasion of the �� . � . �
<br /> f time for payment ot modification of amortl7ation of the sums secured by this Security Instn��t granted by Lender to • �
<br /> Borcower or any successas in interest of Bonower shall not operate to release. in any manner, the liability of the original .
<br /> hBAASKA DPED OF TRUST�e�o�i Orjg�aal - Record •�—`--
<br /> M003-4NE Pooe<o�� 0086320033 f . .. �.:
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