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<br /> � � a
<br /> _ _ 500�8—FC.+.OPP c@ B�t R_T7 ETT CO..Printi�z9,LiChographinq and County Supptiesr Omrzhc,. ' -" - - -_,__. _ .-.=__�._—�--_____�_�-. _,-��_i-____��.
<br /> �R��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on 1Vutnerical Index and
<br /> �::_11�n.. ��'_..�_t3ck�r_ant�_3-.u��tAnd-.-- filed for record this___ _ -- 7th_ --- ------day of_____�a��h __------ - -
<br />'' �, D,, 19_ll - , at -1U.15 ---- --- _ o'clock-- -- - A..._ __ _M.
<br /> - - -- _ __ ---- -- - ._
<br /> _ __ . - - � Warranty
<br /> TO Deetl. '
<br /> __ -� _ _ - - - - - -
<br /> - -
<br /> R�gis�or of Dee - - ��ast����
<br /> �.
<br /> - -_ . I�lYron J,Hi�rae.e - - -- - �
<br /> - - - _ _- -- -
<br /> ----- - --- - ---U8j1Uiy,
<br /> -___ - ___ - -- -- - _- - ._ _ --/
<br /> �now Ail I�en b� Tl�e�e Pr+esents:
<br /> That,___�llen- .?-._De c�.ex _�ncl �7��__l��_�l��ex s hex _7;.us�ana• of___�h_� �i�� -of_ rr-and__Ieland, - - - - - -- -- -- - --- --
<br /> ------�n �he- Co�znty-o�'. _�i�ll s- Stato_ of--�y�br,_ -- -- --- ---- ---- - - - - - --- -
<br /> c��i��Ee�,�-af_: - __ -- -- - -- - a,i�I-,�o-ef__ __---_ __ -_ _ -_ - - _ _ -- - - -- - - ---------Grantor__s___, iri consideration
<br /> of the sunl o£ - Cne--T7�_ou�ana �Ii�.--Fif tY - - - -- - -- -------- _-- -------- -- ---------- ---------- ---- -------- ------------ --------DOLLARS,
<br /> -----------
<br /> in hanc.� naid, do---- _ _._-hereby Ct.R�v'T, �ARGAIN, S�;LL, Aiti7I� CONV�Y unto_ ___---Z�!%yz'on .7,��i.�b_8� _._.__-__---- -
<br /> ---of._ the__�ity- o�_r�r_and _Island __ - - - - -- - - ---- - - - -- _ . - - -
<br /> - ----- ----- - ----
<br /> of the County of---- -------- ----.---- _Hail -_.._--- ----ai1d uta.te of--.. - -----. _____------ --aIQ'►�raska- - ----- ----- _ __------- -----, Grantee-----,the iollowing
<br /> c�escribed prernises, sitt�ated in tlie County of_.______. __ _____ _ _ ____ ____-H3.11____________._______�,nd State of 11�ebi°aska,, to i�•it:
<br /> ---I,o�� __r_��r��or--ThrQ-e- (�)- -Fnur----�rr)----and--F-i-us---(�.;-)- -i-n- �1oc-I.- -n-uirlbEr---T-���o--�2-}- -�n- -P1-easant--Hi-11--l�dai�_�-on %
<br /> --to the City of xrand _Islana-as- -�he_ �anio - �vaa--ari�;inally_-�lattea_,---�uxveyQCi__anci---re�orded-,-- --------------
<br /> Together wit:� all the �enerne���s, ��el°ec'[ita��?e1�ts, and appurteliances thereunto belonging, and all the Estata,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoeti-er of the said Grazztor__S_____, ancl of eitlier of them, of, in, or to the same, or a,ny part thereof,
<br /> 7'0 H_�tiE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,ti�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to______._______h�s____________.___heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. Ar.d_tha._..�r_antQx�ihereby covenant________with t11e said Grantee________thac__.__thB_y_______hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____t71�Y _-_-_-_----_ha_u$-gcod rigl�t a��d la�;�ful authority to sell �,nd conyey the same; that they are free �,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- -------- --------- ---- --- -- - ------- - -- -- - - ----- --- ------- - - -- - --------- ---- ---------- ---- -------- --
<br /> ----- ---- - -- - -- - --- - - - ---- - - - -- - ---- - - - - ---- - ------- --- - ---- ----- - -- -- - -.--- - ---- - --------- - --------------------
<br /> -- -- --�- ----- --.._ -- - -- --
<br /> ---- - -- --�1nd----- - - - - they-- - - ------ ------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend��e--said premises agains� trze lawful cla,ilns of'all persons ��homsoever, ____ ______. ._____ _._____ _______ _ _ _________ ___ _______ _____ _
<br /> - - --------- --- --- -----_.
<br /> -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- --._.. --- - -- - ----- -- - -- ---- - ---- -- - ------ ------ --- --- - - - ---------------- -----------------------------------
<br /> 1�ated the-- - i o'�,�th - - _ __day of-- - -�'���arCh- ----- -- - - --------t�, D., 19__�1 __,
<br /> �
<br /> �VITNESS ---------------------�����.---R7_.�?v c�.�r------------------------------------
<br /> r':11 �8Cr:8T
<br />, --- - - --- -- ---- Thor_n_au--�T-..L�ne -- -- _ _ -
<br />' ----- ---- ------ - Crl�.x_],ea �s�k_�r - - - -- -- -
<br /> ss. �
<br /> Ha..7.1 ---- - ----County, On this- ---- -`i-�r1-- - ------- --- ---------day of_------- 3���_��1-- ------ ----------------A. D., 19��-----, before me, the
<br /> unde�°si¢r�ed, :z, �,Ju�ti-Ce -c�.f---th�---P--e�-G�-------------wi�hin and for said G`ounty, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - - �1_l.en �'._T�_ck.�r__anu �l:i--�e-ckQ-r--------- --------- --- ------------ ------ -------------------------- -----------------
<br /> to me personaily knawn to be the identical person.S_______whose name__�_____�r�_________.____________�,L�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> n�e�it as gra,n_tor__�________, and________*�;ho_�t.__..___--_severaliy acl�nowledged the same to �e____u.,�ej.�.__________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein exFressed.
<br /> I�'�i �VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribe�my� and afCixecl my o�cial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> rr�nd---L�13n�-------------------------------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> - -----------'�.'ho�a�---Y-•R�-xa-------------------------------
<br /> �e�� Just i ce of the Peace ����iac
<br /> Myc� expires-----�Zaxl---l�t-----------'1�1�------------------------------------------------------x�------------
<br />