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<br />� FR01vI I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was enterec� on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- - _----- _4_th-- .----__day of._.___ _I�a_r�h_---- .- ---_------- -
<br /> �. D,, 19.11.__ , at - - - - -3..4.0.. _o'clock -. . ..........._._P-.--M.
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<br /> I'�e�ister of Deeds x��t�C���
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<br /> �ow All IVien. by T�iese �'resex�ts :
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<br /> of the Coi�ntj� of- ---------- �ial1 --. _ ----- ---<�,nd Sta,te of------ _ -_P1�b.��,��:a--- ---- --- ----------Grantof�-8---, in consideration
<br /> o�'the sum ot_'_____�ne Thouaand____ and__no�100___ _ __ ___._ _______DOLIlARS,
<br /> - - ----- - ---- - - -- -- ------ -- ---- - ------- -- -- -------
<br /> in 11anc1 paic�, do.__ -----------hereby GPANT, B�1RG�lI�`; SE�L, ���'D CONVEY unta ---------J-ohi1--T�'exl.t--_.._
<br /> of tre Countv �f---- ---------- - - IiEtll__--___- . _----------and State of_ __ --- -tl���ask�._._--- - - -----, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> described prer�ises, situated iii��he Coullty oi'_ __________..____1ia1__1___ _.__a,ild State of 1Vebraska, to wic:
<br /> ----Lo.t_-nu�„���r--Eour_ -(4)- i-n- -�3_l0�1�---n��,l��r �'aur ��}__--Rus-3el- '�.�s-1-�-�s -Ac�dit�r��-�a-��ar�d- -T-slar�d-f------
<br /> ���cbr��s�:a, a� surveyed, plat�tad and recoraQd.
<br /> Together u�iil� aIl the tenel�nents, hereditalner�ts, arld appurtenances �l�ereu�ito belon�ing, and all t�e Estate, R.ibht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand wh�,�soev�er of ihe said Grantor_�____, and of either of'them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO K:4VE AIdD TO HOLD the above-described pt�emises, wiih the �,ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_______________hi_s_______ ________heirs and
<br /> a,ssi:gns forever, And__________Y,i�_ _ __________hereuy covenant______�✓ith the said Grantee__._._____that_____._��e_____., .___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; tlzat_ ______.._t�te__._________��,_ve_good rig��t an�, lav��iul a,uthorit,y to setl a,nd convey the same; that tlleyare free and clear of �Il liens and incumbrances I
<br /> /
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<br /> --- - - - - __. -- -__ ---
<br /> - - And------ -- - - ---- -- ---- - -tiv�------ --- ----------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend�saicl �remises against the lawful claims of�,Il persolis whomsoever, ________ ________ _______.____.______ ________ ______._ ____
<br /> ---- -- --- -- - -- - ---_ - -- - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - ------ - ---._.-------- --------- ---- ------- ---- - -- -------------- - ------------------- ----------
<br /> Dated trie- -- S��Ox1S� - - - _ -�_da,y of_---- 2�F�rCh ---- -A. D,, 19- --11.-,
<br /> u'I1 NESS w.C.Hu.�t Ori
<br /> Anna 1�.Hust on
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<br />�', --- - .---- ----�oae--E_._Han�_en- - ------ ---- -
<br /> .T.F.Pi11
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<br />'I ------ -- ----- --- ----------- -- - --- - -- -- -- ! - - -- - -,7Qas_ie---�-�-Di11�=-------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> - I_I�11------------County, On this--------�s_Cnnt�-------------------da,y of_-----------��-r-�-----------------------A. D., 19_11---, before me, the
<br />, undersif;necl, a iYvtary Ylablic_____________3P1?oiTlted___________�✓ithin and for said C'ounty, personally carne
<br /> ------ -----<7-,_�_.�?a.11-- -an�i--�zif-e----�_ea�ie--r-.D_ill,--and_�_._C_.Fustor--�nd---�r�t'e---,An�a---��.H_u.:Lon
<br /> - - --- - -- ----- - - - - - ---- ---- ----- - ---------- ------ ----- ---------------------------------__-------- -----�-------------------------
<br /> to rne persanally knowr� to be the identical person�____.__whose nam�_____._A�r_e_________________________afnxed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL} rnent as grantor_�________, and______���?1_____._____severally acknowledged the sanze to i�e__.__.__�}�8�.x_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein ehpressed,
<br /> IN ti�IITNESS WIiEREOF I have hereunto subscriber�my�3d and afi'ixed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> , __________�r�n�..__I_u_1�T1�1_}-_2I�-�-r.____________--__--______-on the date last above written.
<br /> . -------------------------------___k�s��Q---�_Han�en-------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> , , ��a �0 ---------------------191�-------
<br /> My commissioli expires-------------- --------- -- ------- ---------�-------------------------
<br />