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<br /> � 500�8�—KLOPP�&BAli7`LET1'CO.,Printing,Lithoqrapliinp and Co�u�aty Suppfies:Omahc,: � � ��" ��—� _��"---��--���_'�� �
<br /> �'R���� I hereby certify that this instrum_ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for recerd this---- ___ 3__---------_.__day of_----��:rQh---,----------- ---------
<br /> �. D,, 19_1.l , at- -- 10_ -- -- --o'cIock--- - - -.A.. -D2.
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<br /> j•�-1�.�.- �-.-r a_��.:ls��o��h_ � Y�-ta..�;banci-- ---- Warranty
<br /> �0 Deed. f�J� /�
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<br /> Re�;l�ter nf De as c���c�1�
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<br /> I�n.ovv 1�11 NIer� by The�e I'resents : �
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<br /> - - - - - - --- - ---- -- ---- --
<br /> of the Colznt� of---- ------- -��ali._ ._- ----- ---- ------and State of---- --.----T1�:;?r��;k�,__----- ._.__.___ .--- ---- - ---------.Grantor--�----, iti consideration
<br /> ofthe sun� ot'-- - Save_n. _Thousand- - ---- - - -------- -- --- ---------- ----------- -- ----------------------------�---------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hatic'r paid, do.__ _. ------hereby G:��NT, I3�R,G_1I��', SELL, A11'D COl�ti'EY unto- - Caroline__�i.lUhm.-- -- ---- . _---------- - no�t
<br /> �f the Count.y of------- ---- ���11. __ - ---- -- _ _----- -----and Sta,te of____ ------_ NQi7x`at3_k3.. __ ---- --------- ------- - ----- ---------, Gra,ntee------,the following
<br /> deseri�ed pretr:ises,situ�ted ir3 the Co�zrity of____ ..___ __._ __ _ _ __����-�___. _ _________.___and State of Nebraska, to ti��ii:
<br /> t�ie �•res3t_e__rly__Forty --�ix--_���)_ feet _ of__Lot___nun�er ..Si�_(.�}_ in _�3__lock ntunt,er _Fifty h�ine -�59)-
<br /> � � �- - - - ---- - -
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<br /> t��e r_�c orr��ci_�lr�t _ tr��reof .-- -- -- -- - -- - --- - - - - _ - _._ _ __. _ - -- -- - -
<br /> -- -- --_ _ - -- __ -. _ - _. --- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- -- --- -- - - - ------
<br /> Togetl:er���th a11 the �en�l�ents, 1�ereciitalrlents, and appurtenances theraunto belorl�ing, 2nci all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim alid
<br />', 1�er?2and Whatsoey�er of the said Grarztor____�__, and of eit�'�er of them, of, i1�, or to the sa��ne, or any part thereof,
<br />' TO .��AVE A_ivD TO HOLI� %he ahove-describecl premises, tivith the �,ppurtenances, unto the sa.id Grantee.________and to___________he_r_____ __. ______heirs and
<br />' assigi�s forever. An�l_______�"76_-_ _____ ________hereby covenant________with the sai�l Grwntee______.____that______�"�e., ., _.___hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that________�e____________1�a-__vegoocI ri„�'at and ias�ful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that tlleyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_-----�x�-��.%-li--�1i�----un�:�ai�.--ia_ai�ic�r�---��_ _�avin�_ _�-�--r�zhich---grantee__Lsre_ir. _a�::ume-s--�x�cl---��r�_�a_.�o----------
<br /> -- - �aX-au--ac�l-i���r��1 �o ��e� -aho.ue -c�nu_ic:�er�tiun. -- -------- --- ----- - - -- -- - - ---- ----------- - ------------ - - -----------
<br /> - - --
<br /> - -- - -- - - - - __ _ --- --- - - --- -- - And---------- ----��'e--- -- - �-- -- - ----------------covenant--------to warrant and .
<br /> clefend��sa.id premises against t1�e lawful clairns of all persol�s uhomsoever, __ __���.ept___th�_.BaiC�_C_laim_of__r?�Ving___tax___________._______ _
<br /> ------ - -- - ------ -- - --- -- - - ---- -- ----- -- - - - -- - --- -- -- -_. --- -- - ----- ------------ -- -------------- -- -----------------------------
<br /> Dated the--- - SeCOnd _ -- - --da,y of_--.__ _1ri<^a_�'Ch -- -- - -- ---- ---- -------A, D., 19--Z�---�
<br />�, tiTJI1�iESS' ----------------------�?e�.�.&---1'y.�'��l��v�c��th--------------------------
<br /> L.F.Farn��r�orth
<br /> > - ------------------------------------------
<br /> �, ^ r��
<br /> - -- - -.7ar.�e.�_ -L-.._111- - - -- -- - ---
<br /> -- - - - - -- - -- - --- -- - - ---- - -- '
<br /> ss.
<br /> - F�al l -- ----County, , On this--- -- -:_e_;ond---- - ----------.day of_---T�ar ch-------- ---------------------A. D., 19---1�'-, before me, the
<br /> undersir;r_ed, a idoiary �'ubli�_ a�?��oant_8t1__________witnin and for said County, personally carne________________________________________________________________.__
<br /> �elia__A,Farns��J�rth_anc�---L._F.Farn�vyorth-, --(--��rife__ and__hlzUbana)----------------------------------------
<br /> to me laersoraity known to be the iden_tical person_.�_____whose nazne_s__are____._______ _____._______a�hed to the above instru-
<br /> (�EAL� ment as gra�itor__..�_.____, and___________�_'_°,.�"�______severally acknowledged the same to be_______________U e_ir_. luntary act and deed
<br /> ----- - - vo
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> Ii�' Li%ITNESS WHl�'R,EOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and af�'ixed my ofl'icial seal at____________________________.______________
<br /> �ra�1_a__��lan�,__i���r�r___.___________.__________________on the date last above written.
<br /> GT.E.Di11
<br /> ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> 1Vly colz�mission expires------------ ---- - ------------July_---l�tn-----------------------------�9-13-----
<br />