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<br />— � � � �5004$—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printzn�,Lithographing and County Supplies;O+na.'�¢. � � � � � � � � � �
<br /> �'p��'�l I hereby certify tha� this instrum.ent was entered on �Tun�erical Index and
<br /> filed for record this------�.-�t -----------..clay of-----�Ia.�Ch--_._------------------
<br /> A, D,, 19 11_-, a,t - - --- - --4--- -o'clock- - - -- -_._P.__1�I,
<br /> --- ---- ------C_,_A.�de,teT-�- ___s-ingle _ _- -__. ---__ _� Warranty
<br /> TO � Deed. -- �
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<br /> �egzs�er of 1� ds ���
<br /> - . �_i.�toe_ller __- - - - __ -
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<br /> Kno� All 1VIen by �'lies� Present� : �
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<br /> Th�,t - I, ';�_.11.��e st�x- a -��.ng1�- man)_ -- ------ ---- _
<br /> ----H�.].�----- ------ --and State of--- -__ ----Nebra.���-- ---. ---- ----- ---- ---- - --------Grantor-----, in c�rsideration
<br /> of the County of_-------._..- -
<br /> of the sum of----�'ou� _H�an�r4�i _anc� -Sevent.y---f_i_ve--and--no/1.QQ--------------------------------------- .
<br /> --- -- -------------------------------------D OLLARS,
<br /> i�� nancl paid, r�o_--- -- -- --lierebv GRANT, B�RGAIN, S�LL, A�'�'D CONVEY unto._H.1+�o8�1�:C------- ----.-- ---- --- ----- ----- ------.
<br /> - - - - -- -- -
<br /> of the County of - --- - -- _ ��all - -- -- �tzd State of-- --Zd�bT38_�a .___ - -- - -- -, Grantee- - ,thefollowing
<br /> descrihed premises, siEu�ted i� tlie Coi�llty of____.______.._______�iall ______and State of Nebraska, to ti�it: �.
<br /> --------_F__r���:iQnal_L�_� __I�u�er__.Gne-- �1-)---in_ �'r�c_ti-anal.- -131oc-k-- a�urr�be-r -T�ir��;----(�)---in- Axn�ld .�--,Abbn�-�-�-s--------
<br /> ---- ---A�c�i�iczn__�_s� �ranci _I�1�nd---Z�Tei�r.«ska_r _and- Fract ion�.l -Lo-�---n-uzniaar----Gn-e--(1)----in_. �'r_ac_�t_�_anal--Flo_ck--
<br /> �dumber___F_�uxteen __�14) in---ronnie -I�rr�e_.A�axtiox�_to_.�r�.nci__���i�n�i,---Tv"e'c�x��ka� as--�tzrvQy�a-,- -----------
<br /> 4 �
<br /> -- __ _�lattec�_and__rec or��d_. _ - - --- - -- - -- -- ___. - - - -- - --
<br /> Together u�ith ali the tenemen�s, here�litanzerits, �,nd appurtenances thereun�o beionging, anc� all the Estate, I�ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wl�atsoes-er of the sai� Gralitor___ ______, �:nd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TG 7�.!�VF. AND TQ HOLD the above-describeci pren�ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to____ ____h�.g_______________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And___ .__________I_-___ ._____here�y r,ovenant._._._with the s�,id Grantee____ _ __.__that___.._____I____. ___hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat_____.__�_._____ _________haVe__good right arld Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------ --- - _-- ----------- - --
<br /> -- ---- -- ----- ----- ---- - -- -- --- ------ - - ------------ - - ---------- --- - ------------------
<br /> .
<br /> - ---- -- - -- - - -- - - - _ - - -- ----- - - - --- ------------- - -- --- - -- - - -- ------ ---- -- - -------------------- ----------------------
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<br /> ----- ---- -
<br /> __ - --- -- -
<br /> - ---- ---- --- - -- ----- -- --------- - - - - -- --- -------- ---- -- -------------- - - - - --------------------
<br /> ----- ---
<br /> - _ - ---- . - - _ -
<br /> - - - -- �lncl------ - - ---- - -I --- -- -- '------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend3�e said premises aga,rn;�t the l�,wful clain�s of a11 persoizs whonlsoever, ____._______ ___ ______.___.__ _______ ________ ____.__ _____.__
<br /> Da,ted tl�e-- ----- _Fi.�Ut___- - --- -da,y of_ - �;iaTCh --- ---- - ------- - - - -__A, D., 19_11----- .
<br /> WITNESS -------------------C;_,_A.�.4e s t er_--------- -----------
<br /> ___--------------------
<br /> , - -----
<br /> S.C.Hl.��tan
<br /> ss.
<br />' ------- --- �dll ----County, Qn this- -- - �'irS�------- ---------day of_----- --�a��Y1------ --------------------A. D., 19__ll._., before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a i�atary Public_________��???�:i'n�_E3�1_._________tivithin and for said County, personaliy canie____________________________________________________________
<br /> C.�.i�e:tor
<br /> - --- ---- -------- - --------- --------------- -- -
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> (a �ingle man)_
<br /> --- - ----- - ---- - - -------- -- ------ - --------- ---- -- - ---- ---- -------- ------- -------------------------�----------- ----------------- ---------------
<br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person.. ___whose nan�e____________iG____________________�,�xed to tae above instru-
<br /> (nFAL} Inent as gra�ntor_ , and______.____he_________severally acknowledged the same to be._._______h�8_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> Il�' ti{'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my �e and af�'ixed my ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _____________._s�'_�11c3.___I�1�nd�._I�1_�l�r_________._______.___._._on the date last above written. -
<br /> S.C.Huston
<br /> ------ ------ --------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> � r Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------- -------- --�Tu1y_---�5--------------------------------------i��-------
<br />