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r . __ _ <br /> ���� � ��e� <br /> � D D ° 0 ° D � �t <br /> � a <br /> -- - �, _�_ .— :_—_— __ _ -__ — _ _— __--____ <br /> _ . �_ __ _ ___ _ __ - _ _ __ . _ _ .__ _ _ __ _ __ <br />___-_=.__.____,_��_. 54{L18 KLQP�'�BAI�TLE4 T!�'O.YPrzn.ta�,_l,atho_gravhann avsl�'nuntu-Suz�Lzes D�nah� — __ — _ —_--�--__---_---_— <br /> �_ � �._._ _. _ . — _ _ _. _ ___�_ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this___. _______l�t__ __________day of_._. �$arCh <br /> -- - --- -- - <br /> �, D,, 1911 --, at -_ _ -- 3•�5 _.._.__ --o'clock-- - -- --- ,P.__M, <br /> --- 4me_r �_._Ruh1__& _S�if o- --- -- -- - Warranty <br /> T0 Deed. <br /> - ��z����_��� - -- -- ._ <br /> �egiQtEr of�eeds C�pc�� <br /> - --- -- �eor-�e- �utherland--- -- - - _.- - - <br /> - - --- - - ---- - - -- --- ------ ----- -- --- - --- <br /> � � � 17epuiy, <br /> I�aaow 1-�li 1Vlexa by T�iese Presents e � <br /> That- ---We�-Cmer_-S-•-�ta�-7.--ans� ��i�x_�ha--E._R�1� -�iusband an�i �i�s r -- ----- - -- -- ---- - - ---- - -- - -- - - - --------- <br /> of the County of_____ ___ ______����-1_ _.- _____ ___and State of__ ________ _____-r��i3sk8_______ _...____ _________Grantor__�_., in r,onsideration <br /> of the sum of-- - S_sVen__Hi�ridZ�d--�Tlci__Eift� 8z1d_.Y1II�1Q0-- --------- ----------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paicl, do--- __--------_hereby GRANT, BAI�G9IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_- �goT.�e__Suther�an�1-- ------- --__.__ --_-____ -----_-- --------- --__._.-- - <br /> of the County of.---------------- - ---Ha11---------,- -----------------__and State of_-- .__N�_�T�;�.ka_----------_- -------------------------------------------, Grantee------,the following <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_________ _________.____Hall._._________________ and State of Nehraska, to wit: <br /> --- Lnt_s..PI_u�l�er -�eusn�y-Six -�'76)- ,�aventy-Mv-von ('�7}-� ,�evert�-y Ei;���� -�7��-� �avQn��_ .I�Jina ---(���------------- <br /> --------E-�.�htX---�$Q� --:Ei�,;lt-Y---one----�81� --E_i�h�Y___�_�r-o- -($N-)----�.nd- Ei-�-ht�--Thr-ae---�83_}---i-n---W�st---Lavm-- Addit-i-on---------- <br /> - - `o �ranci._I.�l�n�l,--I1ek�-raska� a�--�ur_veXe�,-pla�ted--and__r_e�or-de-c�. - -- -- - - ---- ------ ---- - ------- <br /> - -- ------ - -- <br /> - --- ---------- - - -- -- -- - -- - -_ ----- -- - -- -- - -. -- - - - ----- ---- - - - - --- --------- - -- ---- ------ <br /> Togetlier with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorl�ing, �,nd all the Est�te,R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wha,tsoe�%er of the said Grantor__8______, ai�d of eitriel° of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to__.______hi_S________________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And_________�r�__________________hereby covenant____.__with the said Grantee__________that_________.�PE'?___.____hold_________said premises by good and perfect � <br /> title; that__. ___vte_____________ha__YB_good right and lau�ful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------- -- --------...--------- -------- - -- - ----- - - ---- -- -- ----- --------- ---- - ----------------------------------------- <br /> --- ----- - --- - -. ._- ----- -- --------- - ----- - - - - --- And---- - ---- -�te-- - ----- - ----------------covenant-----to warrant and <br /> defend�aid premises against the lawful ciaims of all persons whomsoever, ___.._____________________________._________________.-_-_----_--___-_------__---------------------------_`---------- � <br /> Dated the----tvtenty-�i�hth---------------day of-------Fe�_r1i��-y.-----------------------------A. D., 1911------, . <br /> WITNESS --------------------(3mar---u-.Ruh.l- ------------------ <br /> ;; � <br /> I� <br /> - ------------ -I�,iar�h�--�_._�uh-�.------------------------------------------ <br /> � .C.Hu�tan ___ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> -- - --��a11.---------_County, On this---------5'_ir�t-------------------------day of_------MarCh------------------------------A. D., 191-1-----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_____.a�p__oiil�eC�_________________within and for said County, personally came_ _______.__________________.________._____________________________________ <br /> - ----------------- - -�mer--�-F.uh1---anci__�ar�ha__�_.-Iiiahl--- -��-�-���-a���`�-------------- ---------------- <br /> ----- - ------ ---- - <br /> ��E�, <br /> +� to me personally known to be the identical person_.__g_____whose name___�______�x8_____________.______a�fl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor._�_______, and__._�hBy-----------�--severally acknowledged the same to �e�hHiT_._____________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> na � <br /> IPa WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and af1'ixed my official seal at_______________________________..___.____..__ <br /> ___------___--a-�:-�ilsl---IHland�-_IZBb�-----------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------------------�-l-��Hu-��qn------------------------------------ <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> 1Vly commission expires----------------------------------------July---N5---------------1�1�.-----------�----�--------- <br /> i � � <br />