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- <br /> � �_�� <br /> D � D ° G� O� ° D <br /> . l � �� U � o <br /> � <br />— 50048—KLOPP&BARTLE7'T CO.,Prz'nting,Lithor�raphina and Cou�zt,y Supplties;Omahe. " ""` -°-` -'— - -_-^ ---- ___._____ <br /> FR��'�l I hereby ce��ti'fy that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorci this_------ _2$_S.h_--- -----------day of---Fel�rt.i�.r3t------ ---------------- <br /> 3, D., 19_ 1,1_-, at-- - - `� - _ -- --o'clock- - . . - - .P_.M. <br /> -- - - _ C 3_rl--at�.Ck1Q y_&;---��tif t3_---- - ------------- Warranty - <br /> T� Deed. ' s�/ <br /> --/�,c�� _� -r� ----- <br /> � Register of Deac� ,���c <br /> -- ---- Ch�rla�__z_.M�Alli�ter__-- - <br /> - - -_ -- -- - -- . - - - -- - - --- ------ - --- <br /> , 7leputy. � <br /> K.��� 1�11 1Vien b;� T�ese Preseaats : <br /> �ha.� C�,rl__.:t_i�_k1o�r____and__Elaa ��i_..�tickl.v��-hu�ba_nc� �r��i--��i.fe - --- - --- - - - --- - _.- -- <br /> of the .Covn�y---of-- --._Iial1 - --- - - ,_ _ -�na Sta�e -af ---Nebra�ka�-----.- --- -- - - -- --- -- ----r-�ant'arc�---� �n consideration <br /> of the sum of_- - �'if_'�8_9X1 hLU1t��e_d__�.nd__n��100 ---- -------- ----------------- ----- - ---- ---- -------------- -------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, ��o__. _______. _hat�eby GRA�dT, 13ARG�11N, �ELL, Ai�'D CONVEY unto_ �ha�les___I.,_J�dC_A11i8t_eY'____ ___ <br /> of the Courity of_. -------- �I�11-----------__ __--and State of_._- -----Nebr3s_k�.----- --.__ - ---, Grantee-----,the following <br /> clescribed prerriiseu,�sitlzated i1� t��e Ccunty of__ ___________________ __���_ _-___ .__ ____arid State of Nebraska, to_ivit: <br /> Lot_.Nura1?er_Ei��t_ _ (a�__in_ �3loc-k---�Ii_irty-s.ix_�_��6_)___�f__���sal__ �e_eler'-s---Ad�.ition__,to x_r_and__Island----- <br /> -------2�e�raa�.a-,.-��____�urve��r�di - -�.1��_teci -�nd__r�c_o�d�d-•---_.-_ , <br /> Pos�a_ssion -t°--Ue- -��.ven. �Ylareh--$th.,_1911----- ------ <br /> To�et,her with aIl the �enement,s, lierediia�nerzts, and appurtenances thereu�ito belon�ing, and all the �state,R.i�tit, Title, Izlterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand tiv�iatsoeverof the sai�.Grantor_�_._ ____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the�sarle, or any part thereof, <br /> �TO K�1VE �I�D TO HOLD the aboT�e-described pren_Iises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___ ___and to__________�_h��.._____________._heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And____. . ._t;�p__ _ ____ _______ __hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_________that__________��-e-- ---_--hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; �hat_.______we______________ __ha,_�_e_good right and lai��ful a,uthority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of all liens ancl incumbrazices <br /> whatsoev�r---- ---- -------- - __ -- --- - --- -- - -- ---- -- - - -------- ----- -- ------ - - - -=------ - ----------- ------------------- <br /> ------- -- - -------- - ---- -- --- _- -- -- --�-- -- --- - ------ ------------- ------ -- - - ----- ----- ----- -- ----- - - - -------------------------- --- ----------- <br /> ----- -- - --- - - -- ------ -- -- - --- -- - -- - - ------ --------------- ------- ----------------- ----------- --- ------------------------- - ------------------- <br /> - -- � - - - --- - - -- - - -- - ---.. - - --- -- - -- And----- ---tve -- - covenant-------to warrant and <br /> -- - _------ --------------------- <br /> 6 <br /> defend`e said premises against the l�,wful clailr.s of al� persons i�homsoever, ___.__________________ ____________._____________________________________________________________ <br /> ------ ----.. - - -- -- - - - - - - -_ -- --------- - - ------ - - --- - - - ---- -- --- - -- - -- -- - -- -- --- - - ------- --- -------------------------------- - --- <br /> Dated the-- -- - 24th --. - -- - --da,y of_--- FabTU3'T',�--- - ---- -- -.__A. D,, 19-11--� <br />' wITNFSS ----------------------�_arl---St_i�-k-�-�Y----------------------------------------- <br />�''� -- ------- - --Elsa---I�S,St3ekley----------------------------------- <br />�'i - - - - - - -- - -L.,.R.Br_ining�� - - - -- - <br />� -- - ------- -- --- -- -- -- - - - -- - _ - --- - - <br /> I� STATE Ob' NEBRASK�i, <br /> ss. - <br /> - -�ial1,_. - - ------County, On this- --- -- 24th_.- - ---- ---------day of- ---�eb_�axy -- ----- ------------A.D., 19--�1__, before me, �h,� <br />�M t�nrlaxai��otal�y Publtc---- - --- ------ ------- -sxri�hin .anc� f�� .�a3d. _Count'y� ,pe��_�nall�---�ame-------- ---- ---------- - ------------ <br /> _. - - ---Carl-Stickley and--Elaa__rd._Stickle�-------------------------------------------- --------------�--------------- -------- <br /> to rne personally knowzl tc he the identical person.___�____wtiose name___8._______�s'e_____._____ affixed �o t�ie a�ove instru- ' <br /> (aEALj <br /> ment as grantor__g_____, and_.___�h_e-3t--------------severaily acknowledged the san�e f.o �-t_____�hHiT______._____voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed�my�and�,fTixed �ny ofiicial seal at_______________________________________.____. <br /> ____________rrand�___I_5_�anCl_,____I��hs_.______.____._________.__on the date last above written, <br />, -------------------__ <br /> ----------L.R.�3r inin�e x--------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My comm.ission expires----------`------------------------ ------a�arch---1.�,1914--------------�.----------- <br />. 1 <br />