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<br /> 500�8—KLOPP&13ARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Lithogra�hing and Counl�Supplies;Omafic. � ` �-` -"� �-'���`-"—`��`"'
<br />-- _. : _ _ _ _ _:_ _--'--� �---
<br /> ,__—._�,_�,___�_._. .:— - -_- -----�_._
<br /> �''R���I I hereby cer�ify that this instrument was entered on Numer�ical Index and '
<br /> filed for record this.___ ___ _ _ ___da�� ot'Febru_a__r_y ______________ _____.______
<br /> �.___. - - .
<br /> A. D,, 19 11 -, at- - - 4.20.- . - -_o'clock-- - - - - P t M.
<br /> Jerls C1�on � wife _ Warranty
<br /> - ___ _-___.
<br /> T� _ __ __ _ . Deed.
<br /> �
<br /> --- � - - - - -- - - -- -- ------- --
<br /> Re ister of Dee s �a���
<br /> ----Lyra�a_�i,Ra�u�,n_ _ __ _ -
<br /> __ __ - - -- --- - -- --- - - - - -- --- - -----
<br /> llepu�y.
<br /> I�now 1�11 l�ea� by Tl��se P"r�esents :
<br /> That-- -- We,. _JQn�__4.7.�en _�an�t-Chr_i_s_�_ina_C1�_en,_ _hvahand__and--��if-e-- ------ __...--- --------- ------- -------
<br /> --- --- - - ------
<br /> of the County of---------�ial1- -- _._ - ------a7id State of--- -------Ne���.sk2a-- ---------------- -- --------- - -----------Grantor-�---, in consideration
<br /> of't1�e su171 of_._FOL17C Htlnd�0(� �'���y------- - -- -- --- -- -- -- ------------ - - ---- -------- ------ ------------- -- ------------------------------------------ ----DOLIlARS,
<br /> in hand paic�, cto___ ._________hereby G�ANT, I3�1RC.�lINe SELL, AND CONVF,Y unta .Ly�ia l�.i.Rea�1�1
<br /> __ - -- - _ -- - - -
<br /> of the CoulitY of--- -- --------------�i31I.__ __---- --------- _and State of --____ Ne�raBka_-- ---------- ---- - -------- ---------_ - - Grantee----- the following
<br /> . ._ . _ __ __- ____""""� 1
<br /> described pren�ises, sit��ated in the Courity ef__. __ _______._____.��a�� ____and State of Ivebraska, to wit;
<br /> - .
<br /> , the Cit o�
<br /> Lot I�um.r�ex_ _Tvine_-�-,_ 1n �1oc_n_ �w:iber---�4, in '�heeler �a__Eenne.�t '_s. _Auait_1on. t�--�ra�d__ sland------------
<br /> ---
<br /> ---���r_�sk�,_ ag sur�reyQd, �1�.tted -ana -recora�d. -- -- - -- -- -- _ - - .- - -
<br /> _ __--- -- -5ub.jec-t--t4---�. r.�.ort a a_fnx - - _2�0.---�i nad--b- ---I,--��_�S_.Re_a and_Jo�in__RQau d.ue--on�___y�€��.x__f_�om
<br /> - 8 � � � 3� Y �- �'�
<br /> ------t�at-�---h�_reof____wi_th - in�_e_rest_at__6 -�er---ce_nt---�-ex--annum-,----y_aid--ma�t-g-ag-e---i�---�iuen-a�---a---ga�'�---�f---s_�icl
<br /> - cansiueration_ - - - - - - _ - - --_ -- ---- - -- - -- ------
<br /> Te�ether wit,�l �,il the teue�neliUs, 1�ereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, 2nd �,Il the Est�te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Dema,nd wliatsoever �f the sa.id Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part t�ereof. �
<br /> TO ��:�VE AT�'D 10 HOI.r �he aboti�e-describecl premises,with the appurtenances, unto t1:e said Grantee_..__.___and ta___________her __ __heirs and
<br /> assigrs forever. And:_ __t���3___ _. ____...__hereby covenazTt______with the said Grantee_________that_____ _�v�____.______hold______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___.__.__�'�s _ _______.____1?a_v6_good right and lawful autlzority to sell a..nd contiey the same; that they�,re free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- ------ ---...- ---- -- ----- - ----- - -- ---- - - -- - - -- - -- --- --- --------------- ------- ----- ---- - --- --- --- --- -------- --- -------------------------
<br /> I - -- - -- - -- -------- -------------------------
<br /> ---- - - . --- - -- -- ----- -._. - - - - - - _- --- ---- - -- _-- - -- ------------- ------- ---- - ----------- ------------ - ---------- - - - ----------------- --
<br /> - � - --- - -- . --
<br /> - - - - -_- -- -
<br /> ------Ancl--------- -----W@-----------------_----.._-- ----------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> clefend-�e-said premises against �he lawfl�l clai�-r�s af all persons whomsoever, .__.._ . _.___.__ ________ _________ ____._ ______. __ ______ ______
<br /> -- - -- ---------
<br /> Dated the--- -- -- � - ---dati� of_- - - --- ------Qcto i�E3r - - -- - ----A, D,, �9��----•
<br /> -- - -- - -
<br /> T�ITNESS ------------------�T�ns----��.�ex�
<br /> Ghristina Cl�en
<br /> - --- - -- ---- - -- �._.A.Ed�zar-c%s - -..
<br /> ----- --- ----- ----- -- --- - - ---- ---- - - ---- - - ---- % ----- -------- ---- - -----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br />� --------------._-x_�11.--------County, O1i this------- -�--------------------------day of_-,------��_t_Qb_es-----------------------A. D., 19._lU_, before me, the
<br /> iundersianeci, a 1Jotiary Public- -----------------._--------------witllin and fbr said County, personaliy came---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' �'Qn�---�ls�n--and_�hx_�.�t_ina-.-�1��n_,__husb�.nd__�n�.--wif_e_----- ---------------------------------------------
<br /> _ - -- -- --- --- ------ ---- ---------------- -------- ---- --- ----------------- -----------------------------------.. . ---------------- -------------
<br /> {SEAL� ro me pers�nally known to be the identical person__�______tivhose narne_____a�Q______________________________af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> znent as grantor_._�,._____, a'nd_____�1p_____________,severaily acknowledged the same to �e_th�ir_____________._.yoluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> T:3.TTi8
<br /> I1�' ti�'ITNESS 1�JtIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�tand afl'ixed my of�'icial seal at_____________________________________.____.__
<br /> _._.___:____Gr�nc�___�_E_1t�.11i�,_____.__.___________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------- --_-------------F�.,_.�.Ea��a_�e------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> De c---��------------------------------19.1�------
<br /> ��y commission expires--------------------------- - ------------------------ -
<br /> l �
<br />