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� -:_ _ <br /> ��fr��, <br /> ' ' �f''�`� f�.wl.:����� <br /> . D D ° 0 ° D t. . <br /> 0 <br /> v_ ._-____:.:_ ,_ _ , . _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ . _ _ __-_ _._ __- ___-_ __- ____ <br /> ._ _. _ _� _ __ _ _ _ . <br /> � . _ _ .� _ _ _ <br /> ___ _ 500tA-1�1,OPI?B�SARTLETT C01Pranliraa Lithagr¢�hznanndCortnty_Su�2es O�uhc - — -- -- --- — -- ---- <br /> FROM I hereby certif,y that this instrument u�as entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this--.---�5t11-----------------day of-----Febz'ue3.z-�---.---------------- <br /> A, D,, 19__�.l_, at - - --.. - -1_.'�Q-- -- --o'clock �--- - -- - -P•- -M, <br /> John___�,.Lambert___� ��ric�o�er_)_________ Warranty <br /> - - TO <br /> Deed. ' <br /> -- - <br /> -- -- --- - -- ----- - <br /> . Re�ister of Dee �b�, <br /> - --- -- P�dar;aret--hirby -- - -- <br /> - - - ----- -- - - - --- ----- ------------- ----- --- <br /> Depu�y�. <br /> Know .�11 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That- -�,-,�ahn--�d_._LamUert�- -- -�w�.dA�rer) -- - - <br />' of the County of-------_.--------------Hall------------- ------and State of_----.-------NNebraBkd-------------------. ----------------.Grantor--------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of ---- -Cna--�iunt�r8d__Fif ty anr�---i�_Q11QQ- - ------ -------- - ---- ---- - -=- ------ ---------------------------------------------------- ----DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do_ ____.___ _ .__hereby GRA�IT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONZ'EY unto_ -___-�ar�,3l'at_. �irby_ ___ _____________ ____ <br /> -- -- --- ---- <br /> -- -- - - - --- -- - - -- - - - - . -- - -- - - -- -- -- - -- - - - ---- --- - - - - . <br /> t1e_l�xas�„8________ ___ __ __, Grantee__.___,the followin <br /> of the County of_ - -- - - - H311 - _and State of_ -- -- . -_ - -- - - - b <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____ ___._____�ia�1______________ _ ___and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> __ Lot____Num�er___Gne____�1.)__ _anci_Fr�ctional__Lot___Numbe_r__TR�o____(2_) _in. _Fra�tional__�_l__ock__�iurube_r____Thirty__-sia__ ____ <br /> --- �36)---in---Lamb_e__rts-- Addit-i-o_n---to---the _City__of aiand _Islanc�-,---�sbraaka� _..�s-s�v�-yed---platted----- ------- ----- <br /> and rQ corded. - - --- - - - - - ------- -- - --- --- - - ------- --- <br /> -- -- --- --- - - - - -- - -- --- - - -- _ - -- - - - - --- - -- - - - - <br /> ---- --- --- ----- - ---------- - --- - - -- - ____- - - - - - ----- - --- - --- ----- - ---- --- -- ------ --- --- ----- - -- -- -- ------------------- <br /> - - - --- -- -- - - --- -------- -- -- - ---- - --- - - - ---- -- <br /> - -- --- - - - - --- ---- - ------ - -- ------ - ---- ---------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,R•ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the sa,id Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to________________h6r.______________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And___._______1___.___________hereby covenant________witli the said Grantee____.___that___.._______I_.___. ____hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that___._____.__I._____________haVe___good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ancl incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----�_��_�ect--.t-Q--.t3xQ_s---�-or---l�lU---$n�l---s_ubs_Qq�u�nt----�_as��---;3nd---all---o_�th�r---aa_s_s_��m�nts---aga_i.�?�t---�_a�c�------ . <br /> ___lot --:�inc e--Aac_��n���-�.2-,- -��Q9-�-- ----- --- - - --- -- - -- ---------- -- ----- -- --------- - ------------- --------------------- <br /> --------------- - - --- - -- --- ---- - - - - - ---- ----- - - -- -- - -- -And__ ---- ----- - I - ---- --------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend � said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, __eXCt��?t__�8_�boVe______ _______________. ._________________________________________ <br /> Dated the- -------�'we7it_ieth ------ ----day of Febl'tzaT� -- -- - - -------__A. D., 19_11_--- • <br /> WITNESS ---------------------John---�,_La.mbert-- ------------------------------------ <br /> �.C.Huaton <br /> i <br /> -- ------ ----�------ - ------- ---- - -------- ------- ------- <br /> - ---�----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ------- ------ - �ia11--- ----County, On this- --�Oth------------ ---------day of_---F�=ti�xu�ry_------------------------A. D., 19_11---, before me, the <br /> _, , Y - - - - - - ' or said County. Personally came_ ---- ---------- -------------- ------------------------------ <br /> undersi�ned a Notar Pu�lic______��?I?oi_nted_____.____ <br /> 7ohn__:�i.Lamk�er�____ ' <br /> _ ________ wrthin an <br /> --- - -----------'-- - - - - ---- ---(wzdower)------ --------------------------------------------�----------------- ------------ <br /> ------- ------ -------------------- - ----- ------ --------- ------- --- .. -------- -- ----------- ------------------ ------------- ----------------- :--------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person. whose name_________..__3_a__________________�____afTixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor_____________ and___________he._________.-�v�r��a,cknowledged the same to be_______��e__._____________voluntary act and deed <br /> �SE'AI'� for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> namo <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�'and affixed my ofi"'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ________Granti___Island:___Nebr_______________________.______on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------- --S_,_�_,H�e t o�?-------------------------- <br /> , .1uly 2� Notary Public. <br />' My commission expires------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------1912.------- <br />; � <br />