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<br /> \° r� f.
<br /> � I� U ° o ° oa
<br /> 500a8-KLOPP&BAfZTLSTT CO..Printing,Lithographinp and County Supplies:Omahc. �� � '" '— "� ' ' �� " "" `— -
<br /> —: _
<br /> F����� I hereby certify that this iristrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this--- �'3--------- --------_.__day of__�_F�bTt1����!- ---------------
<br /> �. D., 1911 , at__ ___ ---- ���0. -- --o'clock-- --P. ----1V1.
<br /> Augusta I3ruc`�m�nn, _ti�ido�r.__ __ _ __ Warranty
<br /> TQ Deed. �
<br /> --- -- . - - �
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<br /> - a;ister of Da ds ����1�c
<br /> E13se -- -J.�tal�on - __
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<br /> De�u�y,
<br /> �no�v 1��1 I�Ien by Tl�ese Pr�sents :
<br /> ' � ' - - - -_ - - --- -- -
<br /> That �'�Uu:ta._�ruc,ir�ar.n l- a _��r��iQ_y1 __- -- - - __ -- - - -- - ----
<br /> - - -- - -
<br /> of tlie Countv of'___ _ _______ _ ��a�� _ _ ___and Sta�e of__ =`���1�� =-a_.______________ . __________Grantor_______, in corisideration
<br /> of the sl�m of ---- '���a� T:tic�u�;�11c�. -- - -,__- -- - --- ----- - ------- ---------DOLLARS,
<br /> - - ------ ------- ----- ------- --------- --------
<br /> in hard paid, do__ . ---------hereby C1��VT, Bf�RGKIIti', SF.LL, AND CONVEY uuto_ .��1_i�e--_.T_.'T�31�on----- ---------- -.-
<br /> - -- -- - --- - -
<br /> of the Count,y of---- - �r�� � - _ _ -- -�,�lcl Sta,te of_ _ 1`ae'r��'3:�k�. - - - --- , Grantee----,the following
<br /> descriZ�ed pre�nises, situaier�ir2 the Couuty of__________ ___ _____ ���.�.� and �tate of Nebraska,, to wit: �
<br /> -- - i,c�t .num��r--'T;�,Q ._�x�, �lo_ck__nturiu.or__F_i�'_�_Q-Qn,---in._�ne _c��^_i_�;_inal_±n�r�n,----�p�r--�ity---of _±�rand---I-s-l�ncl,------------
<br /> ilal�r���:a_,-- as _�urve�•ea,_�21�t tect ancl__r�coi_c�Qr�.• - __ - _ - - -- - -__ --- - -- -- - ----
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<br /> ----- - - - -- - - _. _- -- -- -- - - -- -- --- - - - - --- --- --- --- --- --- - - --- ----- - ----- ---- ---------
<br /> Tobether wit�i ��,11 the teneinents, Iieredit�,n�erts, ar.d appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wha,tsoerer of the saicl Gra.rtcr_. ________, and of either oi them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> 7'0 H:�VE Ais�D TO XOLD the a�oti�e-described premises,with the appurtena.nces, unto the said Grantee_________and to____________________�eT_____._______heirs and
<br /> �
<br /> �,ssigns forever. And_____I_____________________�iereby covenant___._.__tivith the said Grantee_.__._____that__________I________ ___hold_________said premises by good and perfect �
<br /> title; that_______�_____.__.. ________ha_.��_e-geod ri;ht ancl lacvful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that tl�eyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> Whatsoever-------exce_��t__._���---un�a�id--��o-r_t_i_on- -c�f--�-otiTrax---�ax--n-o�r--a�Ns:~r�-ac�--<3��-ins� -�-�-�r-I--�a-r-an�-�t-�r-�al��.-��------------------
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<br />' - -- -- - - -- - _- -- - --- -------- __.__._ - --- -- - - - - - ---- ---- - - _ ---- -- - ---- - ------- ----- -- - --------- ------------.,_ -------------------
<br /> - - And------ ---- ------- - ---- -- I _ ._- - ------ -----------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> �ne
<br />, defend i� said premises against the 1a�3�fu1 claims of all perso�is ti�7lomsoever, ___________________ ._
<br /> - ------ -- ------ -----
<br />'� --- - --- ---- ----- ----- -- -- ---- - --- - - -- -- --- --- - -- - -- --- - -- -- ---,
<br /> - - -- - -, --------- -------------------------------�---
<br />, i)�ted the------�`��•'�n�;y-thi rci-- - cla,y of_---- F�iaruar�-----------------------A. D,, l9_I�____.
<br />� h�r
<br /> WITNF_,SS ----l�Ll��_��---------�--------�?�11C�t?11X1_�'1----- ---------------
<br /> mark
<br /> � - -- - --- - - - ------------------- ------------ ------------------------------
<br /> -- - - -- _-- - --- -�j��:���__�_.r��.i�. --- - . „
<br /> S.C.Iiuu t vn --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------�---
<br /> STATE OF 1�'EBRASK!�,
<br /> --- �_�._�a._- -----County, �ss, Qn this-- --_ _23xci--------- - ---------day of_- -- -3?e'c�ruary----- --------------A. D., 19__��__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a i�'otiary Yublic________��?�9�S�t_�_Cl..._.___________within and for said County, personally can�e ________.
<br /> --- --
<br /> -- -- — -- ---- ,��.1��,Li.��rt_�__F3�11.r�ITls'�2121---�r�__�it�G1Q1�,t�------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------
<br /> --- -- -------- --------- -- -------------------------- --- - -------.._— ------ - ---- -------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------
<br /> t;o l�e personally known to be the identical person.___a____._whose name._.s._�,x�________________________.__af3�xed to the above instru- ``
<br /> lnent as gra?ltor__________, and_______�71�.___________�2� acknowledged the same to ue__.__.�14r____.___._______voluntary act and deed
<br /> �, for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> t��E��} T14T tr✓ITNESS Wd�7ERE0F I have hereunto subscribed my�and affixed rny ofr'icial seal at______________________________________.___.__
<br /> ________ar�a.nci___I�land_,- -��-e"���.�ka___-_-_-_---------------on the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------------J-��_,�D_���-----------------------------------
<br /> } Notary Public.
<br /> Nly commission expires----------------- -- ------- --- - ---------�7u1�,�__lbtn----------------------------19---1�----
<br />