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r . . . ..-._ ..._.-_ <br /> � �� <br /> t D '� D ° � 0 ° D <br /> � � _ Jo <br /> � <br />— 50038—Ki.bPP cg BARTLL'TT CO..[�rzntin9.LtiShonraPhinp and C�unt?�SuppLies:D�nahc,. _ :_: _ ..,__— _ .:_—v—_=--_- =_=--=_".^�.�--_=. _ <br /> �'R�'�Z I hereby r,ertify that this instrurzent was entered on Nulnerical Index and <br /> filed for record this_._.. - u3�'d. .- -- -da3' of___F��_�'Lt�.l^�,r- - - -- - - <br /> A � ) <br /> 3, D., 19_ __�- , a�- -- -- -�,_._E�4 - -- --o clock.._- - -- �'1 M. <br /> --- - -- Fred Eric_k�en .�__��i�'� _ ___ __ Warranty <br /> T� Deed. � <br /> _ - � - - - - -- - ---- -- <br /> - <br /> �� <br /> �e �.�t e r-of D d� �o����ee� <br /> - -- __ _ J.S���.�.��am� __ __ -- - <br /> -- -- -- --- - --_--- -- -- - --- - -- <br /> lleputy. <br /> �now 1-�l� IVIer� by T�iese Pr�esent� : � <br /> Th�,t_ _.. Fre�i_.Eri�k�en �nd._Ida _Er_i.cksan ,h.ia i:r3f e -- - -- - ---- - -- -- - � -- - - - <br /> -- - --- - <br /> of t1�e Coun�y of-------- -- -- - -------r�al.l.. ___ _ . -- -----anc1 State af--- - -----236'�T; . ----------Grantor-s-__, in consideration <br /> of the su�n of - a�V�ri 4:�r_F_iv6_ ���5� - . -- - ------ ----- - ---- -------------- ---- - ---------- -- ------------------- -----------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hancl paid, do--- ---- ------hereby C�.��T, T�AI�G�Il�', SP�L, AND CONVEY unto_--- --R7.�_,��.�.1_�'�----- ---- ---- --.------ <br /> �iall �,nd ,State of -i�Te�r Gra,ntee------, <br /> of the County of_. -- _ __ -- - - -- - ___ _ - , thefollowing <br /> described premises,sitiza�ed in the Couiity of.__ __ ._ _____ __I��11_____ ____ _____ _________and State of TVebrasl�a, to wit; <br /> lhe iT�:r�h T�velve a.rlcl- -one-�ialf' Feet---(- -1�_ �f�) ---of--Lo�_ T�um'�_e�__Fo�rt�en_._(_14)---_3,n_�1Q-ck--nu�'��_r_7�_�x_ <br /> (v) in �he ori�inal To�xrn_ ot Cai_ro_;aa ��zrae__ub�aea��---on �h_A_ _�.acor�x_�_t� p_�.at-•-- -- <br /> - -- _ - --- - -- - --- <br /> -- - ThQ_ _�.ivis.ion__lin�_ Lo -�o��rnce �'��r�l�d� -a�c� o�e l�alf- �ea� f��orn �f�e ��r�l� �a���r-- o�-��e- �rQr��----- <br /> - of said lot--ana _e�xtencl__:�_�ra,i�;ht__U�.�k _tQ---�he__Alle;r_ `1_inH,---le_av_in�;---the__�ou�h--h�1.f---nf_---a_�.id------- <br /> lot--1���, _�- �ec�t _���ide_-at__ Q3ch__enrl- --- -- -_-- ---- --- - - - -- - • <br /> Togeiher wit�i a11 the tenernents, 1�ererli�talnent,s, and appurtenances thereu.nto belong�ing, and aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claini arid <br /> Demand whatsoevez° of the said Gra,zltor__ ________, �r.d of either of thelzl, of, in, or to the san:e, or any part thereof, <br /> TO l�.!�VE 9ND TG HOLI'? �rie above-describsd premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____.____a�id to__________________Yli� _____heirs and <br /> a;ssigns forever. 1�nd___________�11Q3r._ _______Ilereby covenant________with the said Grantee___ _.____that_________�h_e� premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______�l�ey_._____.__ha_ZC�_good rig�'�t al.d la�vful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> u�hatsoever_---- ----- -- - - - - --- - - - --- -- -- -- - - -- - - - ------ - - --- ------- - --- -- -- --- -- - ----- ------ - ---- ----- ---------- <br /> -- -------- ---- - <br /> - - -- - -- - --- -- - --- - -_- -- ------ - -- - ----- --------- -- -- --------- ---- - ---- --- - ----------------- ------------------- <br /> -- .. - -- - - - - ---- --- -And----: - ------ ---- -- ---- -�}��y------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> th� <br /> defend �e said premises ag�inst t.he la�rful ciaims of all persons wholnsoever, ----_----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- ----- ---- ------- <br /> - - - - --- - -- - - ----- - -- - - ---------- --- ---------- ----- - - - -- -- --- ---- - ------- --------- - ----------------------- ------- <br /> Dated the_ ����'- - - - _ - ___dav of- - -January --- - - ---- -- --- -- ---A. D., 19__Q7___. <br /> ��vITN�ss ---------------------Fred__Er a,c k�en <br /> Ida Erick�en <br /> ------- - ----- -- ----- E_1_�i.Qt�--z}arr_i�czn__- --- - - <br /> STATE OF' NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, y Januaz _ <br /> ------- - -�i�11 -- ------County, On this--------- ...�� - - --- ------------da of_------------- '- - -�- -------------------A. D., i9_0`7__, before me, the <br /> undersi�nect, a IVo%ary Pui�Ii�___________________________________________witliirl and for said County, personaliy came <br /> - --- -F_recl---�r i ck�en -anci-Ida Er i c ks e n-,--h-u.s_��n� '�;id__tiQif a ----------- --------------------- --------------------- <br /> - - -- - --- - -- ---- ----- ----------- ----- - ------- -- -- - --- -------- --------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------- <br /> to me �ersonally %nown to �e the identical person___s___._whose nanie__�___a��___.._____________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> �'��L� ment as gra.nt�r____�__.__, and_______�?1�;kT_._-------severall,y acknowledged the sarle to ue_ ��:��r____________voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> r���Il�,' l�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subsci�ibed iny and affixed my off'icial seal at_____________________________________________ <br /> --------��.ir-o-r--i���bT---------------------------------------------_on the date last above written. <br /> r7.�i,Ftar-rison <br /> ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> . . . _.__�;1-------------------------�9�8.------ <br /> l��y co��n��ussion expires------------------- -- ------------------------------- �- - <br />