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<br />---- . 5d0�8—xj�1'�BA.�TL�TT COyPranting,__L�thoar¢vhzn_g¢nd C¢untgSupylaes Omaho. _— --_.----_-- -- -----
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---- -.._ --23----------------day of----Feb�uar-y-------------------
<br /> - -- - ------- - - - - - ---- -- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -
<br /> �. D,, 19--11- ; at - - - - - ---- ---- - � -o'clock-- - -- -A.__M.
<br /> -------------_J�hn---=�_.Hinr.i_chs---&--c�i-f-e_--- Warranty ,
<br /> TD Deed. '
<br /> ;�� �
<br /> - - - - --- - - - - --- - -
<br /> � Register of eads t��c��e�cx
<br /> -- -- __ ---- �llen �9�11�e_r _ --- -- --
<br /> - -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - ---
<br /> ll epu�y,
<br /> � Kno� All �Ien b� Z'liese P�ese�tss
<br /> That----- Jchn_ _�.fi_inri_ch$ and--Ka�-e Hinricht� hu$band ax�1 -�ui�s - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- ---- -- -- -----
<br /> ,
<br /> of the Gounty of____ __________ _______H311,._ __________ ..______and State of____ ._Ne1?r.aska..____ __________Grantor__S____, in e�nsideration
<br /> of the sum of - 21ine_ .:iu.narec�__anci__no�lOG --- - -- - ------------- --- ------------- ----------- ---- - -- ----------- ------------ ------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_____________hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, Alt'D CONFEY unto_____E__118T�___�alk.er__ _.._______ __._______ _________________ _
<br /> - -. -- --- --
<br /> - -- ---- - -- - -- -._. -- - .... - - - - - -- - -- , - --- -- - - - - ---- -- -.-- - -- --- ---- - -- --
<br /> . - -- F=,a11 - - '�
<br /> of the County of___ -----.. --------------ancl State of-- -- --I'jc3��a�l`.�-- ----- -- - _------- -------- ------------------ Grantee-------,the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_ Iial1.___ ___________________________________...____and State of Nebraska, to ti�•it:
<br /> -- --Lot_ .Z��umber---Nine---(9_�---in__Plock__T��,��ber _T�rrQ- -�2-}_--of--���l�.a�n--�j-.��.x�;er-'-s--Ad�iition---to---the--- --------------------
<br /> : Vill�ge of_ _Doni�ihan,_ Caunty__o__f _H__a_11,___St_ate_ of__r�ebr��.ka, __________ ______ _ •
<br /> _ - - --- - - - - - ----
<br /> ------ - - - --- - - -- - -._ - ----- ---- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - --- --- -- - _- ---- - -- --- - - - --------- --------------
<br />'� - -- --------- ---- -- - - --- - - - - ------ - ---- - -
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<br /> I
<br /> --- -- ------ --- --- - -- -- _ -- ---- -- - ---- -- - --- --- - - --_ - -- - - - ---- --- - -- - - -- - -- - -- --- - --- - ---------
<br /> � -- - ---- -- ---- - - -- -- --- - ---- -- - - - - - -- --- - -- - - --- -- -- - -- - --- ------ - - - - - - -- - - - ---- -- -- -- ----- - ----- - --- - -----
<br /> Tabether witii all the tenements, hereciitaments, and appurteiiances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, �ower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_B______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to____________________�?e�C____________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And__________�p.______________hereby covenant____.__with the said Grantee__________that_____.__S�'e____________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_________�16_ _________----_ha____good right and lawful authority to sell and corti�ey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------ - -------- -- -- --------------- ----- - - --- - -- - - - -- ------- ----- --------- - -- - ----- - - ---- -- - �-- - -- ----------------------------------------
<br /> --- ---- - - ---- - ----- -- ------ - ---- ---- ------- - ----- - ------ - -------- - --- - ------ -- - --- -- ---- ------- ---- -------- - --------- - ----------- ----------------------
<br /> -- - ---- --- - --- - -
<br /> ----- - --- ---- -- --- � --- -- --- - - --- - - -----And- --- �c8.- ----- - - ---- ----- ----- -------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br />' defend'�said premises against the lawful claims of all persolis whomsoever, _____._______ ____.._ __________._____.____._.______________._______._____________________. .________.________
<br /> Dated the----------5_eventeenth--------day of_-------Fet�r�a7C-y.------ --------------------A. D., i9---�.-7,---•
<br /> WITNESS -------�--------------JO�.II__���.�_aSl���l_�.�-------
<br />, ��ate �-Iinrich�
<br /> ' ------ ------ ----- ------- �J'o�n--�c-hgtyn-- -
<br /> ' -----------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------
<br />' ------- ----- ---- - ----T�_.E_,Fu��:--------- -------- ------- - - � - ----------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------- '
<br /> ss, 17th
<br /> ----- ----- ��E�11 ---------County, � On tl�is------�-- -- ----- --------- ------------day of----- -Feb2'i��y---------------------A, D, 1911----, before me, the
<br /> undersi;ned, a Notary Public-----------------------------------------------withix��and for said County, personally came------------------------------------------------------------,-----------------
<br />, - ---- --- �Tohn--=�t_.Hinr,��h s. �:�ci__Kat-e- f�in�iche,-hu.�band__�.ndr--uwif e--- --------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�________whose name�__a-�p----____._________.__.________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> (�E�� ment as grantor__g_______, and______t�1�X----------_severally acknowledged the same to be__.�hQir______________youluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> nar�e
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOP I have hereunto subscribed my�p$and affixed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ____, �?Q�'1_j,�Y�t�Tt�___��_81���.�k�,____________.___._____on the date last above written.
<br />. -------=------------- John--���'-n--------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My eommission expires----------------------------- ------I�ia�'ch---l�th----------------------------------------j916------
<br /> i - -- '
<br />