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<br />- ' - 5(164$—KLOPP&BA$TLETT CO.,Printin9.Liihographinp and Co�naty Supplies;O�nuhc. --= ----.- _._._._—--:,___ _,.._-=- ___,::,--..=_-- -,_=.
<br /> F���T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical rndex and
<br /> filed for record thi�-------- -.21 _ - -----------clay of---F�b�A.�'y---- --------- ------
<br /> �. D., 19_ �1- , at -- - 3•10_---._ _ .- - -o'clock -- --- __P.��.
<br /> --- _ - A�ah _�i.Sci�ultz �__h.1����.arid. _ __ Warranty
<br /> Tn Deed. �-��_���
<br /> - ���� -- - ---- - -
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<br /> � .�,1�tA'1^ Of �8E'�8 ��C1�i�£'�
<br /> .Rober�_.A.�ReyBr - - - - - - G�
<br /> - --- --- - --- _ .-- -- --- - ---- - -- - --
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �now All IVien b�r T�aese �'resents :
<br /> That----Adah_ _I�_.�chu7 t,�__a�na _F�Qyd-�_cY�ult-�- ---� ..�rif_s_ and---hus_��nd--- ----.--
<br /> of the County of---- --_ ----- "rIa.11 ----and Stat2 of- -- --------- -NeUrF�Bk� ----- -- ------- ------- ---- -----------Grantor-�---, in consideration
<br /> of the suln af__ Thr�� �'housanc�_.Twa_hunc�.r_�c.i_.�nd-n��---- ----- - ---------- - - -- - -- ---------------- - ------------------------------- - -----DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_ - -----------1�ereby GRA:�7T, B�RGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto__ Ro1�Qrt_--A.�eyIIr_----- ------------_ _--- --- ---- -
<br /> of the County of_--- ------. ------- _ _Hal-�----- . -------- -----__and State of_------.----1�Ig�]^�_6�a--------------- ----------------- --------- --------, Grantee -----,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the Couzity of____ _______ _____ ___ ��all__ ________�______________and State of Nebr•aska., to wit;
<br /> ----- I,ot--_T1__unibex__ThrQa_- -�3�---in---�31ock_numl�Qx- -CrlQ__huw.��r_s_d. .tw�n4;�—si�._(12�� __of__KQani�---�n.cl--�-'�.��� �_�-------------
<br /> Acidit�.on to �rand Island ��e�raska, as �,�rve�eci:_ �?latted_ana rec�rcled._ ____-
<br /> - ---- - - - - -- - _ ---- - ---- - - -- -- -- - - -- ----- --------- - ----
<br /> - -- - -- - --- - --- - --- -- - ---- - -- -- -- -- -- - --------- ---- - - ------ - ---- - ----- - -- -- -- -- - - ------
<br /> To�ether witIi all tne tenements, liereclita.nzeiil�, and appurtenar�ces tliereunto belon�ing, 2r2;i all the Est�,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wl�atsoever of the sairl Graritor___�.___, and of eit�zer of them, of, in, oi° to the same, or any part thereof, �
<br /> TO �2ti'E AI�D TO KOLI� the above-c�escribed premises, with t11e appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to____________________h_�I,.�___________heirs and
<br /> ' _hereby coverlanti_______tivi�h the said Grartee__________that______Wp______ __hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And________ ___�'e--------- --
<br /> title; that_____._._S�e_ _____.______1:a_Ye_good ri�ht ancl lau�ful autliority to se,il and convey the sa,me; that they are free a,nd clear of a,Il liens and incumbrances �
<br /> I whatsoever------------- ----_--- -- ------ _ - -- - -- - --- - - ------ -- ---------- - ------ - - - - -- - ------- ---------------- ---- ------- -------------------
<br /> ----- -._.._ -- _
<br /> _ -- -- ---- - -- - -- --- -- -- ---- ----- --- - ------- --------- - -- --- - ----- -- --------------------------- --- ---------
<br />' -- -- - - -- -- - ------ -- -- - -- -
<br /> - - --- And------ - - r.B_.- - ------ -- ---------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> ��e
<br /> defend said prernises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, ---_------_----_----_____.___----__----_-_---_-----___--_-----_--__---_--_-------__-----------__--------_-------
<br /> Dated the--- - ul�'� - -- - -- -- - --dan of - -�'8�2�u�t�'y - --- - - - ----------A. D., 19--��.--•
<br /> WITN�SS --------------------AdaY1__�,�_�_�hult z------�-----------------------------
<br /> > - ------------------�'1Qy_d__�.S�h_ultz-------------------------------------
<br /> ---- -- - -- - -------- L��'i_,_�'i.n:��?���--- ---- --
<br /> ss, ' '
<br /> -- �Ta11-- - ---County, On this-- �]��t --------- ---------da,y of_--.,�'E�k��'Li�y ----- -,------------A. D., 191�.�---, before me, the
<br /> undersigr�ed, a ��oGary Public_________________________________________-�--tivithin and for said County, pe�°sonally came___________:________
<br /> - Aciah_�3�a�hul�z -�-�'lnyd__�_ch�lt�--------- --_ - -------------------- ------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personaily l�nown to be the identical person.�___.____whose name__S_______���____________.__._______a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> (aEAL) ment as grant,or__fl_______, and____th�e3r______________severally ac�nowledged the same to be__.___��gj:r-----------.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein e�pressed. (�
<br /> Y1Gi �
<br /> IN ZVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed rriy�and afCixed my of�'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___ _ __ Gr32Zd___I�laT?c�__N�1�_T�___.________.on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------------I,_._R_.�r_iningQr----------------------------
<br /> �..�.r Ch 16 14 Notary Public. .
<br /> My �ommission expires------------ --- --- --------- ------------r--------------------------------------------------19----.._._--
<br />