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��x r . — ` <br /> � �� � <br /> � �� <br /> � � � ° � ° � - �.-� <br /> 0 <br /> _ ,_ .__ _� _-_ _ == __ � _ _ ._ __ _ ___- - -- __-- _� _ _ _ <br /> _ _; _ <br /> __� _, . <br /> „_.#__500l8-KLpPZ_&EAXTLETT CO..Pra.nLznn,Lithogrtr�hen¢and County Supplxes_Omaha _ ___- __-- - -_ _ _ --- ----._. --_.__.�_.___—�— <br /> FROM I herehy certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> -- ---- ------- -- --- - --- -- --- - - - - <br /> filed for record this--- --- -21�3t------------day of--Et3hTU3r-�-- -------------- <br />� �. D,, 1911- , at-- - -- -- -11_.3Q_ -o'clock-- -- - - - A•---�� <br /> Eli�ha-H_.T_xe.hilC-oC-k-�--t�a.�$-- -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. /� <br /> -- <br /> /�! -- - - - -- <br /> Reg�s�er of Deed c��apr�, <br /> -- -- - - Jc�h-�.nna--E11z8haia,Ben - ---- --- - <br /> -- - ---- --- - --- - - -- --- - --- - ----- ---- - ---- <br /> l�eputy, <br /> Kno� 1�11 1VIen by Tliese Presents: <br /> That -- ��, Elisha--T?_..Tr_Qbi.lc_ock--and. EYa__Tr_ohi_lc.oc�-- - - - ----- -- --- --- -- -- --- -- -- = -- -- <br /> -- - ------ --- - -------- - - -__ -(h�.sb�.nd_anci _�wif e� - - - - -_ _ --- - - <br /> of the County of_--- --- --T��I.1_.-- ------- ------ -and State of - 2Zebr��ka - - --- - ---- - ------- ---------------Grantor g--, in consideration <br /> of the sum of-- - Two--�'hous_�nci anci__n4�100---- - -- - -------- --------------- -------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- ------ <br /> .________________D OLLARS, <br /> in hand,paid, da___ _ ________hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, Ai'�'D CONZTEY unto___�Tohanna__.Ell,i�h�u68n_______ ______ ____ ____ _. ._______ ._._______ <br /> of the County of-------------�fial7,--------------------------------------and State of--- ------.I!I�Ur.��k�.- ----_ ---------__------------------------------------, Grantee---.___,the following <br /> described premises, situatad in the County of____.___.__ _ �iall_______________ ____________and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> --- ---Lot _n�.unb_e__r_-F::;ur----(4-)--in---Block----l�umUQr__T�;en�y_-1�_Y�----���-} -Ru�eel__,�..e�����--�dd3tion---t-o--------------------- <br /> -- --- -rr�nct I_�l�nd, _?_t��x_a�k�t-,--as s�sv�yQd, plat_�Q_d--ancl--z Q�_Qi_dad. ---- --- _ - - -- -- --- ---- ----- ---- - <br /> - ------ -- - ---- -- - - - - - ----- - ----- - --- - - - -- -- --- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ----- - --- -- - - - ----- <br /> - - --- - ---- - - - --- -- - ---- - -- - - - -- ---- - - -- -- --- - -- --- -- -- - --- -- -- ------ - - - -- -------- - - - -- -- ---------- <br /> --- - --- - --- -- --- - -__ - -- --- ----- - ----- - --- - - -- - -_ - - -- -- - -- --- - - ---- - -------- -- -- - - - ---- ------ ----- <br /> Toaether wit�l a11 the tenements, hereditainents, and appurtenances thereunto belonain�, a,nd all the .Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO K4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the a.ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee__..____.and to___________________her____.______heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And_ ��______________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee____.____.that_____�t_E�________ ___hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that_________�J8 _____ha_Va_good right and lawfal authority to sell and convey the same; that tliey a,re free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- -...---------------- -- ---------- ----- -- -- ----- - ----- ---- -- ----- --- - --- ------- --------- ---- - ----------------------------------------- <br /> ----- - - -- -- - - - --.And_ - - - --- ---- -�e- ------- ------------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defend�D said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______ __________________ ____--------_-_-----_-------- _-_---------_------ <br /> Dated the------------T�e�it_1_€�_'�h--------------daT� of_--E8�3�Sx�Ty_------------------------------------A, D., i9--11---. <br /> WITNESS ----------E 1i�h a__H.Tr eb i lc_oc k------------------------------------- <br /> Eva Trebilcock <br /> ----- - ---------�T��mea E_._ni�.a..-------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � <br /> ss. <br /> ---------------H�-,'-1----------County, On this-------------�flt ------day of_-----EQhrLt�-Y--------------------------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_ ��2�s�1il��d____________.within and for said County, personally ca,me__.________._____________________________________.___._________________ <br /> -- -------- -------Elie�la_�i.Tr_ela�lc_o�i:--,�nci--ERa---Tr�bilcock---------- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> -- -�huab_and---and__�if�-}- ------- -----------------�--------------- <br /> t�EAL} to me personally known to be the identical person.�_______whose name__�______�7C_e_____________---_-_---_affixe�l to the ahove instru- <br /> ment as grantor__s______, and______.__th8�_______severally acknowledged the same to be______the_iz____________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribecL my��and af�ixed my ofTicial seal at_____________________________________________ � <br /> � ____�raTl�i_IS1az1S��__��b�.,_____________.___________________on the date last above written. j <br /> -------------------------------------�.E_.Z�11----------------------------------- ' <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires------------------------------------------------------�'u.lg---l�ith----------------------i913------- <br />�_. . _ _- � � <br />