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` � k <br /> � �� � C�.�. <br /> f D D ° 0 ° D � � t. j .. <br /> . - �� _ ,_ ___ -__ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ <br /> _ __- _� _ _ . �� � _ _ _ _ _ __ _ <br /> �__-;--=��:-_ 54111� _KLOPI �@�AI�TLETT CD:Pra.nttiuR,Lzth,gFr'aphz�¢nd County S�laes Qma1�o _ — — - - --__- . _ — _ �__._ — �__� -- � <br /> PROM I hereby certify that this instrulnent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this--.. __.17th------------------day of_-------F-E3-h7��i3ry----.__----------- <br /> :�. D., 19.1 - -, at - - ------ 2_.�0 - - - ---o'clock-- - --- - - P -M, <br /> - - ---- �'_.S._Sothmans sin�l.�_ -- -- --- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> - - -- - �-� ---- ------ - - <br /> egi�ter of D eds G�nv�� <br /> -- --- - -��_u3.Ba a_o_thman--- ---- --- _- -- <br /> - -- - ---- - - - - -- . - - ----- - --- -- -- ----- - - - ---- <br /> �e�uty. <br /> Know All IVIen by These Presents: <br /> That T , �d_.�_._�c�thman-r a--�-in�le -r�any ---- - - - - --_ --- -- - - _ -- -_ - ----- <br /> of the County of________________________�ia�ll-- and State of______________?��b��^�k3 __- - - -- - --- ---- ---------------------Grantor_______, in cnnsideration <br /> of the sum of_-----._T��e1vQ__�LU',�Cir.osi--- 1..�.�_OQ_ DQ_ Fx--_�_-_�����-��_�_-�_-�--�.,—_-1'�4/14D----����_—_._.._�---------�-_---��—_DOLLARS, <br /> - ' �-� `' • ) -- <br /> in hand pa�id, does._--------hereby GRANT, BA.RG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_------Lou1�3�._SDth�Tiari---- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> - - - - - -- ---- -- --- - - - - ----- --- -- --- . <br /> of the County of--- ------ ----��a1�_._-- --------- ---- - - --and State'of_- ------ i�.E3U�^�8kt�_------------ - -----, Grantee------,the follou�ing <br /> . _ -...___ - <br /> described premises,situated in.the County of___.__________.___________Hall _ __and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> - - ----�ot--�hr-a-e----��-)---in_�_lo�k---Gne---� -anc�._Thirt-y—th-reQ---�-1��-)----�.n--Koe�-i�-aM�-�tiebe'-s--Addit_ion------------- <br /> -- -to--�'xand -I�land,.._�t�b�aska �� �urvQ3re c�,-�lat*e c� ar�d-rac or-�3�d. - - -- -- - - ----- -- ------ -- -- - -- -- -- <br /> --- -- - <br /> __-- - - ---- - -- - - - -- -- - - -------- <br /> ---- ------ ---- - - - ------- - - - --- ----- - -- -- -------- - -- - - <br /> --- --- --- -- -- ---- ---- - --- - -- - -- -------- -- --- -- - ------- ----- <br /> -- -- - - -_-- - --------- --- ---------- - - -- --- - ----- ---- -- -- --- --- - - ------ -- - - -- ----- -- ----- ------- -------- -------------.. <br /> - ----- ---- - -- - --- - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - --- --- - --- - - --- ----- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and �,11 the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______._..__, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______.and to_________hi_�_____________________.heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And______.____L_______________hereby covenant___.___with the said Grantee_._______that_____�______________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______L____ ______ha_�p.good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------���-eP-�- �axe-s---�-ox---the--3rs�r---1��.4---- -- - ------ -- - , ---------------------------- ---------------- <br /> -- - -------- ----- <br /> ----------- --- - - -------- ----- --- ----- - -A_nd- - - -- -I-- - -- -- -----------�----------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defen���aid premises against t.he lawful claims of a,ll persons whomsoever, __Bx.CS��__.aa---s_'ta'�-8t1---="�bo-V-e ----------------- : <br /> Dated the- -------17th ----- ------------ --day of ------F_e_bz`Ltax'y ----- --A. D., 19--11----� <br /> WITNESS ---------------------�..�t_�o thman-------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------- ----T_�y,�Boahm--- ----- - <br /> -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Qn this___________.__ <br /> ss. <br /> - - -Ii�ll-----------County, - -1�-'�h ------day of- ---�'ehl^11�.-��----------------------A. D,, 19__11--, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_____________________________.._.---_-_---------within and for said County, personally carne_ _____ _--------------_----_-------------�----------------- <br /> -------- -----�1t_�_._�othmar�t - a--�.inr;l-e---�an ------ -- -- ------ -- ---------------- ---- - <br /> (SEAL} to me personally known to be the identical person whose name_________.__i_�____._____________________afl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor__________, and____hS___________________seYecad�'1 acknowledged the same to be____�z_g._________________voluntary act and deed I <br /> for i,he purpose therein expressed. <br /> na�n Q <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto subscribed my�d and aflixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _____________r rttilCl--�sl�ud------------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------------TZle a---P._�3Q_8h1n------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br />�''i My commission expires-------------------- ------- ----------------------------------���3�.---2�--------------19---�"---- <br />