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_-� <br />� � t�� :,,� <br /> . ,* _ D �' D� ° � � ° D <br /> I� � . <br /> 50018-7{LOPP�£BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Lithographin�and Count;J Supplies;Omahe. ' ` � " ' � ° `` -- ' '— <br />�� ; _. . _ ,_ . __ _:.—-—_ ,— —--'— -- — ---- —--_-- � <br /> FR��� I hereb,y certify tha,t this instrltn2ent was entered on Nutnerical Index and ' <br /> filed for record this--..___.17----- --- ___ .---day of------�'81�r1].�.T-�------------------ <br /> �, D., 19_ 11__, at- -- - �_._2Q - _ - -o'clock -- - -- - -- - ,�• M• <br /> _ -. ___�oh�__R,-Th��t��_an- _- --- --- --- Warranty <br /> �0 Deed. • /� <br /> -- -- - - 1� <br /> - - ----- - --- - <br /> Re�;ister of De� s G�a��e�, <br /> -- -- ---L.�',Fishar_ - - - - <br />, - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- <br /> - -- --- - - - --------- <br /> Depu�y. <br /> K�o�v 1�11 1VIen by Tl�ese �'resents : � <br /> �nat- - John__��Thomp_�.on, ying�e:- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - <br /> --- - - -- -- --- -- <br /> of the Countv of---------.-- - ��all -----and State of_-------NAb.rask2-.-- ------------------ ------------------------------Grantor-------, in consideration <br /> of the suln cf-- TWO._.H_u.11d�'e$__.�__F.if��' & --�� - - ------- -------- ------ -- --------------------- -- - ---- -- - - ------------------------------------ ---------DOLLARS, <br /> i.0 hand paid, �lo- -- -- -------hereby uRA�T, I�A?�GALN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY u11te----_I,_.�t.-Fi�iher ------- ----__--- -------- ---- - <br /> - - --- - --- <br /> - - F�al1�- ' _ - __ - - , Grantee- - - _,the following <br /> of the County of_---- -- -- ------ - _ ____. . ------and State of_-----------9- -���3��------- -----.- -- <br /> described premises, sittzated it� the Couzity of___._ _ ___ ___ ________ �IaJ�7,..__________________-----_ancl State of Nebraska,, to i��it: <br /> --- - -Lat- -(9�_-�!7ine__.3n �loc`�- ��) Fnux__�.n_�Callic�.-t-� �c�s�i�_io� ta_�he--Gity -�af ����.� Is_la�nd�-------- - ------ <br /> -- ��--_�hQ�m_bX tha_ _re_c_oxc3.ed___�lat t�lareaf, - - -- - - _ -- -- - - -- __ -- - -- ---- - - - - - - ---- - <br /> - - ----- -- _ _ _ _ - - - - - -_ -- - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - ---- ---- - - - ------ - --- --- --- <br /> -- -- -- -- - -- -- --__ --- --- -__- -- - - - ----- - - - - -- -- ---- -- - -- ---- - - - -- - ---- -- -- --- --- <br /> - -__ - - -- -- - - - - ---- - - - - -- --- - - -- ------ - - - - - ----- - - - ------- --_ ---- - -------------- ----- <br /> Together uritli all t1�e teti��e�i�s, Aieredital?ients, and ap�urtena�ces thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any pa�rt thereof, <br /> TO F�.�ti'E ATv'D TG I�OLT the above-described premises,with the appurteliances, unto the said Grantee______,and to___________,______________.__________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, �lnd__________I__. _______________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_________that_______T___________.__hold________said premises 1�y good and perfect <br />� titIe,; that____________._x____.____.__ha_�1'6_good right and lai�ful authority to sell and corvey the san�e; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------- __ --- ---- -------- ----- - ---- - ---- ---- - - - ---- ------ -- ---- - - -- --- - -- --------- ----------- --------- - ------------- <br /> -------------------- <br /> - - ----- ------ - --- --- -- -- -- ----- ---- - - -- - --- - ------------ ------ - ------- ----------- --------- -- - ------------- -- ---------------- ---- <br /> - ------ - --- -------- ---- --- ---- --- --- --- - - - - - -- --------------- -- -- - ---- --- -- -- - -- -- - ----- --------- ------------ - -------------------- <br /> _ - - - - -- - - --- - - - - ---And----- - - -- - - -- I-- -- -------------------covenant-- - -._to warrant and <br /> the <br /> clefend t� said premises against t,he lawful clainls of all persol�s TNhomsoever_ _________________________________.________ _ <br /> -- -- -- --- -- - - ----- _- -- --- ---------- -- -- ----- -- ----------- - ---- -- - --- ------------------ -- --- ------------- ------------------- - ---- <br /> Da,ted the- ----- -S3Xth - - - ----day of_---_ F�b��x'y- --- -- - ---- ----A. D,, 19---��- -• <br /> WITNESS ---------------------'70�I�__�'�.'�'h0�i�,2�QI7.---------- --------------- <br /> -------- ----- - -- L:i.zz-�.-�--I��.mk�a�-k ----- - ------ - - - <br /> � - --- ----- --�- -------------------------------------------------------------------�------ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKg, <br /> �ss. , <br /> ----- --- --- �ia11_--------County, On this---_�_l�'�� of_--------EB�TU��c_y--------------------A. D., �911----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a t1�'otary Public____________________._________.__________-_within and for said County, personally came <br /> --- - -------------John--F.Thom�?son----- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> -- <br /> --�ingle ------------ <br />' - ----- -- ------ --- - - ---- - -------------- - ------ ----------------------------------------- -- ----------- -------------- <br /> (aE�.+) �o me personally known to be the identical person________.__whose name__.______iB____________._____ af�'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ��ent as granGor ______, and________h8.____________severally acknowledged the same to �e__his_.________________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> n�e <br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�ixed my of1'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _ �_r_d�ld___��1d.21d��__l�I�Y�r_____..__.___._.____._on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------ .L.izzis---Li�b.a�k---------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> 1Vlycommission expires---------------- --� - --------- -- --Sept__Nn4�----------------------------------------i9�.�_.._._ <br />� i <br />