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<br /> . _�__ _ _--_ ___ __�_ _�_
<br /> 500�8—KLOPP&BfIRTLF,TT CO.,Prinling,Lilhoflraphin.g und Caunty Supplies;Oma/i^. ' �
<br /> _ , : _ _ _ _ _ __ _._ _ _,�__—..e— ---.::� . _-,,,_ _._,_;�
<br /> - _---� _—.._. _ _—_,
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this_____ 15�h.._____ __ _ ..__da of_.._Fe�ru�.r_
<br /> -- . - - - __ _ - ._ -- _ _ - -
<br /> Y �-- ----- - -
<br /> :�. D,, 1911 -� at__.._ _ _�.>�- -- -- -o'clock- --- -- -P.- -M•
<br /> _ Richard L.�arxi�om & �ri.fe - - Warranty ,
<br /> T� Deed. ' �
<br /> --- -g-- - --
<br /> -- -- -- --
<br /> Re ieter of De da �����
<br /> Ruaolf Sieber� - -
<br /> - --._ . - - - ----- - - -- -- ----- ----- - --
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> n�dv 1-��l l�en by These Pr�eser�ts :
<br /> That_ R3.chard L.Harx3.�on anci Bertha rd.Harriaon, husb�nd--and- -ivife ------ -- --------------- -----------------------------
<br /> of tn� County of-- - -- -�fi�l-],- -- -_ -and State of- - N81����k�_ -- -- _ _ .- - - ------ =��O�G� in r,onsideration
<br /> of the sutn of_ _��;elve Hundred anci. no/100 --� �-l�b�-.�4Q)-- ------------ - ---------- ---- -- -- - -- - - - --------
<br /> --------------------- -DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paicl, do-- ---------he��eby G'R�1��T, 13l_t�G�iIN, SELL, AND CONT�EY unta �UtiO].�' 5i8b�r u--- - _ ._
<br /> of the Cotzrity of---- ---------- --------_..._H_�11- - -- --__ -----_._a1�d Sta,te of -- -- --N�3�T8�3-1�.------ -------- - -- ------ ------------- -- ------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> describecl pre?��iises,situated in the Coulity of____ _.____-__ I�a.11 ____ ___..,_.________a�� State of Nebraska, t� wit; �� �
<br /> ----LQ�s-- Six- (-€��- �evar� (�} -eight (8� - -nine- �9)- --a�c�--t en (14) -�:n bloc� f��e (�) af �i�.bt�rt'-�--adr�a�t-ion
<br /> _to__�ra��i_��l�n�i, I�eb�as4ka. _ -_ -- - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - -- - - - -
<br /> -- -- - -- - _ -------- --
<br /> , :
<br /> �
<br /> To�ether witl� a11 tiie fenerrierts, her•e�ita7z�ents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and �,Il the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wrzatscever of the saicI Grartor___4_,____, ard of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H�VE AND TO HOLI? the above-desci°ibed prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.______and to___.__._hi�________ _ _ _____ _____heirs and
<br /> a;ssibns forever. And____ _________�8___________hereby co✓enant______with the said Grantee__..__.__that_______�______ ___11c1d________said premises by good and perfect
<br />, title; that____._______t�_Q___._______�zav'�_good ri�ht and lawiul authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free �+nd clear of a,ll lielis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--------- ------ - -- - -- - -- ---- - - - ----- �--- ---- ---------------- - -- -- ---------- -�-----
<br /> ---- ----- --- --- ----------- -- -- ------ ----------
<br /> -- -- - ---- - - -- -- - - - --- - -- - -- - ---- - _ _-- -- ----- -- - -- - -- --- --------- - - - - ----- ------------- - --- -- - ------- ------- ---------------
<br /> ---- - .._ - - ..- ---- _------- - - ---_- -- - -- - --- ----- - - - -- --- -------- - ---- -------- - -- - -- - ----------- ------------ ---- ------------- ---------------
<br /> -_.
<br /> --
<br /> _ _ --- --
<br /> -
<br /> --And-------------------_.--------___��------------------------covenant----._to warrant and
<br /> tr�Q
<br /> defend� said premises against the lativf'ul claims of aIl persons w�zornsoever, _______________ ._____________._________.______
<br /> -- ----- - ---------- - ----------------------------------
<br /> ------ - - - -- ---- - -
<br /> - -- ---- -- - ---- - ------- - -- - --- ---- - -------- - ----- --- ---------- ----- ----- ----------------------- ------ --- -------------------
<br /> �-
<br /> Dated tre----- 81eV�nth - - - - -day of-- �'e'r��uaTy - - -- ----- ----A, D., 19-ll---� ° �.
<br />'' �VITNES� � --------------------Richa�d__L.Harriaon------ --------------------
<br /> � ----------- --Fier_�ha--�i,�iarri��n---- -----------------------
<br /> >
<br /> ----- - - ---- Ja�i�es__�..P_i_ll - - --- - _ - - --- -
<br /> -------- -- --- - -- - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - �
<br /> ---- -- - ----- ---------:---�-------------------------------
<br /> �ss� `
<br /> ------- -------.Hall------------CountY, . On this------�ls_venth-----------------day of_-----E_Bbr'uary--------------------A. D., 19,:�.1---, before me, the
<br /> undersigne�i, a IV otary Publie-------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally carie------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Richaxc�--L.Harr_?�son__anc�--Bertha__i:,.Ha�rison-------------------------------------------------
<br /> , -----------------------------------
<br /> - --- - - ---- ---- ----------- - ----------- -- ----------- --- ------------ ----------__------------------------- ---------- ------------------- ---------------
<br />', to me persorially known to be the identical person____E3_____whose name__S___�.T_@___________________________af�ixed to the,above instru- �
<br /> (SEAL� rnent as grartor.�_____, and______�hB�T---_____--severai�y acknowledged the same to be___�h�_].�___.__.______voluntary act and deed
<br /> for lhe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> Il�' �'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribec�r��and affixed my ofl'icial seal at________________________________.____________
<br /> __��ld---��1��-d- �tab�a�3-lt�-----------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> 3 --
<br /> �T.E,��11
<br /> -------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------�-
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commissiori expires---------------- ---- -- -- ---- - ----�-u�'---l��h----------------------19��------
<br />, ;
<br />