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i <br /> - � <br /> ���� <br /> � <br /> .�"• U � D r � � G� � <br /> L� � !L� ❑ <br />— � � 9'J0�$-7f�LOPP&BARTLPTT CO.,Prtinting,LitTtiographtng and Cox�ntzi Szipplies;O�riaFe.� � � � � � � � ��� � '��� �� � � � � � � � <br /> FRO1Vi I liereby cercify that this instrument t�as entered on Nutnerica,l Index and <br /> fiied ior record this-------- l��h-----,-------day of_----�'812�,t�Ty----.----.----- <br />� �. D., 19_ l]._ , at- -_ - '�,�� -- --�'clock.-- -- - - P_.__.M. <br /> I John �V..4Ve.l��ox�_ �_�i�'e----,----- Warranty <br />,I __ �. p /�, <br /> r� Deed. - �� 12-�7� _/� <br /> �� _ ��� - - -- - _ - -- - <br /> Re�iet�r of n�ds �� <br /> I __-- -- - . _�._G.Partridge _ _ -- -__ - <br /> I - - - <br /> --- -- - - - <br /> - ------ - <br /> l�eputy. � <br /> Know 1�.�1 1VIen by Tliese Pres�r�ts: �� <br /> That- -- John �J.�Velp_tr�n anci-�est�r �slpt�n-, h�sba�d-ar�d-wif e, - - - ---- - --- - ---- - -- - - <br /> �f the County of__---------- Ke i'�h _- -- --and St;ate of_.. ---P16bTa�31c2i-------- _ ---- - ------- -- ----_-- , ----.- ------------Grantor s----, in cnnsicleration <br /> of lhe sulri oi_.---.TvVO_.Nunclxc�d__F.if ty-&---�p/1GQ_ . _---- ------- --------- --- --- ------ ------- --------- -------DOLLARS, <br /> ------ ----- - ------- ------ - <br /> in hand paid, clo. __ --____. _hereby IaRA����, BA?�U_4IN, SELI,, A�,'D CONVEY unto. .'i�_.!�-.-P-�-t-r�dg€3.__._ __-- _----- -- -- --.-- ------ -------- - <br /> ` ���1�1-- ---_ --and St�.te of--- ------1`Tebr_AS-k3 ---, Grantee_ ---,the followin <br /> of�.he County of- -- - - _ -- __ _ _ _ - - - g <br /> descrihed prel7�ises, situated in the C,ourlty of______________ ��a�-�______. __.___and State of Nebra�ka,, to wit. <br />,I - - - --____.T�c;ts _Fift.een_ -(1��) S-eventean---(-17_)._ ---an�I_�inets��-n----�19)----in__B1QCk__Tv�en�y_-five----(2-5-}----in--- <br /> __ __ _College_ Aadition t4 7dest_ �ae,�n,__in_�xar�d Tsl.�.n�l, -- -- - - - __ ----_ - -- <br /> - _ - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - -- ---- -- -- - - --- - ----- -- - ----- - --- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- ----- --- -------------- <br /> To�ethei°wit�i all the tenenlents, he�°ec�ita���ents, ancl appurtenances t1?el�eunto belon�ing, anrl all the .Estate,Ri�ht, Title, Interest, 1�ower, Curtesy, Claim and <br />' Demand wratsoeT�er of the swid Grantor_____._____, and of eit�ier of them, of, in, or to the sarne, or any part thereof, <br />' TO :tI_4VE AND TO HOLI? the a�ove-described pren�ises, i�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_____________h�.�__________._____._____heirs and <br /> I a,ssigns forever. And________��e_4�4_______hereby covenant________with the said Grartee__.______that__.___�9______________hold______said premises by good and perfect <br /> titIe; that___________�e _ _ ____�i�, _V__8_�ood right and la�vful authority to sell and convey the same; that they a,re free and clear of all lielis and incumbrances <br />' whatsoever------------ ----- -.. - -- ---- - ---- .._ --- -- ---- - ----- -- -------- -- ------ ---- ----- ------- - - --- ------ - -- ----------- ----- <br /> -- - -- ----- ---- -- - --- ------ -- _ -_ _..- - --- ---- - - ------- -------------- -- - ----- - - --------- - -- --------- -- - ----------- - -- --------------- <br /> - -- -- -- ---- - - ----- - ---- - - -- --------------------- --- -- - -- - - - - -------------- ------ --------------------- ------ <br /> - - _ - - - ------ -- - --And---- - --- - - ---�t�-d�!--------- - - ------------covenant-- ---to wa,rra,nt and <br />��'� defend��sa�d premises against ��he iawf'ul claims of�,Il persons whomsoever, <br /> ------- ---- - - - -_ - ----- -- --- - ---- - - - ----- -------..-- ---- - -- ------- ---- - - - -- --- - - --- - --- -------------- -- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the--- -�_�V_QZ��I'�_ -__-- -- --day of_---�'_ebrt��S`�'- --------- ----------------A. D,, 19--x�--- • <br /> WITNESS ---------------------�ohn_.�J.�elpton--------------- <br /> ---�i�e t e.�_�e 1pt nn---------------------------------- <br /> -- - -- ----- - ---C_�_�_._1�ord_en- --- - ---- - - � <br /> i ----- --- - - ----- l{_._T..1Ni11_i�m�_..- --- - ----- -- � - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI��i, <br /> I� �ss, <br />' --------------I�t3_ith-------,County, �?n this___-- --�gV6A'�h------------------day of---F���U�xy_----------------------------A. D., 19--11---, before me, the <br /> undersignecl, a IVotary Public____________________________._.___.______,_____�vithin and for said County, personally came___. <br />' - -sohn--��_._We_lptnn--ancl__�ie��-t�-r--Wel�tc�n-t-husband--&--�u3.f�--- -- --------------------- ------------------- <br /> t.o me personally known to be the identical person__�____whose name__8___.______E�rEi____________________a�ixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL} ment as gralltor_g_______, and__"�l�@y________.______severaiiy acknowledged the same to be___._"�Y��31�T___________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> d a��t <br /> I1�' WITNF,SS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscr°ibe my � and afI'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> Cg��.1�.1�__________I�'_��?________________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ----- --- - - ---�_._C_._]�Q_xc�._�n------------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> 1VIy comrnission expires--------------------------------------CC t------f irst.----------------------------------j9--�=4---- <br />