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<br /> � f� � � D ° , �G �O ° D
<br /> �J � � � � L� 0
<br /> "-��� 5b018-RLOP?<�L'ARTLit'TT CD.,Prinli,.g,Litlr,opra�n&ing and County Buppties;O�v¢hta. �� � �'�� � � � � �� � �
<br /> i+RO��I I hel�eby eertify that this instrument tvas encered on Nuruerical Itidex and
<br /> filed for record this--- ---___1Q__---_. ------da,3' of_--��}�1"t1aT_g----_----------------
<br /> �, D,, 19- �.1._., at- --- . �.�.2Q._ _ - - - -__- ---dclock - ------ -- A,__M,
<br /> Ri�h,axd L_.Har_r_ison .&_ �rife_._.___ --� 1�Varranty
<br /> Tfl Deedo
<br /> ���� �-�- . _ ___- -- ---- -- -
<br /> Register of Dee s �o���oc
<br /> - - _-_«Tar�es__��,�c3.i.ngs__ - -- - - - -- -
<br /> _ --- -
<br /> - -- --. - - - -- --- -- -- - - ,
<br /> llepuc,y-.
<br /> now ��l l�]Ceia by `�'�es� Presents :
<br /> T1�at-- -----Aich�rd -L.H.arr-i�an .and--Sar-thn -�2_.-�iarx_is�nt__his----:vif-Q-- .- ------ ---- --------- -------- --- ----------
<br /> _ - - - -- -- --
<br /> of tl;e Courf,,y of__ ._.__- ---- ---��31.1.__----------- _ . -------a1id St�,te of--- ----I�T�r�xa&3ka_- -- _______ _ _------ -- __..-- ------ ---------Grantor--�3---, in consideration
<br /> ot't�e surn o�'- S_ix Hundred. and--5evan�tY-Five and. �an �QO - ---- ------- ------- - -- ---------- ---- --------------- ---------- -------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hancl paid, do- -___Iie,l°el�y GR.A_vT, B�iI���_1IN, SELL, APdD �ONVEY un�o_ _._:TaT��_�___�'i�di7lp,-�3-------- - __
<br /> �3a11 _-_ _ -and ��tate of_- -.__N��?�a�ka_. -- -- - - _ -- , u�antee --_,the following
<br /> of the Cou_7ty of_--- -- ------ -------- _ _._-___
<br /> describecl premises,situated in rhe Coun�,y of.__ ___ _ _ __xal_l._____ __ _ ____and State of 1�le�raska, tv wit:
<br /> La�s---nur��er-_Tx�reo - (3)__F�ur---(4)---ana _F_i.ve---(5�__-in 131oc_k_.nur�be� �'ive----(5�__ of__ Gilbert_!_s_ Addition --
<br /> _ __ __ to_ �h�__�i�y of �rand Is_land, N�bras_ka. _- - -- - - ___- - - - - --.- - - -
<br /> _ - - -- - - ---
<br /> - -- - -- -_ - -- - - - -- --- - - - -__ -___ - - ---- - -- __ -- - - - - -- -- - - - -- ----- -- - - - --- --
<br /> -- -- ---- - -- - - __ - -_ -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- ---- - --- - -------- ------ -- ----------- --
<br /> To�ether wita all the tenements, here��itaments, and appurteuances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,Rigrt, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> I�emand wn�,tsoever of the saic� Gra��tor_.F3_ ____, and of either of thein, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO K:�VE AI�'Ts T� IIOLI� the above-described pren�ises,with the appurtenallces, unto t,he said Grantee_______and to_________._____hiB_______ heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_ _____________��!9___________,hereby covenant_______urith the said Grantee___._______that_________._�t8____hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; tha�____________t�t6_-__________ha_vggood rlgl�t and ias��ful authorit,y to sell a,rd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a�ll ]iens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--- ------- - ------- --------- -____.- - ---------- -- ---- ---- ---- --- - _ -- -
<br /> -- --- ----- --- ------- - - -- --- - - --- ---- -- --------------------------
<br /> - -- -- --- - - - And-------- -----._-- ----- -- - - �`°$ ---- --------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend t�fsaid pt°emises against the latii�ful clairns of all persons tivhomsoevel°, ------ ._----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />; -- - -- - ------- - - - -- - - ---- ---- - ---- -- - -------- - _. -- ---- - -- - --- ----------------- - --- -- - ------------- ------------------------------ ---- -----
<br /> I?a,ted the--- ._ ��h - -- -- - ----da;i� of_-- - F$bT13Elx3�'---- - -------- ---------A. D,, 1911--- •
<br /> WITNESS -------------------Rj.�l.^Yla?'_C�_�.��lT_T_1$.4:t1-----------------------------
<br /> - - -�@T�11�__�+d_.��lxxl_4_QS�-----------------------------
<br /> ------ - �eorge--Cowton ------ --
<br /> �ss, .
<br /> - - --�iE�.l-------Cou2ity, On this----- -- -------8t�Y1 - ----------day of------- -FebrU.R�y-------------------A, D., j9___ll-, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a llctary 2ublic_____________________________________________within and for said County, personally came____________________________________________________________
<br /> Fii_char_d__I�.���r_i�_on__�nd--�er_�ha__�,Harri�-o-n�--hia--vxif-e----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> (SEAL) to rr�e personally known to be the identical person__S_____whose name_._S__r'iT_B________.____________afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__s____, and_____ha_V_H_.__________severally acknoWledged the same to be_______thgi.l"__..______voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN j�%ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m�y`��a,nd affixed my ofi'icial seal at__________________________________________
<br /> ,
<br /> ___rr�nc�___�4_�,_�'1d__�0�x_a_���________________________._on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------ ------------��e��ga---Gowtan---------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominissiori expires------------- ------- - ----- -- ------------,�Iay--lOth--------------------------19_i�-----
<br />