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<br /> �_ �, � o
<br /> 50048—Sf.LOPP`&BfI I�TLI"1'7'CO.,Prinling,Lithogra�lzin9�nci Co�rn(y Supplies,°Onu�he. - ___ '- -_. -.-_
<br />_ � . _ . _ _ _ — _.
<br /> .. . . . . . .. -.. _. . -- �=-= --.+c-� . .:._'. ::---_�� -_.�.__ .__.>_,:.� ,.--
<br /> �'RQ� I hereby certify that this instr�un�ent was entered on Nu _merical Index and
<br /> 81e1 for reccrd this---_------9�h------------day of___.FebTtla.ry_...___ ._ --------
<br /> �, D., i911 , at -- 2_.3Q- - --- --o'clock- - - . __ - -P.__1VT.
<br /> I:�ouis_ �doore &_wife_ _ ---- i�Varranty
<br /> _ _ ___ ,
<br /> T� Deed. � � /� °
<br /> ---L-Q--- �iG�I�t�---- - . .. -- -- � -----
<br /> Re�;istar of Dee ����a�
<br /> -- - . -- __Hot�ard _�.�i�;�. _ ---
<br /> -- - - _ ___-
<br /> - - - - --- - -- --
<br /> v��U�y-.
<br /> �ow �11 en by �'�xese �'r�esent� :
<br /> T1�at__ �e,- .Louis_��o.or�-�nci-�:ae -�.��loore - -- - - - - __- - -- - - - - - --- - �
<br /> -- _� _hu_ab3nd ax�d ��ife) -- -- _ - - - - _____. _- - - `
<br /> of the County of_-----------.H3_ll_ _ -- - _ a,nd State of------__�`TebTa.�1�3---- - - --------.__ _ - ---- -- - -------Granior--s---, in cousideration
<br /> of the sUm oi - _E�.��t H�,171dr��i_Eift�t'_ 3nd. no/100---- -- --- -- ------------- - - - - ---------- -- -------------- ----- ------- - --------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa.ld, do----- -----hereby CR2_TvT, I3ARG A?1'�`, �SELL, A�'�'D CO��VEY unto_ _FiQ�P31"s�_ _�..-F�Ii�h--. -- --_.__ ______ _. ___ ------ ._
<br /> of the Count,y of_--- ---_H__AII-- . -___ __ _-------------and State of---- - --I+I�bT�iBk�.__-- ------------- --------- -----------_ _.,--_--------___, Grantee___----,the following
<br /> describerl�rervises,sittzated i1�.the County of_______ _____ ___ _______ ______Hall___ ________-_____ancl State of Nebrasl�a, t.n ti��it;
<br /> -- The__we��erly--��xty__f�et__s�f- fra��iQnal _Lot__ 2lu,r,ab_er--Four__-��-)-- nf__blo�k-- nuMk�er_ _One___(1�---of_._.Ar_nald_&_
<br /> Abt�att ' s Addition �o �rand Island, _ Ne�raska., _and it�_ _c_omplen�ent___,_t_o-wit:_ ,_the_ wes_t__�rly__��xty-----
<br /> ---f_eet---of--frac_�_�o_rLal Lot- -��'tu�er ._�'c�ur.�loak__Number---T�ren-tp----(20-�---of--Ral-1-��s--Ad€��-t-�or�-. ta---Gr�nd--I�Iand �
<br /> -- r�e_br�.�ka.,--�hQ___int_en�_i.�n__bain�_ _�o- conve�*__a._tr_act_-s�f--�x_o_uns�--having---a---fr_s�nt��e__s�f-- -6Q---feet---Q�__4_��i �
<br /> to trie �.11ay line in sai$ block bove m� tioned in �rax�d I la d, Nebraaka
<br /> -_ Street _anct a d_ep_th- o�' _la�___feet on-_Lin�oln---Ave,�_�.ub�_ect__�c2�rev�r�o tnQ_ �ewer_-tax__a�u�t_ln�_on-_said
<br /> ---�0_f_aat--as___t�a�_ �ar�e n��y--be- -l�v1�d--a�air�-�--aaid--lo� --o-f---�-lg-t�(--fg-e-t-3--��:hi�h_.±���nt_��---�,��ume� _a_n_d------
<br /> - -agrQe� ta _�ay a.� �art of--th�_ �bQYa- 4on�_idexat_�Qn. - - ------ _ - - - ------ .
<br /> , ---- - - - - -- ----------------- ---- ,
<br />� Tob�et,hei°wit� all the tene�nents, seredit�n�er�ts, au� appurtenances thereunto belong�ng, anc� all the Estate, R�i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Den�arzd wllatsceve� ai'the said Urantor___�____., and of either of them, of, i17, or to the san�e, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H:1VE AND TO FIOIaI� the above-described premises,u�ith the appurtenanc�s, unto the said Grantee______and ta__�?.�$ �_ ______heirs and
<br /> _ -- -- ---
<br /> a,ssigns forever. Arid_____ ___.__._.V��'__.______hsrebv covenart____u�ith the said Grar.�tee___________that_____.___�t�______hold.________said premises by good and perfect �
<br /> title; that_____________ �rr_e___..____ha_�p_goed ri,�ht an;1 lati��fui authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clea,r of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------------- -- - -- ___- - - ------ -- - -- - --- --- ----------- -- - --------- - ------------ -------- - - - --------------------- .
<br /> - -- - ------- --- -- - - - -- - -- --- - --- -- -- ----- -- --- -- - -- -- - ------ - -- ----- ----- - --------- ------------- --------------------
<br /> -- - - -- --- -- - - --- ---- - - - --- -------- - - - -- --- --------------- ---- - ------_ ---------- ----- --- ----------- ---------------------------------
<br /> - - -- - --- _. -- __--- - - -- - - - - --_ - - -And--- - '''�- -- - ------- -------------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> ��1(3 ,
<br /> defen t,�sald premises against tlle lativf'ul claims of all persolls �vl�omsoever, ----- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------- - -- - -- --_ ---- ----- - -------- - ----- - -- - - - -- -------------- -------- - - -- - --- - ---- --------- -------------------------------- -----
<br /> I)ated the- -._.__�'O'urth_ - - - - -�a,y of_-- - ._F�3'c��uaT�'- ----- --- -- ------A. D., 19---11__ ,
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------�0_U.lf3---I�{C10-7Ce----- --------------------------------------
<br /> -- - - ----- �8.@--'�'-._�QQ_QSQ---- - ---------------------
<br /> -- -- -...--- - -- - -�£�ITI£�Ei--�"+ .x1]..�.1. _ - - -.._ -._ .
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKt�, �
<br /> �ss,
<br /> ---- --�-i�.11------County, On this----------------9t�1--------------------day of---------F_ebrLta�-Y----------------------A. D., 19---1-1--, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a 1Votary Publi� �t2�'�_Q321:�A_d__.,_-_-_witliin and for saiu County, personally calne_ ________________________________________________
<br /> ------ -Louis--�oo�e-- an�l---���e__�_,J�oore_---- -- ---- ------------ -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- - -- -- --- -- - -- ------ -- - - ---- ------------ -------------- - -�_._hu_aband--and__�if e�---------- --------------- -
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.�_______whose name_._�3____3TB_______________________affixed to the above il�stru-
<br /> ment as grantor____S______, and___th��?'______._____.severally acknowledged the same to be____.'��?.�1��_.._______voluntary act and deed
<br /> ($EAL for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> , IN ti3�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my p�7¢D�and afCixed my of1'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> "� ______.._on the date l�st above written.
<br /> - - ------ -- ---rand--�_�1�nd:--�1_ebx---------------
<br /> ----------------------------,-J-��_._Ail�---------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My con�mission expires------------------- -- ------------ --- ---JuIY---16�h----•-------------------------191�------
<br />