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<br /> 50048—KIAPP s�13ART�E1 T CO,Prantxng L¢thogr¢pheng and Countb Supplxes O�reah � � �~� �
<br /> i
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �
<br /> filed for recorci this_______9�h___ ____.__________day of___ _EBb�ut��y--- .----- --------
<br /> - - - ---- ----- --- - --- - -- - ---- - - -- -------------
<br /> A, D., 19_11 -, at-- - -- - 11�.3-U - _- ---o'clock--- -- --- A,� -1�1. ,
<br />, -------- �_�ry__F_.R_._ri�k--&_htz�l�anc3------------- Warranty
<br />, T0 � Deed. '
<br /> - - - -------- -- -
<br /> - - �` -�_
<br /> R ic�tmr of Dee s �n�ant�c�,
<br /> - - ---- Rich�xd--L_.�ar�_i�an- --- - -- --
<br /> , - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - ----- ---
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by The�e Present� :
<br /> That- -���-�3�y F.R.Fisk--and._�Pilbur_ F_iek - _ - -_.. -_ - --- -- - -- --- -- - - --- - -- -- ------
<br /> _� ��.�a and__hu�ban�. -� - -- - - - - -- - --- - -- -----
<br /> of the County of----------------------Hall------------ ----and State of_----- TT�'c��.a�_k3---------- ---------.---------------------------------Grantor--B--., in cnnsideration
<br /> of the su�n of-- --Fif_t_e�n--kiunc�r_a�l Ssvant-'� F-iva anc�--s�a�ll�}�---- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-- .---------hereby GRA�VT, 13ARG�IN, SELL, AiTD CONVEY unta__R1.Ch3�d__L.._HAr�_i6.�11------------------- --------------------------------------- -
<br /> - -- -- -- - --- - - - - __- -.. --- - -- - - - - -- -- - --- - - --- --
<br /> of the County of. ---- Ha11----_--- -------and State of---__- --_�dBU���3k&----__-----------.---- -- --------_ _-------------- Grantee-- --__,the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of__________._____ . ___-____-_..I�311________ _.._______.___and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ----- Lote Number--Cne- �l) �- Tvro (2-}-,--Thr�e --(�-) ; Faur t4} , F_i4e- ��-) ,-�� -��)-,--Se_'�an--(7�- ,Ei�ht---�8�--
<br /> ---Nine--(�)_,__ancl--Ten__(1__0_}_.__be3ng--all--of__�3loc_'�_Nur�b�r--�'�..u�-- �5 a----s��---�3_7.�ert-s--Ad�li�t�_a_n_.�o___t��a�d__Taland
<br /> -- -l��e�ra�ka,__as- �urvQyecl.,--A�._a��ed-an�__�ecQr_�i�d.�- - - - -
<br /> - - - --- - - - - - - -- -- - - --- - ------------ ----
<br /> ---- ----- -- - -- - -- - - - -- ----- ------. -- ------ --- --- --- - -------- --- --- -- --
<br /> -- ---- - ---- -- - - -- ----
<br /> - - -- --- - -- -- - - -- ,
<br /> -- ------ --- - - - ._-- - - - - ----
<br /> Tc�gether with a21 the �enements, hereditaments, and appurtenalice,s thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clainl and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�___.___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K%�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to________h_i8----------------------heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____._.�[� ____________hereby covenant________with the said Grantee.__..___.__that__._.___�g_____.___hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat____________�g_-------------ha.u�_good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all lieiis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------- -------- - - -- -- ------ - ----- -------------------------------------
<br /> - -- - --- --- --- - --- ---._And------- - ------- - .��r�- - ---- --- - -------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend��said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wllomsoever, __.__._______ _________________ __.__-__--____--_-----__-- ----------------------------------
<br /> ----- --- ---- - -- ---- - --- ------ -------- - --- -- - ----- --- --- --- - ---- -- -- ---- - ---- ----- ----------- - ----
<br /> Dated the. NiritY1.- - - --- ---- - -- - __da,y of_-------FBU�t�BTy_._. - _.- ------ -----------A. D., 19--�.�,----•
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------�aTy_--F_�R_._Fis�C- -------------------------------------
<br /> �ilbur �'iBk
<br /> ----- -- ---- - - Jarnaa--E_._Dil].------ -- - - ---- ---- - ..
<br /> ss.
<br /> - - -- -- ���11 -----County, On this-------- - 9'th--- - -- ----- ----------day of_-------- EB=t�_TU�3�y------------------A, D., 19__l�._, before me, the ;
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public____________��?P_0_intGd_____________within anci for said County, personally came___________._________-----------------__------------------------------------- �
<br /> ----------��ary-�`,�.�'_i�k---anc�__�illaur__F_iak ---------- ---------- -------- ---------------�-------------------------------.
<br /> ----- ---
<br /> � _wif e---and__hus��n��-------- - �---------- ---------------- --- ------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___`�_____whose name__�_________�i_r�_______________________afi'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor____II_____, and______th9�__.___------severally acknowledged the same to be_._______thBiT_______.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ��8
<br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I 11ave hereunto subscribed my�'and affixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _ _____rr�i�tl___I_s��.nsi_,___I4tab�C-----------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------------------------ ----------------J-�E,_Dill-------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------------July_---1_�t�l-------------------------------------------j9--��----
<br />� ; ,
<br />