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� _� � i <br /> � �, r r1�1 r� r� Q � � <br /> . � � �J �� L�L o <br />_ . _ _ - - - -- - -- <br /> _ , _. _�_ ---- - - <br /> 500�S—F.'LOPP&13e9 PT7 Ei'T CO.,PrintinA,I,ithogra�hint�antl County Supplies:O�nahi;. _ -' -- -- _�— !—__.�___ _ <br /> \ <br /> FRQn�� I here�y certify th2i this instrument j�a.s entered on Nurnerical Index and <br /> filed for rscord this--____ _ . 9ti1 _-- ---da3� of._.�'sbrtt�y___._ --- -------- <br /> �, D., i9__ll , at -____ ___10_._�5 -- -o'clock- -- - - A• M. <br /> _ - - _-David-A.,�riffin_� �ifQ . __ -- � �arranty : <br /> �-� IDeed. <br /> /�.�.� �- _ --- -- - -- --- <br /> �tegister af Dee � t��: <br /> �ian.nah Voaa__ _ _ - - <br /> --- -- - - - _ ___ -- _- -- ---- <br /> - -- --- Depuiy,- <br /> �now AI� l�en I�y T�ese Pre��ntsv <br /> Tha,t tive, _Davia .�.�x:;.f fin ana_ S�dali.a_ .4riff_in -- _ - - - - - - - - --_ - --- ---- - - --------- - <br /> - -- -- ------------ <br /> -- __ -- - ---__- - __- - _- -- _ - - _--- - - - ---- _( husb�nd ancl__�r_ifa} , <br /> of�he Couniy of_--- --------._--- _. HAIl-- __ -----and State of--- ---_.I�P�'�r��k�l- -__ - _----- ----------Grantor_�__., in consideration <br /> ot'the sum ot'--- --Eif_t a�n --Hunclr_ec� -and---no�1L1Q___ _ _------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> - --------------------------------------- -DOLLARS, . <br /> in hand paid, dc__ -----hereby ��Ai�'T, B.�lRG�IN, SEZ,L, AND �'ONd'EY unto-------H�xi718h__ �lQQs3---- -- -----------_ --------- __ _ ._ <br /> �iall ��ebraska - � <br /> of the County of--- ----_.-- -------- --- -- ---- --------__----------and State of--- - -- ----- -- --_-. --- -----._.-.- ----- ------ - Grantee------,the following <br /> descri�e�7 premises;sitna�ed in t�ie Co�nty of______________ _-____����______.__.___ _ ._.__________a,nd State of i'�ebraska, to wit: � � <br /> ---- S,ot--__numbex_�'_ivv -�a-)- in. �ls�c_k._Nur�ber- -���;_en�y--�?��. _Chas� __"�asmers -Addit3Qn- -tv_�ran�.._:I�land,__Nebrst�.ka <br /> �a---sui_Yeyaa_,_-�alatte�3_ ar�c�--ro_c_orded. ---- - -- -�---�1��_ a�bs�v� -�.�t�ed--(�r�n�o�s__be.a.n�---the _�,!tlen�ic__a__1__ly---the <br /> ------ s��:e_ _�er�c�n� -�;���c�_a�--�r_an�ees--in---a c�rtain__'�arran�_y-S?Qed_�rQm._H._H,�_1QVer---�,��__�if�_,__datQd----- <br /> --- -June---19, -3�48.-- - - __Recorded _in_ _�34�k_-4� __.Pa.�e__�?�9.__0� Dead�,_ -�hexein__�aid de�d conyey__�_ t�e------- � <br /> lci,pntical__.�aid_ .�rox�erty _-to- -thQ._��id---�ranteas_,___} ----Po�se�siQ_r�__�o--bQ---�,-i4Qn__4n__�`elay--?�h�,--�.��,�-•----- <br /> - _ - <br /> -._ - - ----- -- - -- -- -- - ------ - --- --- --- - ------ -- -- -- - --- --- - - <br /> __ -_- -- - --- - - - - --- - -- --- -- --- - --- ---- --- ------- -- ---- - ----- ----- _-------- - -------- ------- <br /> �Together wi�n all ihe tenemErits, here,�liLan�ents, and,appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and aIl the Est�,te,Right, Title, Ir�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> I Derrand whatsoever� of the said Ct°aaitor_S______, ancl of either of them, of, iri, or to the same, or any part thereoi. <br /> TO H�VE ATV�J TO HOLD tlie above-described prerrises,tivit-h the appurtenaaces, unto the saia Grantee________and to__._____________�?eT.___._._._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And_____._we--__. -___ _.__hef'eby covenant__.___with the said Gi°antee__.______that______���3_._.___ ._hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; t1�at.__.._._____�'e___.________l�a_Y4.w,oe�I right and lawful authoriiy to sell and corvey the same; that, tlleyare free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrarices <br />'' whatsoever------------ ------ - - -- - -- - - ---- - - --- -------- - -- - - - - -- - ---- - ---- - ------- ----- -------------------------------- <br /> -------- ---- - - - - <br /> ---- --- ---- ---- - ---- - -- - - -- - - - - --- - - - -- - - --- ------------- ---- - --- --- -- -- - - - -- -- ---- --- - - -- --- --------------------------------- <br /> - -._. ---- - -And----- - - ------ - ��- - -- - - -----------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> clefend��3l�saicl premises against the Iawful claims of all persotls whomsoever, ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------.- <br /> M --- -------- --- - - -- -- - - - -- - --- - -- ---- --- - - ---- ------ - ---- - -- -- -- ----- - - - --------------------------------- - ---- <br /> I' Dated the- - ._-____�'_if�$ - --- - - --da,y of_ - --1�lritldr:�- --- _- --------------------A, D,, 19--11___. <br /> , <br /> wIrNESS -----------_-__----Da_y_id._A�t�r if f in_- <br /> --- - --- ---_S�c�a1i�__�`r iff in--------------------------------- <br /> --- ------ --- ---- �Jaa�l��_ _�_.��il ------ --- - - - <br />'' -- ------ - - --- - ---- --- - ----- - --- - ----- ----- -�---------------------------- ------ -- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OI+' NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ----,------------H211---__._---County, � On this--------.--------6th--- --------day of-----------�I�n'u3r_y'--------------------A. D., �9__11__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a ilotiary Public_________________aP�?��'n��4�_____within and for said County, personally came___________________________________________________________________________ <br /> - -- n�Yia-- _A:�r�.�'_�`_i�.._ans�--5�_a.1.��--r�iff_in-- -- - ------------- ------------------�_��_----------- ----�------------- <br /> - --- ----- -- --- - -- - -- ------- - ------ --------(- h���k��,�r�__anc�--�r�ff,�-)----------- -------- -------- - <br /> -- --- --------------- <br /> to me persona,lly known to be the identical person__B________whose name__�3____����xed to the above instru- <br /> (SEA�} znent as grantor__�__.___, and_______'�;tl_Qy___.._____severally acknowledged the salne to be___���t'lr______________volr�ntary act and deed <br /> for Ehe purpose therein expressed, <br /> riaXne � <br />, IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�¢�and afi'ixed my of3'icial seal at____________________________________________ <br />�` ____�xaz1�1__IB1anC�t__I��_br____________________________________on the date last above written. <br />� <br /> -------------------- --�.E.1')i11------------------------------ <br /> ��� 1� Notzry Public. <br /> : My commission expires---------------------------------- - -----------�---------th=---------------------------------�91�------ <br />