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- -- - <br /> � �� � �-�� ��' <br /> D D ° 0 ° D . �� <br /> o �. ���. <br /> _� �___.� __ _�_^ �_ _ .-_ __ _� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - __ __ __ -_--_- -_- __-_-- _ _ <br /> _ _- ��_ ___ _ _ _ ___ <br /> ___. .� _ _ ._ ____ _. <br /> �3$_�OPP&.BARTLE4 T CO Pnnti�L2thog�ang and County SutqDltes,O mchc ----- _ _ _ -- - _. _._ .__. __ __.__ _-__ __- - - .�_... <br /> FRp� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this----. --._.8_��1----------------day of---FG'}�]Cl�Sl"�Y_------------------- <br />' �. D., 19_11 , at - -4•�� -- - - ---o'clock P* -M. <br />, --- - - _ �I�nr�-�'Qehn�.� & �ifa- - --- Warranty <br /> Deed. li"Y���--� � l '. <br /> T O . � -- �-r,c G� <br /> - - ---8 �' - ---- - - <br /> Re ister of Dee �maa�, <br /> � - ----- - - I��_�ha.--I�eue-s -------_--- ---- - -- - <br />� --- - - - - ------- - -- -- ----------- ------ <br /> i - - - - <br /> Deputy, <br /> Know All 1VIen by Tliese Presents� <br /> That- -Henry__.�Q�?;nc�_�n�:_ _2��x_g�.r_��h�--�QehnGk_, -his_ wife-�-- ---- -- ---- - ------ - -- ---- ---- ------�---- - -- -- - -- - - ------ <br />� <br /> of the County of______ _ ______ _________H8.11_- _______ _.._.___ ___and State of.___ ________ . 2�T9bxE�_B__ka..._____.___ ___ _ ________Grantor__�__., in cnnsidaration <br /> of the sum of-------Cn9 & 7r10[100_--..--________._____.�__-.___�._..__._--____�_______.�.______....._�,......_�....,� DOLI.ARS, <br /> ---- - - � --- ------- - --- - ------------- ---- ------------- -------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> in h�,nd pa,id, do____.____ . .___hereby CRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, �1ND CONVEY unto___ �sthe�_1'deVeB___ _________ ____.___ __ ____ <br /> -- - - -- - ----- - <br /> of the County of-- --- -- ���1�- -- - - <br /> -----------and State of-----------------S�e-braska----- ----------------_.- -- -- -- - , Grantee---__,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the County of__________ ____________ HE�11 _.__and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ' _- -- - - -- <br /> --Lo�_�'aur----(4-�----in__Blac-k--T_Qn- -(10-�----of---Joehr�ck!-a--Add�.�-ian--�4- -th$--City-af- G-�and-I-al�nd1----------------------------- <br /> as �urveyeci, �?],attarl-and --re_cordec�. __ - _ - - - - - --- - -- - - --- - --- --- <br /> - ----- -- - ---- _- ------ ---- - - -- .. _ - �,_ -- - - -- - -- ------- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - <br /> -- - -- - - ----- --- ---- - --- ---- -- - - - -- - ---- <br /> -- --- - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- ___ -: ---- <br /> - ----- -- -- ---- - - --- - - -- -- - ----- - ---- -- - -- _- -- -- --- - - -- --- -- - - ----- - ---- ------ _-- - -- - ------ --------- --------------- <br /> � Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonhin�, �,nd all the Estate,R-ight, Title, Inte,rest, Dower, Curtesy, Cla,im and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__B_______, a��l�h���of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> - TO �AVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, u11to the said Grantee____ _.___and to__________her_________.__. heirs and <br /> - a,ssigns forever, And_________W_Q hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee____-_______tliat___i�8______________hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that________ti�6_________.______ha_Y_Q_good right and Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free �nd clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------- ------ ------------ ------------ -- -- ------ ----- ------ -- - ---- -- ----- - ---- -- - -------- -- --- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- '. <br /> ---- - ---- -- - - -- --- - - - --- - ----------- -- - -- - - --- And------ - -- - - - -- -- --we -------------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> defend�XiQaid premises against the lawful claims of a,ll persons tivhomsoever, ____.___ _ _______________________--_-_----___-__--_._--------_-----__-_-_-----_--__-_-____----- ----- <br /> --- ------------------ ------------ ------------------------- , <br /> Dated the--- -8th -- ---- --- --------day of__ - - �'eY�7Ct�.��3t' - --- - -------- ------A, D,, 19--�--1-- • <br /> WITNESS ---------------------HenrX---�aehn�k------------- <br /> - -------- ---�Iargar_atha---�To_ehnal�-------------------------- <br /> L.r.A11an <br /> ------- -------------------- - ------------ ------- --------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKg, <br /> ss. <br /> -- ----- -Hall--------County, On this-----------$th-------------------------daY of_---------Eeh�.18Ty------------------A, D., 19--7.�,--, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public__.__________________-,___-____. __within and for saic� County, personally came_ _ _-__----_-----------__------------------------_-------_- <br /> - - --Ei�_nr'�'---��ehnc_k__anc�--r�.ar-��-r-e�I�� �a�h-r�c-k-j---Y�i�----w}fe------------------------------ ----------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_$__.____whose name__�_________ASg___________________-._at3ixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor_�3_______, and________�he�_.____.severally acknowledged the same to be____.___th8ir________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br />, IN ti�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sub��']�1�c�.�.Y��and a8'ixed my ofr'icial seal at_____._______________________.______________ <br /> , Y . <br /> _____�r8nt�__It�18�.n,C�;,__Nfl?�r_.__121_�aiS3___�____-----on the date last above written. <br /> I,.�.Allan <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commissio�i expires------------ ----- ---------------------------��F�---��a----------------------------------.i91G------- <br /> ; <br />