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<br />� .� � 50048—KLOPP&BARTZ,ETT CO.,Prir.tiaa�,�,Li%ho�ra�hireg a.nct C�unf>>�Supp�lies:O�zalea. . . . . .. .... . . �� . .. � .:�, .�'-� '�--- �''��- �-- -.- v .. .� ^ — ..� -- — - �
<br /> �`'��f�Z I hereby certiiy that this instrument was entered on Nutnerical In�ex and
<br /> - �it�b81._Bi_�d__ _$�----Husbaild-- _---- ---- filed for recorcl t�iis--___ ---8-th-- --------day of__ .F-eb1�i�&ry_ ---- -- --- ,
<br /> A, D,, 19_ 1�]�___, at- - - -1_.�U - - --o'clock- - ---_--- --P. -M.
<br /> - _ -- - - _ -- -- - -- _ - - __ - V6Tarranty
<br /> TO Deed. ,
<br /> u��` uP�c
<br /> _ __ _ __ - _ u� _� � �
<br /> - - . . ----
<br /> R�gis�er of b ds �a�
<br /> -- _ - --A.J,_i�i��lolph- -_ _ ___ --
<br /> - - - - _, - - - - - - - - - - --- - - ----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �n.o� Al� �eri b� T�e�e Pre�ent� o
<br /> That---- �abe_l__�ixcl ana .TY�ou��__Y.�_ir��-h�r hu��and --- _ - -
<br /> of the Couz�tY of_ - -- -- - - -Ht311 _ -
<br /> _-------�,n� State of--- ---------N��.T���d--- ---- --- - -----------_ .._.---- ----- - ----------Grantor-S-----, in consideration
<br /> of the sum oi-- - __'�irty--FouT_Htznd.aCed--a,z1d__Fifty---���._.�7i.t��-UQ------ --------- --------- -----DOLLARS,
<br /> --- - --- ------- --- --------
<br /> in hand paid, clo---- ----..--1�ereby i���NT, �.�RC�3IN, uELL, �11��D CONVEY unto----A._J..�i�.n�i4_l�i------ ,----------- �
<br /> of tl�e Coiinty of_ - ------- H1�.11. _--anrl State of---_ __ ----NE3�r8.8��8____ _-----__ ---- _- .---- -------- ------, Grantee- -----,the following
<br /> describecI premises, sitlzated in the (;cur?tT�of_________ ___ _ ____ _ ���-z__-_-___._ . .:- _-_anri State of Nebra�ka,, to wit:
<br /> ------------F.rac�i.Qnal-lot-- nur.;uer- -Two---(-�� �.�-f�loc-k--n�amb�-r-Seuan -(�) -Q�- �p�.ulding__ �_-�re-g-g-!-s�--Addi-t-i_ox�------
<br /> to the City of xrand I�land, Ne�xa�ka_.-- -_ .
<br /> - ------ - -- - -- -- - --_-- - _ __ - - -- - - ------ - --- - - - --- --- ---- _- ----- --- - - - - -.. - - - - ---- -- ---- -------
<br /> - -- - - - - -- - --- -
<br /> - - - - -- - - -- -- --- - --- ---- - -- ---- --- -- ---- -- ------- - -------- - - ---- - -- ------ --------
<br /> Tobether wit� ait the tenem.ents, �r�ereditaments, an� appurtena�ces thereunto �elon�ing, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br />' Demand wliatsoever of the said Gran�or_._�_. ..; ari� of ei`11er of them, of, in, or to the same, or a,ny part thereof.
<br /> TO FI.�VE AND TO HOLP tcie above,-r�escribed premises,wiih the appurtenances, unto the said Grancee________and to_____.__hiE3_______.________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. 1�nd_._.___._______we._________hereby� covenant___.____with the said Grantee___ ______that____________�_______hold____.___said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____W8_____ ____._____.___ha�7a__good rignt ard lativful authority to sell and cor.vey the same; that they are free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------- ---- ------- _- - ---------------- - -- -- - --- -- -- -- - -- ----- ---- -------- - - ---- -- ------------ -- ------------ ------ --- ------ ---------
<br /> --- ------ - --- --- -- ---- - -- _.--- --- - - - -- - --- - -- ------ ---- ----- --- -- -- - -------- ----------- ------- - - -- --------- -- ---------------------------
<br /> - - - - -- - ---... - -
<br /> -------And---------------------?�'� --------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend�said �remises a�ainst t�ie lawful clair2s of all persans whomsoever, ---- -------_.-------------------------._----__.---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ----- ----- ------- -- - -- ----- ------ - - - ---- ------------ - ----- ---- --- -- ----- - - ---------- --- - --- - --- -------- ----------
<br /> Ilated the-----. - -- __- 8th---- - -- -_da,y of_ --- .�'e�'1�.1.�ry - -- - -- --- - -------A. D,, 19_11-- •
<br /> \1
<br /> u�ITN�ss ---------------�i�hQl__Birs�---------�---- --------------------------------------
<br /> ----------Thomaa--y�k�ir_d--------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- - -- - ---- - ---- �_eQZ�a--C_o_���nn_ - ------- -- --
<br /> - -----------=--------------------------------------------------- -- ---------
<br /> I, -- - -
<br /> - -- - -- - - --- - - i --------------------------------------------
<br /> �ss.
<br />' ----- - ------- Ha��.------County, On this. 8-'�h- ---- ----------day of_- --------�'_eb-ruary------------------A. D., �9-11-__, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_________________________--------------_-_within and for said County, personally came________________.________._
<br /> �bQ_1__�ir_�3--anri__Ths�ma�--'�.Bird,--.�.er--hu�bm.ncl---------------- --- ----------- ------------------ -----------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�_____whose name_�________8.�'_A______________________,ai�'ixed to tha above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__�______, and_____��'�L�_____________severally acknowledged the same to be_____�h81 r_.________:__voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> IN ti�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�1 and afCixed my ofr'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> ____arT_�riCi__I8�3nd�--TT�bT-ASI�.a---------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> - -------------- -Cst34T-�E---�%4II1�OIl--------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires-------------------- -------------------------��iL�.X---1Q��-----------------------------�9--��-----
<br />