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<br /> : � ___ _ __ _ ___ =_ - _. __� : _ _� . _ : _ � _ _ _ _-_ _ _-- __ _ — _--- _ –_ ___—
<br /> ,_ — z_`�QQ4$—KlOP�'�,$��'�.�'4T CO�Pranting:Lathogr�hzn8¢nd Coun;y_Su�plxes O+nahc----- -- - - _ ---- . - , _— __.— .—_ . -___ ____.— . __—_..___�.---. �.-- -�.�_
<br /> .. ._
<br /> FROM 1 hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -- ----- - ---- - filed for record this--- - ---$�11-----------day of--------F9b1'i18aCy---- ----------
<br /> ----- - ------ --Frank �ller- --- ---
<br /> �, D,, 19_1�1- � a�t------------- 1Q�'�0 -- -o'clock-- -- - -.g -M.
<br /> -- - -- -- -- ---
<br /> - -- 83,11g�,4 mAA_ -- - -- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. /
<br /> �:'��r�'l��z� - -- ---- -- --
<br /> Regzs ter of De�� ��¢��,
<br /> - -- -- �3�_r_�ha I�e�v�nld - - - --- --__
<br /> - -- --
<br /> -- - ---- - - - ---- - - -- - --- -------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> K�ow All 1Vieri by These Presents: :
<br /> That-- _Frank Eller--- � si�le man�- -- - _-- _- - -- ---- ---.__ - - -
<br /> --- -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - --- -- - -------
<br /> of the County of_---------HOW�1d----.---------- -----and State of_--------Nebri�8_ka_--------.----- .--- -------.--------------------------Grantor------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of----------`I`�_�,]Cfi y--.F'1Y9--- ---------- -------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___ ________hereby GRA%�'T, Bt�RGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ __ _. ____B�x'��el__ Za�rYQ�.d_________________ _
<br /> of the Count3' of_--- ------ -------�Sll-- -- ---------- --and State of_ _-- -- ----I�IQbrH.8k8- _------ ------- - -------- -------- -----.-- _-----, Grantee-----,the following !.
<br /> described premises, sitnated in the County of__...___.______ __ _.___k�all____________ ____ __-----_-and State of Nebraska, to i�it:
<br /> --Lo�___�umb��__F_iye--�5-�---3.r�- _B1Q�1�__NUmber--Fnr_�y-twn--in---Pac_ke r_--&--Bar�!-�--s_e�c�nd---�dditiQ�---t�_Gr_�.nd-------------
<br /> --i�la�d-,---Nebr_�.sk�-,---_ac u_osdin�--�-o- --thQ._r_ec.s�rderl--�lat---�_her_eof_} -Qn--f_31�---in --th_e__ Off_i�-e--Qf--t_he__County--
<br /> Cl�rk - -.of_._said_.Ha1.-1 Go�mtY_:- ---- - ---- - - - - -- --
<br /> -- -- ---- - -- - - ---- - - - ----- -- - ------- - -- ---- --- -- --- ----
<br /> - - - --------- - -- - ---- - - _ -- - - - --- ---- -- - ---- --- - - --- -- - _ - - - --- - ---- - -- -- -- - - ------- - -- ----- - ------
<br /> -- ---- ----- -
<br /> Together with a,ll the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereun�o beion,�ing, a,nd all the Estate, R.ibht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to �1ie same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-�iescribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______.and to____________.hBT_____________________heirs ana
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_______________I_____________hereby covenant_____.__with the said Grar,tee__._________that_.__._�.____________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; bhat_________1____________________ha_Vegood rigl�t and lasvful authority to seIl a,nd convey the same; that tlieyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- - ---------------- -------- - --- --- --- -- ---- -- -- ----- -- ----------- - ------- ------- -- ------------- -- -------------------------------
<br />, -- ------ --- - --- -------
<br /> - - --- - ------- -- --- --- - --- - And----------- - --- - ---- �- - ---- ----- ------�--------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> �lefend�isaid premises against the lawful claims of�,11 persons whomsoever, ----___-_- __---_-_---.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the- - - ---�8Y@�#h---- - ------- - ---- --day of_ - ---- �F@bTl�._�.?�y- --- ---- ------ ---------A. D., i9--11---,
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------P�c-m�alk--Elle�c------------------------------------------
<br /> --------- --- -- -- ------ �atn8s__�_.I�_i��.
<br /> ss.
<br /> II, ----------------Hall----------County, � On this-------------''�h---------------------,--day of_------F_e_bi'1iAr_y_-----------------,---9. D., 19__.11., before me, the
<br /> I undersi�ned, a Notary Public-----------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ---- -'�r_ank---Eller------(ein�le-}- - ------------------ ----- ------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------
<br /> ------------------
<br /> ---- -------- -- ------ . . .
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__________whose name____________if�______________________afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (�uEAI,} ment as grantor_________, and______.___11_8___________�t�acl�nowledged the same to �e_._______}��$____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed�my�3and af�xed my oii'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _ ___���I1S�___I_�_1_A�lt�_�__1Ts_b7C______________________________on the date last above written,
<br /> ----------------------------------------�-.-E..Ilil.l---------------------------------
<br /> Not2ry Public,
<br /> My colnmission expires----------------- ---- -------------------- ---Jul�-l6th------------------------------19�'3------
<br />