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Ctt _ -- - - - <br /> -_ - - - -- - ----- - - <br /> _. - - - -- - <br /> vepuiy, - - <br /> I�.�ovv All Nlen by Z'�a��e Pr�esents e <br /> �11�,t__T � SQy�our__C�nn�.��am -- --- _ - _. - -- - _- - - - - - - _ --- --- - ---- - -- - - -- <br /> -- -- -- <br /> -- _. __ - - --- -- - _ _ � -��n��e ���_ - - -- _ --,- - - __ _ -- - - - - - - -- - <br /> -_ --- -- <br />' of the G'ounry of_ - -------- -RoBS------- -- ------- - : --ar.d Slate cf--- ---C�r130_ __---- --- - - -----------Grantor------, in corsideration <br /> of the sun� of___ __ _mwa__Hundred _T�ten��r--ar�tl__no`100 -- ----- ------- ----- ------- ------- ------- - ------- ------- --------LOLLARS, <br /> in hancl pa,id, do_ ________hel°eby GI�ANT, BdRC AI17�I, SELL, AIF'D CONVEY unto_ _�ar�371 0"�°� <br /> of the G'ou��ty of___ ------- H��.�._____-- ---- _ _-- - -anrI State of--__ ._1�ebr�S_k0...- - -- �__------------, Grantee------,thefollowing <br /> described prer�ises,situaved ir�tile Colirity of_._ ._ ____________ __ ____H3�.1________.__. __-_____and State of Nebra,ska, t� wit; <br /> --------I�o'�-s- �u*r�b�r___Ei�;h�.---�8�- -and_Nine_ -(-9-)-- in__Bloc.k__N�un��r---�`Qwr----��}---P_�.e��ant---I3�,11---Adaition----------------- --- <br /> -- tn_ !�ranc�_ �s�.�.nd,_ NsUr_���:a-�s surv�yed� Plat�e�i_.ana r_�c_os�ae�_._-- - -_ -- -- - --__. <br /> -- - -- ----- ---- -- --- ----_ - -- -- - - - - __- - - -- - - - - ---_ _ -- _ -- - - - - -- --- - -- --------- ------- - -------------- <br /> ---- --- --- - -- - -___ - - -- -- - - --- - - -- -- -- -_ - - - --- - - ------ - - - - - - ---- - - - --- - - -- - - ------- <br /> - -- ----- _ - - -- - - -_ -- --- - - -- ---- -- ---- -- - -- --- - - - ---- - - - - -- - -- -- ------ ----- -- -- ------- <br /> Together��it�1 all the ter.�ments, here�i�tanients, and appurterances thereunto belon�ing, and all tl�e Estate, Right, Tit1e, Inte,rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__ ______, aY�d of eitlier of therli, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO I�%�VE AND TO HOLI) the above-described prerr�ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________ard to___.________hiB________________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And____ __.______T_____ _ ____hereby covenant_______tivith the said Grantee_____.___that______Z________________hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; th�,�______.T__________________ha_Ve__go�d rigrt and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; th�,t tliey are frse a,n�l clear of a,ll lie�is ancl incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------ ---- -------..-- ------- - - - - -- - - --- - --- ---- - --- - - -- - -- -------- -- - --------- - ------ <br /> ---- -- - - ------------- -- -------------------- <br /> ---- -- -- --- ------- - ------ --- -- --- - - - --- --..__.._._ - ------- - ---- -------------- ---- -------------- ------ ---- ---- ---- ------ -- -------- --- ------------------- <br /> -- --- - - -_..- - - - -- _ - - -- --- - -- ---- --- -- - -And----- - -�-- - - --- -- - ----- --------- -----------covenant------to warrant and <br /> defend`�"said prernises against the lawful cla,ims of all persons w�omsoaver, -----__ _--------. _.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- ---- ---- - - -- - -- - - -- - ---- - -- ----- - - - ----- - - ----------- ---- --- ------------------------------ - ---------------------------- ---------------------- <br /> Dated the-- TW�nty �OL1r�h--- _da�' of JaY7LtST�?'-- -- - ----- - - - ------A. D,, 19--11---• <br /> WITNESS --------------------Seymour__Cunnin�ham---------------------------- <br /> --- ------- <br /> ------ - ---- -----L.H.�od�e------- -- ----- - - --- ---- <br /> ---- 7.'has_�3_,.�roc�.w��er----- ------ __ - - � <br /> STATE OF ;.F'14�iC�� <br /> - ss. <br /> ---------Cranga---------County, On this-------------30th__---------------------day of_--------JaTltz�ry_-- -------------------A, D., 19__�-�__, before me, the <br /> undersigned; a TJotary Publi�-_-���0321ted--_-----------------_witllin and for sai�i County, personally came-_--__----___-__---_-------------------_____-----------_-----------__---- <br />�, -- - ------------��y�n�ur__Cunningham-- <br /> ------------------------------------------------- <br /> II -- ---- - - -------- ---- ------- - - -- ----------�- a--�-�n�1_e___�nan). : <br />'� <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person________.whose name_________________1�__________________a8°ixed to the above instru- <br />' (SEAL} rnent as grantor. , and_._______he_____._______severally acknoj�ledged the same to be________h�$_______________voluntary act and deed <br />'' for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> e <br /> IN Z�TITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and afCixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br />' _ _ ___Grl�ncio__s__FI4=�da_________________________________on the date last above written, <br /> -------------- -----------'1'IIOS__13,�TOC1W_f.tt_8T_-•--------------- <br />, Notary Public, <br /> My cominission expires-------x�TOV�mber-- 15__ 1914---------�����_._PuhliC-�---.�a�Q!_._af �`lo]Cida <br /> , <br />� , <br />