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� <br /> � r�_ �� <br /> � , (� � � G � . D� � � <br /> �� '� <br />--" 50018—K:.OPP&BfIRT7.7:'TT CO.,Printin�,Li[ho�ra�hing and County Supplies:O�rzaha. �_ _ _._ , <br /> �"�0�'j I her�by certif,y that this in5trument was entered on Nurtaerical Index and <br /> filed for• recorcl Ehis-- -------- --2nt3--------day of---- -F_eY�-rt�ryT----- .--- --------- <br /> - _- --- _ . - -. - -- . __ _ __ - - - <br /> �, v�, 19 _11 , at - -- --- 1,3D - o'clock - -- - -. ---p,M, <br /> _Cryille E1l�:�ror�h F rrife ____ __ Vllarranty <br /> -- - _ <br /> T� Deed. ' ,!� . <br /> - _ - -�`�'-�� /�_ - _ <br /> ------- - - -- - - <br /> fie�istex o� Deads x�ia��"� <br /> �'i.�liam__;Jouas:an-__ ----- <br /> ____lc ____.__..___ . <br /> -_.____._._.._____..___�-__-_.____...__.._. _ � <br /> --- -- — — — vEjlil���.— <br /> I�.�ow �l� l�en by PI'liese Pr�sents : <br /> T1�at C_rvi_ll.e__ Ell::_��ox�h__�r:ci_Lot_�.i_e_ C,F11��!o�'th_,_ l�u:;l��n�__;�z-�s�--'`�'�.-�� --- - - - - - --- <br /> of the Coil.ntv af_-- - -H�11---------- __. ------- ------ ------antl Sta.te of----------------_--. - ------ ---i;�_uT_3�_r,3- --------------------------------Gra,ntor_s___, in consideration <br />, of tlie sunl oi ---lh�rt_c�.r. _Hu.t"iclxed (�1.3C�-0-.�i} - ----- ---- - -- - --- --- -- --�- -----------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> - <br /> in �iand paid, do_ _.__.___hereby GRANT, B�I���I�Y, SELL, 9l�'D CONVE� unto____�'di�I1a_r_.1 �oo__CZr���n ___.. <br /> of the Count,y of--- -------------- - -H:�11_ ---------and �State of---._ --------T'�?1�r;�G�:3---__ -------- - _, Gra�r�tee-------,the following <br /> described prernises, �itua�ec�iz� t11e Cv�rity of__ .__ ___ _ _ __ ____'tiall_ _-___.____.__ ___ ___- _-__�,nd Stafe of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> . r .� � <br />�' Lo�__Five--(�-)- -cn__�i�tin�an�l__ a,�__��rct�ox�__T�a.;����_f��r� (�5� in To�•�_z�:�=i-P- Ten_ _t1t�} :��rth_,__ c,f---Far. e----- <br /> Ten tl4) ?�e:�t r�f tr.e--sixtrl P=�.i. ir__�Ia`!_J._ _Go�art��� -fre�.x���:�,� -_ -- - __ _ -- - - - - - -- ------- - -- <br /> -- -- -- _ _ -- __- - - - - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - - ------ - -- -- - - - - -- ----- --- <br />, - - - <br /> - - - -_ - - -- - <br /> -- - - - - -- _ _ -- __ <br /> - -- _ __ - - -- -- ---- ----- - - -- - ----- -- - ------ <br />'� - - ---- - - - ------ -- - _-- -- --- -- - - -- --- -- - - --- ------- --- -- <br /> -- --- - --- -- -- - -- --- ---._ . - --.. -- - - <br /> - - -- -- - - - - -- -_ - - --- --- - - -- - - - - -- ------ -- -- - - --------- - -- -- - - -------- -- - --- ------------ - ------ ---------- <br /> Together witl� all th� tenemen�s, h�re��ital_ner�ts, ard appurtenar�ces thereunto belon�ing, a�id aIl the Esta,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demancl whatsoever of ihe said Grantor__.s______, a:nd of either of them, of, in, or to tlie sanle, or any part thereof, <br />' TO .�r3ti"E A?�D.i 0 HOLP trie above-described pre�nises, u�iih the appurtenances, unto the said Granlee____-_._and to_____.���_________________._____heir�s and <br /> assigns forever, And____ ___ ___ir�__ ____________hereby coveliart___.__ti��ith the said Grantee_______that_____�;t8____________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that____._________��e_______ha_v�_go�d right and lau�ful authority to sell and corlvey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear af �,11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------------ -- ---- -- --- - --- - -- ---- -- -- -- - --- -- ---- ---- --------- --- --- ------ - ----- - <br /> � - - -___- - - -- - ------- -- - -- ---- - - - - --- ---- -- --- --- ------- ------------- -------- - -- --- -- - - - --- ----------------- --- ------�------------------- <br /> `'' ______________covenant_.______to warrant and <br />� - _--- -- -- - -- - - ---- - <br /> - --- - -- - _- - - - - - - - - - And------ - - - -- - -------- ----„e--- <br /> defend�said premises agailzst the lawful claims of all persoris whomsoever, ______ _________ _____________ _ ' <br /> --- - -____- ------ - - ------------- -- -------------- ----------------- <br /> I)ated the- - ___ �&th. --- -- - - -----day of J�nu�.�'-y---- - - -- ------------A, D,, 19�.-�.------• <br /> � <br /> tiVI!'NESS -------------------�_xv.�1,��---�_1_1_���ti�rth--------------------------------- <br /> LottiQ C.Ells�vorth <br /> - -------------------------------- <br /> -- - -- - -- - ---John--Sc nzx,r�rn- - ---- - <br /> ------ - ---- - ---- ----_ -- - --- ------ ----- -- - - - ----- � <br /> - -- - ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> STATE OI' NEBRAS��9, <br /> ss. <br /> On tnis--- -- - 2�t11 -- --------------da of_-----Jar�u�A�'y ---------�------------A. D., i9_-�-1-_ <br /> --Hal_�._---------County, ---._ ---_- Y - , before me, the <br /> undersigned, a 11'otary Public-------------------------------.----------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---�_rvil'le--�'11�t.�r_��i_--�x:ca-La����--�-rE-�-����.o���-i- Y���1a�r�:�.-�,n�%--;w=�-�'-0---------------------- ---------- <br /> to me personall,y known to be the identical person__�______whose name__.____________��o___________________afI'ixed to the above instru- <br /> .� ment as grantor�_________, and________th8�'____.__severally ackno��ledged the same to �ie__.t�_ig�r_._________.voluntary act and deed <br /> "EAL) <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> r ame <br /> Il� 1�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and aflixed my o8'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _____I�!onlrhar___TTet:r^slta____________________________________on the date lastabove written. <br /> John Schv�7yn <br /> _ -------------- - ----------------�------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My cominission expires------------ --------- ---------- ���---1�-------------------------------------i91�------ <br />