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. � <br /> ��� <br /> � <br /> �. <br />� � `� � � D � �1 � � D <br /> _� � �j a <br />� 500#S—KLOPP'&BARTITTT CO.,Pri�ttin9�LithoyraphirigandCo�ufety�Supplies;Omahc. ��� � � � ��� - � _-�- ��-� =-�` ° ' - —- <br /> FR��'I I hereby certify that tliis instr•ument was entered on Numerical Index and� �� <br /> __John__A�.J.�1__F�__�:r'1z.e__-- --- -------- filed for record tliis _.. .___ .lst- ------- ----�lay of----Fel�r-ua.xy-.-- --- ----------- <br /> �. D., i9_I1 , at_ -- - -- -3•1Q_ --- _o'clocl�-- - - -__- P. Nl. <br /> _ _ - _ -- -- -- -- _- -- _ ._._ VVarranty <br /> - - - • <br /> ��� Deed • Q <br /> �%��=`�'� -- --- -__ - -- -- - -- <br /> Regiut�r of Deed �s¢�c, <br /> . ___ Theocior �3uen��;� - .._ - <br /> - - - --__ _ ----- <br /> - - - - -- - <br />� lleputy. <br /> �n�w Al� IVien by These Presents � � <br /> T1�at__�ce,__Joi�n .�llan--an� Fa�nie �,,1�17.�n,--Y�i:'� �x���� --- _- -- - - - - --- __ --- -- - - <br /> - - - -- -- <br /> oi the Countiv of - ---_ ___ I�al_1------ -- -- _.and St;ate of._ ----- _ I�o':�z'aukct. _----- ------ ---- -------- -------- --------Grantor--�,_, in consideration <br /> of the surn of_ -C216--ThOLis3nti _00�1�0 __ _ ----- . - - -- ------- ------ --------DOLLARS, <br /> in ha,nd paid, do-----------�ierr�by U���YT, B�IRG_�IN, SELIJ� Al�'D CONVEY unto_____Th-e-aLi-o-T---Bu��g��----_ _------ -_ ----- ---- -- --- <br /> _.-- - -- - <br /> af th2 Coul�ty of_--- ------. --------?i�ll- - - ___ _ _._----___ard State of---_ ___._ _i�e'urtz��3 --- ------ -- _ _ . _---,------ ---- _----- --, Grantee-- ----,tl?e following <br /> described pre�nises, sitaated in the Ce��r�ty of___ .._.____ _________�i���_______.- _ -- _____-_-_and State of NebraUka, to u•it: <br /> All of Black Cno__(1}____o__f IJni�r�y_:_it_y__Place_ in__t�e---Ci��,�--of__rrana__ Island,--H�11_ Cqunty-,-- ---------- <br /> ile�raska, a� �urveyed_, �l<�tted_ ancl__ re__c_�raea�-- -- - -- -_ __-- _ ___ --- - --- ---- - - - - - - - <br /> ----- - - - -- _ - - _- -- - - __ - -- - - ----- ---- - - - - - --- - _.- - --- - --- - - -------- --------- --------- ----- --- <br /> To�ether witla all �he tenemen�,�, 1�eredital��el�ts, and appurLenances iiiereuzlto belon�ing, ��,nc� all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wratsoever cf t.he said C�ran�or__�_______, �r�-o€e�i��re�~ef#�erx, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO KAVE �iNP TO HOLI? the above-rescribed prezr�ises,with the ap�urtenances, unto the sairl Grantee______.and to__________hi�_____________________heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever. And___ ____^'e__________.____hereby �ove�zant__. ___with the said Grantee________that____�tt3_____________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that_______��t�__ ___ _ _______ha_.u�good right and IaT,vful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------------- - -- -- -- - ---- _ - --- - ------ --�-- ---- ---- -- -- -- - -- ------ - - - --- - -------------------- ------------------ <br /> -- -- -- ._- <br /> --- - - - -__ - -- - - -. --- - ---- -- -- <br /> . --�112d- - -- -- - - --t�Je -------- - - ----------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defend ��saic� premises a.gainst the lawful claims of all persons tivhoznsoever, _______________________________________________________________.____.________ _ <br /> ---- --- - - ---- ------ --_ _ --- - - - --- ---- -- - - ---- - - - - ---------------------------- ---- -- --- - --- --- ----- ------------------------------------ ----- _ _- — - <br /> I)ated the--- -�O�h - - - -- - --��Y of_.__ _J.ari11�rX - ----_ -- -- -- -- -,__A. D., i9---11--. <br /> WITNESS -----------------------J�hr�---A�_7��n------- -------------------------------------- <br /> .__r annie___L,.A11an_.__________ , <br /> --- -- ------- - -�I��-,�r-�_.�1if:_ard - -- --- -- - - <br /> STATE OI+' NEBRASKr1, . <br /> ss. <br /> --- --- -- - Hall-- ----County, t1n tris._ - - - �Q�-h------------ ----------day of_-----------�T3ru3ry- -----------------A. D., 19---11-, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a T3otary Public- --------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - --- ------- John__All�n__�nci--Fanni-e---L.Allan-,--h-i�--�'-if e-------------------------------- ------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person._s______whose name�________�_�.�_______________________af�xed to tl�e above instru- <br /> ��'-��'�L� rnent as grantor___�_____., and________the.�_._____severaliy acknowledged the same to be_________uh�ir_______.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> na::�e <br />' IN �VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1��and affixed my of2'icial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> rx�nu___�_S_13ris:1_t____�.11: :��.��t___�.�unty___________________on the date last above written. <br /> ' H.E.Cliffarcl <br /> ---------�_---- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------- ------------------ --------------Janua�'�---o n---------------------19---14--- <br />