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<br /> _ .� _ .. - - :_- _�_:_ . _ _ ---_--
<br /> �R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> r o filed for record this--._---- ---1-�t--------------day of---._I't�_'�',':a3ry---------------------
<br /> --- ---- gT�._�k �c_hne_7.l_�:_ _,�ri:C-Q ---- --- - --
<br /> �, D,, 19-11._ , at __ _ - ---- -- -- 3- --o'clock- -- - - P� --�Vl,
<br /> - - -- - --- - -- - - -- - - -- -- -- ---- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. '
<br /> y _._-------------- --------------- -..__..�. - - ----------------------._--
<br /> ''/� li<li,�
<br /> - _ - �:I�ri1"3�--LQQIlha�d.� - - _ _-
<br /> - - --- -
<br /> -- - - ---- - -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know 1�11 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That -- -- }1�.�k_Schn�ll__anc�._Aria�li- a�h�Ql_�._}--h�.-s--wi�v - - - -- - - -- ---- --- - - -- ----- -- ---- --- ---- ---- --------------
<br /> of the Couniy of---- --------��all-- ------and State of-- ------T1e���.6_k_a-_--- --------- ----- - ------------------------------Grantor-�--., in consideration
<br /> of the sum of--- --_ - �'_QUrt_�3Qri__�iuil�lr��l--0_Q/_1�.Q.. ------ ----- --------- --------------------- -- ---------- -----------------------------------=---��--------DOLLARS,
<br /> �
<br /> in hand pa,id, do___.________hereby CRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, A�TD CONVEY unto_��n»rY--LaoTlh3rdt,.______________________________
<br /> - --- - - --
<br /> of the County of------ -------- fial�- --------- - ------------ --and State of__- --lT�'�l��La--- ---------- - , Grantee------,thefollowing
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of______._ ____________ _Hall_____ .____.____ ____________.__and State of Nebraska, to i��it:
<br /> ------Lot. _Eigh�----(�3-)----��--Rlo�r,._@ne__�.iznclred---r�r_�_X-�ix-------(�19;-�)----,-�.f -Iln_i.on__Pac.ific_-.Rail.�y�-y---Cor��any-!s--S_�.c_onc�
<br /> -- -,�cl�i_itic�n__�o--��rand--Islanci-, -a�- surv���,� , -��-latte-ti -�nc� recorc��d.- - - - - - - --- - - - - ------ -- - -- ---
<br /> -- - - - - -- -- --- -- -- - -- --- ---- ---- - -- ---- ----- --- -
<br /> -�- - -- - - -
<br /> --- - - - - - - --- - --- - - - - ---- -- --- -- --- ------
<br /> Toaether witl� all the tenements, heredit�inents, and appurtenances thereut.ito belon�ing, a,nd a,ll the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoe�%er of the said Grantor___#3____,—�-o��t,�h�r.a�a��, of, in, or io the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,wit.h the appurtenances, untb the said Grantee______.and to___._____.__11��______________________heirs and
<br /> -�--m.�,.�.
<br /> assigns forever. And___________V�LQ_________________hereby covenant________with the said Grantee__..._______that_____��t�___.__..___hold________._said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___.___________i�v_Q___________ha._YH_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear af a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_______�XCO�t_._tr_e__�an��.ia__�art___of._ t�fo__r�or_t�a�e�___to___The__�c�uitaUle_Luil�ing___�__Loan___As_�_oc_iation___.
<br /> of �ralza_ I�_lanci_,_I1e�ar-.-s---rocord__acl--lri--�o_ok_�_9___-at---pa�e--�J--�.----�QB_.�hich--t.��--��ani:-ee---�z�-r-�ir�--a,�sumas-
<br /> -------- ---- - -
<br /> -----�na. ��a-e-s-- t�---PaX= - --- ------------- - ---- - - -------- - --- ---- -- ---- - ------ - ---- - ----- ------- ---------- -------- ------- ----------------- -------
<br /> ------------ ---- - - - --- -- ---- - ---- - - - And----- ---- ----- -----tvQ - - -- - ----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the Iawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, .__.��CB��____�s___��0_Y_u___e3�_�t_u_�.�_____________________________._________._____________.__.____.
<br /> Dated the---- ------15t-- - - --- --------- __day of �'e3��'u�.x-3?'--- --- ----- ----�---A. D,, 19__�.1- •
<br /> WITNESS t1iC k Schne 11
<br /> ------------------------------------- --- -----------------------------------------
<br /> ,
<br /> - --��'2'!`G�!-%� - - -- ��=�--------------
<br /> ------ ------- -- --- ----John--All�n--- --- --- - ----- - -
<br /> G���
<br /> ss.
<br /> - -- -��,�.-7.-----------County, On this-- -------------1u�---------------------day of-----,-Fas�r_zla:r�---------------------A. D,, i9__11__, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Publi�-__------__-_--------_--------._---_----------within and for said County, Personally came-_--__-------- --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --S?_i_ck--Schnell -�nd Ama1i--��hna11 J--h_i��__uif e -------- ----------------------------------------------
<br /> -- --�--- --- ---- --------- ------------------ ---- ----------- ---- - -_ ------------------------------------- --�------------- -------------- - �---------------
<br /> (a�Aj,) to me personally known to be the identical person__�_______whose name._�,__________���_---__-____-_a8ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as gra.ntor__�_______, and_________�ht3y_______severally acknowledged the same to be______��:eix___..__.____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribe��a,nd aflixed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> �'r_anc�__Island-r---IIeh-r-y---i��1--:��i-d--�-o����n the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------------�T oYa.n__A],_7.�n----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires--------------- ------- ------------------------Jan,---5-;-------------------------------19.--1u---
<br /> ' ,
<br />