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<br /> J LJ
<br />_ 50018—KI.OPP&BAR4'LE4'T CO.,Printinr�,Lithographing¢nd County Suppties;O^nuAc. � � � � �_ �, -- - - _— - _ � � � =
<br /> �'Rn�� I hereby certify that t�is irzstrame�t was entiered on Nurnerical Index and �
<br /> filed for 1°ecord this: _ -- -3.1_--- - --------_ ___day of_Jantl.�Ty---- --_ - -----------
<br /> A, D,, 19 :�1�--, at- --- ._--- 1.40 - - ---- -o'clock- - - P• - --M•
<br /> _ - `T��.Dil�.. _F�_��tife -- _ -- - Wa►rranty
<br /> TQ D�ed.
<br /> -- - -- - - �_ - - __ - _ - --- - - -
<br /> �e�ister of Pee � ���t,
<br /> - -___ __ . C_i�.ax_l�s_ L.fia�hael - -- -
<br />, - - --- - ---------- --
<br /> -- - - -- -- Deputy. -
<br /> I�now A11 14►�en by Tliese P're�erats:
<br /> That __rJe, __J_ �E.Dill-� �T�a:�ie �_,Li11- --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - _ ._.__ ---- - - ----� -
<br /> _( hu��ana _.�nc3--ti�:a.��_�_)_ - - __ _ - - -- --
<br /> � N_a�1 --------- --- --------and Sta.te oi------T1_e_L_r�u��$_.- ----- . -- ._----- ---------Grantor--B---, irz consideration
<br /> of the Goz�nty of___ _--._ - - __ _ - -
<br /> --Fif ty �ncl na/100. - _-- _ _ --- --- -�-- - ---- - - -- - - --- - --:-- -------- - - --- -- --- -------DOLLARS,
<br /> of the surn of_. -
<br /> in han.d paid, do. _ _ -------r�ereb3r CRANT, ��RG"-_�IN, SELL, �1�;D CONVEY unto_ __Chzr1B3__I�.Fu`�.�ah3@1---__ _- - -.-,
<br /> Iiall ar�d �Sta�e of__----- --------- _.2��e�ra�_l:a--- _. .------ - -------- ---------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> of the County of__ __ - - - -f -- - -- --
<br /> ciescri�ed prernises,siti�ateci ii�zlln Cau?it,y of___ _ . __ ______ .__ __F�al? __and Stat,e of Nebraska, ta wit;
<br /> � '" in--�loc_r;__nu,^�i�e�._�l�Y�n-- -�11�-_Colle-�-e---.Aclditio-n --t_o_ _�r.and__I_slan�,----�1eLra�ka
<br /> - Lot rur_:k�er---Se,ren___ ( r) .Ac
<br /> ��--s�rV�_ye_cl�,- p1a�i�e c�-��nc�-�e�c�rde�. - --- -- - -_ _ - - - - -- -- - - -- - --- --
<br /> -- --- - -- - --- -- . --_ - - -- - -- - - --- - --- --- - - ----- --- -- ---- - - -- --- - - - --�-- - -- - - -------�---
<br /> -- -- - - - - - --- - --- -- - - ---- - - - - - - - --- --- - - - -- - - --- - -------- -- - - ---- - - -- - - ---- --------
<br /> --- --- - - - ---- _ - -- -- --- - - - - - -------- - ------- ------ ---- ----------- -------- - - - -- - ---- -- ------:-----
<br /> Togethel�witli all the te�ements, �iereditam_ er1�s, and appurtenarces thereu�to belon�ing, 2r�d all the Esta,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> II� Delnand u�l:atsoever of the sai�? Granto�_.____._, and of eithar of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO N.4VE AIVD TO HQLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___ _ ___and to______________._his-,______________heirs and
<br /> a;ssigns forever. �lnd______:'�e___________ _ ____.__hereby cavena.nt__._____with the said Grantee____ _.___that______:,;_e_.__._.__hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br />� title; that____Yt�__.____._________fia__V�good t°ight and lati��ful authority to sell and convey tlie sa,me; tllat tlieyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrazices
<br /> whatsoever------,�t�bj_ec�---u�--�.11 t_�.xau �=-rd-3�_r_es_�r:�ent� -�ain�� -µaid -�xc��a�r_t_Y- ------- ---- -------------- --� - --- - ------------------
<br />' - --- - - ----- - - - - - -- -- - _- -- ---- - - -- - ---- - ------- - ------------ --- --- - ---- - -------- ------------------ ---- - -- ---------------..
<br /> ---- -- - ---- --- --- .- --- - - ----- -- - - ---- --- -- ---- ---- --- - ----- ---- - ---- - - - --- --- --------------- ---------------- --------------------
<br /> - - --- - - - - - And---- - -------- - - - - -- -��1�- ---- - --�---------covenant--------to tivarrant and
<br />, defend t��said premises agaiust �he lau�ful claims of all persolls whomsoever, _,__a�'b_;;_eC t__t o__.�11___t�.�e.r___�nE�,___3Y�e��ltlent_:_a�3aln�t__,______
<br /> -- ---s-aid_-�r_op-�rtl•--_ - ------ -- - _- -- --- - -- - - - --- --- ---- -------- -- ------------------ - -- ------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> Dated tt1e--- ----- -�OtY�,_. - - ---- -__day of- -- -��r!u�s_y ----- - --- - ---- -- ----A. D., 19----�-1--�
<br /> WITNESS'. -----------------------�-•-�-•-��-�------- ---- ----�-------------------------------
<br /> --- --- -- -�Is��ia_._s�I�ill--------------------------------------
<br /> __-- ------- -- .--�_,_�.�tu��on- --- -- -- --- ------- -
<br />' ----- ------ --- - -- - - - -- � -- --- -- -- ---- - - -- �
<br /> ss.
<br />�I - ----fl�a_�1-----------County, On this-------------�'Qth------------------day of-------S�nlzaz'y------------------.-___A, D., 19_11___, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a tfotary �'ublic________ar�?"?pintec�________________._tivitnfr� and f'or said County, pe.rsonally came__________.____________
<br /> --- - - -- - �.�;_._�i11- �---Je�Uie -r-�-?�i11 ---------- ------ ------------------------------------------------
<br /> - --------------------------
<br /> - --- - ----- ----- - -------- - ----- - ---- --------------- �h��fiY��nd..and_t�;_ife)------ -------------- -----------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__£�_______whose name_�_______��B_____._______________a�xed to the above irstru-
<br /> (S�AI�) ment as grantor�i________, and_____�:ri_ey_____________severaily acKnowledged the same to be_.____�h�_i_r_._______.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> nar:le
<br /> IIV WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m�,gdca,nd affixed my official seal at__________________________________________.__
<br /> ____________�r�nti___Isl�nci,__;;e��_,�_____________________.___._on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------�---------- ------�-�c-.f�u�tan--------------------------
<br /> Not�,ry Public,
<br /> My commission expires------------- --- ------------------------------------�T_ulY--��----------------------------�9-1�-----
<br />