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� �-� <br /> �' ,� D � 1 D <br /> D �, � � 0 D a <br />--__ 500�8-1`�LOPP&Z3ARTI,F1'9'CO.,Yrintin9,Lithogr¢phi�xg¢�,"ou�zty Supplies:Oatchc: . -- —,:- -__-, �—___ _ _ <br /> Fh��Vl I hereby certiify tha,t this instrument �;�as entered on Nura�erical Index and <br /> �.da �Torhes �alir,��n c�� hu��an filed for reccrd this-- 31- -- - . ---------day of'__��ru�ry_---- - -- --------- --- <br /> �, D., 19_I1 _, at- - ---- - I4.3Q --- __o'�lock --- - A� -M• <br /> - - - - - -- _ __ � VVarranty <br /> _ - __ _ -- - <br /> �U Deed. • <br /> - - ------ <br /> - - --- <br /> --- -- <br /> J.C a r��in I3 ic e ' �� ' ������' <br /> --- <br /> _ _ - -- - --- -- --- - __ - --- -- <br /> l�epu�y. <br /> no�v �I� 1VIeri b� T�a�se Pr�eseaits a <br /> That_?�da_ Varhe�. Fsalir�,an ard--�Vill_E.Baliman- (_ �,'ife ana hu�band) -- <br /> _ __ _ _ _- - -- - -- - -- -_ _- - -- - ------ <br /> of the CountY of---- ---- - - �i_Ow�rCl__------- _-----__..__anr� State of_---- .----._I��lara�ka -----------Gr�,ntor-s---, in r,ollsideration <br /> of the sum of_ - ._Tv�o_ '��un.cix'�ci &_i1Q�1C?C�-- - -- _ _ - - --- ----------- ------------- ----- ----------- -------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do___ _ ___hereby GR%1P�T, '3�11�G�1I��, SELL, AND CONVEY unte. __J,C3�'S';in__Bi_Ce_____ _____ _ <br /> of th.e Cciinty of---- -- -------- --------�-�a11 - --. _ __-------- ---ard State of---- -- ---�Te_1 rask3 _ __ . , Grantee____--,thefollowing <br /> c�escribe�premises, ;�ituated if� the Ccar��y of_______ _ ___ ___. _ ___ _ �i_al1___ ____ __._________and State of Nebraska, to w•itr <br /> ---- -Lo y _21�.�s�be_r- -Ei�,�at----(-�3}_--in_?�lock--��,�in]_�er__S�_inet_Y----(-�Q_)__in _;�lhe��.ex--F--B�n_r_��t' s-- 4th--Acldi_t_i on-- ------ <br /> to_ �x_�nt�---I�lan�l,--2ye�r_as.l�.a, --as__s_nru'e�,��tl-,-__�lat_t�-cl- �nd-- rac_a�_d_e�.---- __ ---- <br /> -- - - - - - - --- . - --- --- - -- _ _ - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- ------ - ------ --- <br /> --- - ---- - - - - --- -- - -- - - - ------ - - - -- --- ------ - -- - - ----- -- -- - - -------- <br /> - ------ --_ - --- - --__ -- - - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - --- - -------- - --- -- - -------- ---- ---- - -------- - ----- <br /> Together with ��,Il the tenel�ents, liereditalne��s, ar2d appurtena.�rzces t�iereunto belon�ing, �,nd all t�ie Est�,te, R�ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Glaim and <br /> Demand wl�atsoever of the said Gra�2tor___�____, an_d of eitlier of theln, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO I�_�VE AND TG HOLD trie abvve-described premises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee____ ____and to_______._h1_�_________________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And____ ___t�:e-____ ..______hereby r,ovenant_.______with the sairl Grantee____.__.__that_________�tte______ __hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that.____________�YE3____________ha_vs__good right ar=d lawful authori�y to se11 and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever_---- - --------------- - -- - --- - - -- - -- -------- --------- -- ------- ---- -- - ----- ------------- -- - <br /> -- --- ---- -- - --- --- - - - -- _- -- -- --- - - -- - -- - - --- - - ---- - -- - - --- -- -- ---- -- -- ----------- - --- - - --------------- --------------------- <br /> --- _- ---- - -- - - ------ -- - --- - - --- ------- - - --___------- -- --------- - -- - - ---- -- - - -- ------ -- ------- - - ---- ------ ----------- ---- <br /> -_ -------Ard-----------------------------_- `'e ------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> defend t�esaid prernises against t1�e laivful cl�,irt2s of all persons ti�homsoever, ___..________._____ _____.____________ .______.__._____________________________________. <br /> I)ated the_IZa.�riQ��entY� --------- -- - -------da,y of---- -�Januar�r-------------------------------A, D,, 19_.1�---. <br /> ti�ITiJ�SS ____________Ada__Vorhes__Faliman <br /> '�ill E.Baliman <br /> > <br /> --- ----- ----------- ------------ ------------- <br /> --------------------------------- <br /> ------ -------- - Freci--�,_�koi� - -- - -- ---- -- <br /> STATE OF 1VEBRASK_A, <br /> ss, <br /> ---- -- -- -HOt��arci - -----County, , Qn this- - - - - --- 2uth --- -__-----------day of_------- �Tanuar�--- ---------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a ivotary l'ublic________________________ within and for saia County, personally came_____._________________________________.____________________________.,_______ <br /> -Ada- Vo-�llss--Fal�ixn�r--� �Ji-11--F-.-�aliman--- ------- ----------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------ <br /> -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- - ---- - -------------- --- -- ------ - ---- -- ----- --------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------- <br /> to lne personally known to be the identical person_�______whose nai�ie__�_______________.____._____. af�ixed to the above instru- <br /> _ _ _ <br /> {�E11L) r�ent as grantor__�_______, and__.___��1_eY________,__severally ackno��ledged the same to be________-reir________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for i,he purpose therein expressed. <br /> nar.,e <br /> IN T�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�;and af�ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ____at__Li=tMory___________________________, _______________._ov the date last above written. <br /> F.A.SI>o�,r <br /> ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My colnrnission expires-----------------.._---- ----------------'=`ay---�1-•-----------------------------�-------------�9��------ <br />