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<br /> FRO� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> - - ----Franc i s__C or r;in�----a�d--yrif�----------- filed for recorrl this_ -- - -- -__�Q------ , --------day of__-��nua-r-Y--------,----- ----------
<br />, �, D,, 19 11 - , at -- --- - - -_ _ � o'clock_._ - P� --M•
<br /> --.__ --- --__- -- - - -- - - . - - -- - - - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> - - -- _- - ,- - -'�-�����- - -- -
<br /> ,
<br /> • ,
<br /> - ----�eorge__F_,Lyle -- - - - - /���r��
<br /> %
<br /> i --- ---- --- - - -- - - ---- --- ----- ----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Kno�v All 1VIen �y These ]Presents:
<br /> I .
<br /> That- Fr�n__cls_C_orkina--ax��i__FIa�._iet- E.C_arkins,- '�=is -ci:ifa -- - - - -- --- - ---- --- - - - -- - ----
<br />' of the Count,y of_____ ______ �;��1 __and State of___. I'jei��aJx.a____ _______ . __ _______Grantor_^___, in consideration
<br /> of the surn of -Cne_ _ThouS_a__n�--_____--__ ____.__________-______--.���_--�._�'___�-'----------- -------------------------------------DOL ,
<br /> -- __� _ �__........�. _ _ _._ ___ L
<br /> in hand paid, do-----_ -------hereby GRANT, B�IRGAII�', SELL, AND CONVEY unto--- IF'or-�e--_P.�Ly1e.------- --- ------ -_. _---- ------- ----- -- -��--- -
<br /> of the County of_----- ------- ��.ai1-------- ------.- - -and State of__.--- ---21�'u��.�ka----- ------- -----, Grantee------,the following
<br /> `� - _. -- -
<br /> described premises,situa.ted in the County of___ _____________r�a11__ __ ____ .___.___________.___._and Sta�e of Nebraska,, to w•it:
<br />, -- The Eas_ter_l_y____�a�.f ��.'�=2} .�f--Lfl-�--�evQn ���- ln--�loc-1_ F�rt�-21_ins -t4��_-Crioinal._TQ��m--no_i�--C-1�Y--�f --
<br /> - -�ranci Ig1�_n__c1_1 as_._�urv�y;a__�;latted ancl_ x�cordec�. • - - - - - -- - - - --- --- --- -
<br /> -- --- --- - - -- - -- - - - .. --- --- --- - - -__ -- - - - - -- -- --- --- - - -- - - -- - ---- - __---- -- --- - -- - ---
<br />' - -- -- -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- ---- - -- - -- -- - - - -- - --- - ---- - --- - - ---� - - - - --�- -- _-- ---- --- - ---------
<br /> Together witli all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoeyer of the said Grantor__S_______,�,nd°rr��er#�e�€�1��r of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO R1VE AND TO FIOLD the above-described pren�ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to___________________ 1:_�.�______.____heirs and
<br /> II �ssigns forever, And____._____t_hQ__y.____________hereby covenant______.with the said Grantee__. ___.____that____�hfly__.______hold___._____said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____��'?Q_Y__________-----_ha_v8_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> Iwhatsoever-------- -------------. ---- ---- - --- - ------- - -- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- - ---- ------ -- ------ ----------- ------------------- ------------------
<br /> -- ----- --------- ---- ---- - -- --- -- -- --�- -- - -------- -- -- - - -- --- --- -- ------ -- -- - ---- - ---- - - ------------ ---- -------- ---------------------------
<br /> ---------- - _._ --- ---- --- ---- -- --- - ---- ---
<br /> - ---- --- - - --And---- --- --�he-y-- - -- --- ------ -----------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend�as id premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoeti�er, ---_-_----__.._-----.____..--_- _--_--_,-----__-----..------ ----------._.------------------------------
<br /> --� ------ ---- ----- - - ----- --- - -------------- - -- ---- ------ ---- - - - _ - --- ---- - --- ---- ----- --- - -- ---- - --------------------------- -----------------
<br /> Dated the_ -----�8-- ---- ----- --- --day of-------- -January ------ -- ----- -----A. D., i9--11-- �
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------Fr 3nC i-�---�Qr k in�-------------------------------
<br /> Hariet E.Corkins
<br /> - - ---- ---- ------ -------L,�_,Allan-- - -._ ,-- -- - ----
<br /> - ---------------- -------------------- --------=---------------------------------------
<br /> ss, ,� A. D. 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> - - Fi211- ---- - ----County, On this- - ----- �g ----- -- ---- --------day of- -- --�I�nu��3t------ ------------- ,
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public_____________________._________________________within and for said County, personally came _______________------___:______-___-__------------------------------_
<br /> --------_F_�anc�.�__Cor_��in�- -and_��ri��--E.-�nr_l�in��--------------------------- ---------------- ----------------------------
<br /> to me personalIy known to be the ider.tical person.a________whose name..s____---__��-e---__-_----_-,_-----af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__a_______, and______4h�y---------severally acknowledged the same to be_____.+heis._--------.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for t�N WITNESS WHEREOPe�7 have hereunto subscribed my�and
<br /> P A A ,�� Q
<br /> af�ixed my ofl3cial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> Gr3nC� I�larid_�___in s2�iC1 C�unty_____________________._on the date last above written.
<br /> -------- -------�--- ---------------
<br /> --------------------------------�.n_._��l.�x�---------------------------------
<br /> ' Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommisaion expires---------------------- ------- --- - --------a�?pt---��--------------------------------19---�--6----
<br /> i �
<br />