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<br /> 50018—KLOPP c�BAR[^7TTT CO.,Printin�,Litho�raThinperdCo�nty Su�p[ies;Omaha. __' , __
<br /> FRO�'�I I hereby certify that this instru1ne21t tivas entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> '��' _ � • _ filed for recor�l this- . _.��8 __ - - -- ___ _-�la,y of -Janu�ry - - --_- ---
<br /> Ar���u�_.__C.�A1��r��s �� -r�izf Q - _ --
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<br /> Ra�ister of Deeds
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<br /> of th.e Courii�% of._ __ _ .__rIall--------. _____- -- ----and State of_--------- -- T1e�i 3�k3- ------------- ---------Gra�ntor-------, in cniisideration
<br /> 7� ------ - -- --- - ------- ------- ------- -------DOLIIARS,
<br /> of tre sian� of_____._ Cnv Thou�ant� .;;,lOUQ-���-�---- -__..___
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<br /> in hand paid, do_ __ ___herebv GP,�'�i�T, Br��iG4IN, SELL, A1�'D CON�EY unto. _.CY�arle� �T.Hum�hr_�;�___-_ _ --- - - _-_--_
<br /> H311. --- -__ _ _--------and State of rTe.:;raska-- ----_ _ .__-- - - -- -- ---- ------_._-------- -- Grantee--.----,the follov✓ing
<br /> of the Countv of-------_ _._ . _ __ --•� ,
<br /> described prerni:;es,vituaied in the Ccunty c�`__ . Hal3________ _ ___and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- -ThQ Ea�t_ r'ift� _FQQ� �5Q) of_LQt__�3r�� �-�-) -Qf -Blo�k--�.n� -l�) o�--thQ_Vi7.7,�ge_of--noni�h_an ---------_
<br /> IIa11__r�un��t,- tlebra�ka - . __ - --- -__ . - - - - - - - - - --- - -
<br /> To�et�er tivitn all t�s teize��ent:q, I�ere;�ita��nents, a�� appurte�ances thereunto belon.�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Zn�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand ix�hatsoeti-er� of the said Grat�tor__________, and oi either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TD �IAVE Al'dP TO HOL� tre a�ove-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto tre said Grantee_______and to______.__hiB_________.___________�eirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever•, And__ ._. _�;:.e _____ _________liere,by corenant______u�ith the said Grantee___________that_.____1,rc�___.______hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that_____.___y;�_________.._____12a_______good �°ig�it and lau�fTZl authority to sell a,nd convey the same; tliat theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- - -------- ----------- -- ----- - - - -- ------ - - - - - ----------- ----------- -
<br /> - -------- - -- -- ------- - - ------- --- --- ------ ------------------
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<br /> And- -- - -- - ---- -- �'"'�-- ---- -- ----------------covenant-- ----to warrant and
<br /> defend t�esairl premises agail2st t�1e lawful ciainis of all persolis ullom_soever, ------_._._.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> I1a,ted the- - - .. ._.�._�th --------- -�_da,y of - J�nua�Y --- -- - ---- ---------- ----A. D., 19--11---•
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------.�.r�hLix'----�.A�dams ------------------------------
<br /> -- - -------- -�.ZQ1�s�n-X.- A�iaras--------------------------------
<br /> H...E_.F�.nk_ -
<br /> ------------ - - --
<br />'', ------- - ---------- -- -------- ------------------- ------------
<br />' - -- - -- - - - - --- ----- - -. ,
<br /> -------------- --- --------------------------------------------------
<br /> Fial1 �SS' 19th Januar __ �
<br /> -- - --- -- -- --CountY, , On tliis- ---- - - - -------------------da,y of_-------- - -- ---y -- --- --------------A. D,, 19---�--�---, before me, the
<br /> undersig�ne�l, a I�'otary Publi_c _______._._______________within and for said Connty, personally came
<br /> -------- ------------
<br /> Ar�.iur � .A��ai,��_ancl__i�ellsan�___Aaar.ls_,- h����:�ancl and �,-;ife
<br /> to me pers�nally known to be the identical person_�_______whose name_ :_______��_�___________________af�xed to the a'pvve instru-
<br /> {SEAL} lnent as grantor_ .___.__, and_th8�r___.__.____.severaily acknowled�ed the same to be____t:ieir.__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> �-�ci.��i
<br /> IN �'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�-and af�ixed m3�ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> 17onip7��n_,__i7e G:,?r3sk3___________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------- --------------�---H_.E.Funk-----------------------------
<br /> ----------
<br />' Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires-----�---------------- ------- --- ---A��-'-=-- ----�-{----------------------------------------�91�------
<br />, �
<br />