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� �,�� � <br /> � �� <br /> , D D ° 0 ° � - ,.�.� <br /> 0 <br /> -_: ____ . _� 4 ___�. ��._ �. _ ___� _ . _ - _ _ ___ _ - ___ ___ -_ __-- __ __ --__ <br />_ _ ::= - . __ _ __ <br /> .v _.__ _�4Q18 .ICLOPP,&BAI�TLE7 T C_4...F'r't�4znQ.,�athQQTg�h�ng and,C_ounty Supplaes D�naha.� _ -- - - .— _- -_�___ �- =- -- <br /> _. _--_._--- - -_= ��� _ _--- - ---'-- - ` - _ �__ , _.. _ � <br />---- - ---.._ .:.,. _ _� .__ : -_ _ _ - -_— _.. ,_ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ------Ed�v�=ra__�i_ll_i�mN--and---�if_e----.-------- <br /> filed for record this--._-----_--------26------._.__day of_--------�Tantl�t�-------- <br /> �, D., 19__ll_ _, at- -- - --- 1� _. - -o'clock - - -- -- A. .M. <br /> - - -- - -- - _._. - --- - --- - -� - - - - Warranty <br /> T0 Deed. � <br /> -- --- - -- -----��-���'� - -- - - -- --- <br /> � . <br /> - - ---Lemuel A_.x�r__r.ison -- -- _ ___ /`l� <br /> ---- � -- - -- ---- - -- - -- -- ---- : -- <br /> l�eputy <br /> Know All 1VIen by 'I'hese Presents : <br />� That__ _E�t��rd �illia�s �na_ :�iina A._r1�11iams______ _�___husba_na__anu__�rife).__ _____ ______ .� <br /> -- - ----- - ----- - --- ------- --- --- -- <br /> of ths County of_____ _ .._____ Hdll ____.__and State of__._ ___ _.. NP,bTF�fikd ' t � __, _________Grantor__..S__, in cnnsideration <br /> of the sum of -T�o Tholz��,22c1-;-i-�.�_i�; �i"; _-�'_�.�'_�,"'---- " -------------_-----------------'----"---_---------'------DOLLAR , <br /> in hand paid, do___ _ _ _._____herehy GRANT, B�RGAI�1', SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto__Lemuel_ _A.G3rri.�_O_n ________ __ <br /> __ _ - -- ---- - - - <br /> of the County of---- - - Hal1---- ---- - - - - - a,nd State of-- _ --1!1el�r��?��- - - -- - -- - -- - - _ ---, Grantee- ---,the following <br /> - described premises,situated in the Courity of_______ _..______._fi_�J�.�_______________ ________._________and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> Lot--rlurr�ber___SixtQen--i.n__Bloc�:----F�ve---�.r�c�--�oy_�___Iv�;,11�es_ ?IinQ_,---F1.�.4�n-,--�ix�_�_lye_,--Th�,xte�n_,__.Four�een-1------------ <br /> Fifteen_,____�i:�rt_eQn_,__�even_teen_,,___Fi.�ht�_�n_,_ __�n_ I�Ioc.k�___�ax. _an�_LQt�_..��_e_?t�n_,___��r�e_�v_e,_ _Thirteen_,_____F__ourteen, <br /> Fifteen, Sixteen,_ Se�renteu_n� ana__Eig_h__teen.,___.of__Bloc_�___�evQn _ar�d____L_o�s___Cre_,__T�ro_,____Three_, Four,�___Five� <br /> --- - � - ----- - - - - . <br /> -Six-i---Sevan-,---Ei;��,??t-,--i?-a��e-,--T-�ns---�l�ven,--i�relYS-,---Th_i-rL_een-,--r-o-ur4_een-,---r_ift een.,__�_i��een_,---in--B-�-c�c-k--- <br /> Ei�h� -a�_cl Lo-ts--�dumk�e� -C�e-,- ��r-o, T-����z--Fr��zF, -F�vs,- �-��, -:�e�r�-r�,- �ight-i- Ni:�e, -�-�-�, -�lever�J --T-l�i�t-een <br /> -- FaurteeYi,--Fift een_anci---�i��_een---�,�__B�Q��--�luxnb.�r___a1�.ne- -anci- -LL�-�---�umU�r--T�ra_,-�'�ur;--��,�_,___Ei�ht-}--TPns <br />, Tv�elv�, Four�eon_,3r�a__�ixt_eon__in___�loc.l�__�lumber__Ten___in___Col�eGo__�ddi��on_to__�'e�t__Latvn___in___the__City__of <br /> �rand I�lar.d-,--i_teUr�,s'-�.a,-- ��---rury�_a_ed,--,�13t_i��;� -�nci--��;.ccraecl - - -- ----- - --------- - ------------- -- --------- - ---- ---------- ' <br /> - ---- ----- <br /> Toaether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurito belonaing, �,nd all th� Estate,R.ight, Title,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the saicl Grantor___s____., and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a,bove-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto tlie said Grantee_____.____and to____________________Yli$_____.___ _____heirs and <br /> I a,ssigns forever. And_____we._____ hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_________that________we________.hold_________said premises by good and perfeet <br /> title; that________�`�e_..__________._ha_Y_Q_good right and lawful author•it,y to sell and conv°y the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll lielzs and incumbrances <br /> . whatsoever----------- -- ------ ----------- - ------ - ---- - - -- --- - --- - ----------------- -------- -------- ---- - -- --- - -- ---- ------�----�---------- ----=------ <br />, ------- ---- ----- ----- --- -- --- ---- --- ------ - -- -- ------ --- ------ --- ------- - - - - --- ------ - ----- <br /> I ---- ---- - ---- ---- -- ---- <br /> -- ----- - - ---- - - --- -- - ----- --- - -- --- ------ ---- - --- ---�--- ----- ------ -- ----------- -- --------- ---------------------------- <br /> -- - --- ----- - -- <br /> -- - And---- - -- -t���3 -- --- -- ----- - ---------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> -c��' <br /> defend to^said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____.._____..________________-__________-.----_--_-------------------------------------------- ------ <br /> Dated the---- -�--�ixth -- - ---- --day of_ -- --.7aruary------- -- --- -----A. D., 19_11 --• <br /> WITNESS --------------------Fdi�rara---�'Ji lI iams----------------------------------- <br /> _�.iina A._7Ji lli�n�s------------ ------------------------- <br /> ---- - -- ---- --Jame s-E_,_Ii i l l_---- - - ---- ----- - <br /> -------- ------------------------------------------------------- �------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. , <br /> -------- ---- - Hall-- --__County, On this_ - --- 9th--- -------_day of------- --�Tanu3ry_----------------A, D., 19----�-1-, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Ivotary Public_________ap??ointe�._______________within and for said County, personally came_______________________________________________________________________________ <br /> ---- - - - - - -----F1^��a.rci__�illiar:�s---anci__�.�1ina------_r��r�fe-------------------------------- <br /> -- -- - - ----------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___�______whose name______8___________._arE3_________________af�ixed to the above irstru- <br /> (�:EAL) ment as grantor___�_____, and_____trie_y________.,__severally acknowledged the same io be_.�heiT_______________youluntary act and deed <br /> for Lhe purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and aflixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br />�T�bx____________._______________on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------------�'_._E._1?il_1_---------------------•--------- <br /> 7u`1 _ 16tY', Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires------------------ ---- -------------------'------Y------------------------------------------------19_13----- <br /> j <br />