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�' �./ � <br /> _ <br /> , D �� � ° . (-� � ° D <br /> I� � o <br /> _ _ _ _ _�_ _——_�__- <br /> 5UD�8--KLOPP&BARfiLL'TT CO.,Printinp,Lithographi�zg¢nd Caunty Supplies:O+naxe. °' ° --- '-``" - - <br /> FR0�1� I hereby certify that this instrl,ment i�as entered on Numerical li7dex and <br /> ----Q2"s�_ A_.K�1=SQ--�'i--Tit.l�1�-�- - -.`__ _ filed for record this- - ----L-�_------ -----------day of-------- .T�TI. - ----,- - <br /> :�, D., i9_ll , at- - - 3 -- - - --dclock-- -- _ --- -.p_._1'VI. <br /> - - - -- --- -- -- -- - -- -- Warranty <br /> T� Deed. �u��-� '� <br /> uc � <br /> _ _ - — — --- _ .. — ._ __ --- — ---- <br /> � , _, <br /> ���'��- ,e��.�_.. <br /> -H�rman._N�l�on __. .- - - - - -- - <br /> - - - -- - - - - - ------ - - - ---- <br /> Depu�y. <br /> now All l�en by T�iese 1'res�xits: <br /> Tnar, _ --Ora. � K�l�o �.s�--John-A ��lsa - v�if'� anc� l��zs�a�.c�- - -- - - - : - -- - -- - � -- - _ - - - ------- <br /> _ _ -- -- - -- - - __ - -_ -- - -- - -- _ ---- , <br /> of the Ccunty of_____-------- H. --_ _ -----and State of_. ------------ Z��"bY'c��K�. - -- - --- --- -- ---------Grantor�------, in consideration - <br /> al� ---- <br /> of the sum of- -..ThZ'-�-�- yi'14LLS�T1d--�3.�k1'G--Yltl,�d�'�d- a,11d-�'-14 j,�,_,�,_,_-�- ---------- ---- - ---- --- ------------ --- -------------- -----------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do_-- --___----h°reby GR:�NT, F�IiG_�IN, SELL, A��D CONVEY unto- -___--__ _ ___ . _- --------- ---_ <br /> _ -- Fi�rman _�_elsoxi- - --- -- - -- -_ - --- - - - - -- --- . <br /> of the Coul�ty of_-------- - - -H�11- - _ -----------and State of.---_ _- ---- - - ---------I�fi�b2'a�k� ---._-----, Grantee-----___,the following <br /> described�relnises, si�ua.ted in the Cotinty of------- ----���.11.--- -- ------- -- -..__ ----._-----arid Stata of Ne�raska, to wit: ' ' <br /> -- ---- zflt -on� �i) �.r�.�-�i���e� (��) -o� tr�� o��t��.�a,a. �o�y �.a�-c�:��, �r-��ra�d �-��:anc� ------------ <br /> . <br /> - -- Nebr_a�s_ka _a.� _�nows�. by t�.e record�d p�.a�t the��o�'. - --- - - ,__ __ - - - - -- -. . _- - - ---- <br /> ---- -- - - - - - _ __ -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - ---- - --- --- --- - --- --- <br /> - -- - -- --- - - -- - -- - ----- -- - ---- - - -- - - --- -- -- - ._. _. -- -- -- - - --- - - ---- - - - - -- -------------------- <br /> - - --- - - ---- - -- _ - - --- - - ---- -- - - - ---- - - - ------- - -- - -- -- --- -- --- -- ----------- - ------------- <br /> Together with all the tenemenfs, hereditamenta, and appurtenances tllereunto belongin�, �,nd all the, Estate, Right, Title, Inierest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br />' Demand whatsoev�er of tlie said Grantor_S __. ___, and of either of ihem, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO K:�ti'E A1�TD TO HOI�1? the aLove-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_______�i�_.________.______._____heirs and <br />� assigns forever, And___. _��'_�--------------------11ereby coi�enant_______with the said Grantee__....______that____��________.__hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> ti�le; that______�t'�;__ ___h�'�__good right and lawful authoritv to sell and convey �he same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrar�ces ' <br /> whatsoever-----�xe-ePt---'���_3__..�'QI'--1g1�-.----------------- - - <br /> -- -_ --- ---- -- - --- - - - - - --- -- - - --- - --- - -- .__.. -__ - ..--- -- --- --- ------- ------ -- ----- ------------ --- ------ - --------------- ------------------------ <br /> - --- -- - - - -- -_ - - -- - --And---- - - �� ------- -- - - -- ------------covenant-------to warralit and <br /> defend�said prelr_ises against tlie Iawful cla,ims of all perso�is wliomsoever, _____����p_t--��___�,bDV�;_._��a,'�-EL�_______,________________________.____________.____ <br /> ------------ - - ---- <br /> - - ---- --- - -- - -- - --- - - ------- - -- - --- -- -- --- --- _ - -- -- --- -- - - - -- ---------- ---- ----------------- --------------------- <br />� , <br />' Dated the--- -- - - 2DtY1 - -- -- ------da,y of__._- DPC�2tlb�r- - - - - ---___A, D,, 19_1Q - � <br /> , <br /> . <br /> II WITIVESS -----------�x'�--A---FE>'��--------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> - - -- --J'a�n---t�---I�e�so -- -------------------------- <br /> ---------------------tJS-�'ta J��-����.��-.�'----------------------------------- .. .. <br /> ----------------------------------------------- � <br /> � ---'------------"--------------' <br /> -- - -----------------------------�- ------- - <br /> ---°----'--------------------------'---------------'-'---------------'-- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, . <br />� ss. • <br /> 2C3'�h_ -- -- ---------day of -----D�'CeTCtb�Y'-- ------------------A. D. 19z0---, before me the <br />',, ------- $�1- -------County, � On this- ------ ----- - - , � <br />'', undersi�necl, a, ivotary Pu�iIic______________________________.___.__________within and for said County, personaliy came______________________________ <br />'' --- -- --- - - D�'� A.--���.8�--d�i.d-�Dx121--1�--�E'.�SO--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- <br />' --- --- - --- - - - ---- --- -- -- - --- - - --------- - ------- ------- --- -------- ------------------------- ---- ---------- -------- --------- ---------------- <br /> to mF persorally known to be the identical person__�______whose name_S______._______�_�__________________a,fl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> �nent as grantor�_______, and__________��e3r----_-severaliy acknowledged the same to ue_______����r________voluntary act and deed <br /> (S�) for �he purpose therein expressed. � <br /> ��n� <br /> 71V ��'ITNESS W�IEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and affixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ------------Cs�'-�Tld--I�1�.T2d__N�br----------------------�---,------on the date last above written, <br /> --------------- Z._R.Brininger----------=--------------------- <br /> tYotary Public. ' <br /> My commission expires-------------I��.I'Gh_--],u�-----------------------------------------------_..--------------�`�_1.�F----- <br />