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� ��� <br /> D � � D ° � 0 ° D <br /> �.,.. . � � � n <br />� ��,� �.� __. ___ . . _ _ _ _ _=-- .- =-.-- ---_—�.���– _ _ – <br /> _ ._ <br /> � �Od8—$�LOPIs�&BATtT"Y.�'TT G`b.,Printing,Lithor�rapkirig and County�Sup�ties;Q�aaho� ���� <br /> --- _ --- _ _ _ ___ , __ . . ,..__ ------- --__ __,.,_._._—, .�—_� � __ <br /> FR���'r I 1�ereby cert,ify that this i1�si.rument was enterec� on Numerica,I Iiidex and <br /> _ _�rd_-I,.Harr--i�on_ - ---��-if _------ filed for record this.__ --_ 12 ---....--- .. __day of__--_Januar�-- -- ----------- <br /> ----- 8c �J E3 - <br /> 3. D., i9__11___, at - - _ _..._... . 4- -- _o'clock---- -- - P.- -�• <br /> - -- - --- -- -- -- <br /> _ - -_ _ _ -____ Warranty <br /> �,�, Deed. ' <br /> -- - - _ _ _ - -- __ - -- -- - - - - <br /> ,ti ,� ,,_ <br /> Robert '7.D�.11 - - . -__- � , � : <br /> - - -- - - -- �� -- - - -- - - <br /> lle�uiy. <br /> now 1�11 1Vlen lay T�ese Presexxts: <br /> That P.i�hard _L.Har_ri�_on--an�--8er-tha ��I�ar����n - _ -- __. -- -- ---- - - - --- - --- - - - - - - <br /> _�hu�band_ t__�ife� -- - <br /> - - -- - __- - - - - <br />'I --- - -- _ - _ _ <br /> - <br /> _ - - - <br /> of the County of_----- ---- I�.�,1,�1----- -------- --------an�1 Sta,te of---- -- -----------_ N_e'�_r�Bka-- --------- ------- -------- - ----------Grantor-�---, in consideration <br /> ofthe sum of_. _____'�'7?irtaen Ilundrod__anci__Fifty ________________ ________DOLLARS, <br /> -------- ------- -- - -- ----- -- -------- ----- --------- - <br /> ------ ---------- <br /> , <br /> in hancI paid, do_._ _ _______Ilereby GR�:�d', Bt�RG_2IN, SELL, Ai�'D CONVEY unto_ _�_O__b�rt__J..Di11 __ _ _ _ , <br /> _ _ - <br /> --_ - - - - - <br /> - - - - <br /> fi311 and State of--- ._---- 21QUraskB,_----- -- - - -._., Grantee------,the followin <br /> of the Couz�ty of__ - - - - -- - _ _ -_ _ _ __ _ --._ <br /> _ - - g <br /> descrit�e�premises,situated in the Cour�tj�of_______._________�al� ____and State of Nebraska, to u�it; <br /> -- -Fract_io�a� _L_Qt--T�n-- -(-1-0}- -in--�'r_acti�nal__B_10 c� Sev�n�-Q�-r�- ��'�� in Fa�xv-�e�--P��k--�c-idi.*ic�-r�--ta------------ <br /> __ Grand IUland_ Naara�..a.,___ancl__its_c.omple:�ent___t_he_ _e�st_erl;�__5?_._�i__fae�___of.__fract_ional Block Three __ <br /> ------(:��- -of___H_,�'�..C_1�.rI�_� o. 1�cidi�.ion t_Q__�rr_and _Island,___N_el�ras_:�,-- t_h�----int�nt_i�_n__being__�_ha� ---th�._.t_�ra----------- <br /> -- frac_t_i�n��_ -�.Qt-s -shall- -he-�,e_� -1��---o-f---52..g--fa-e�--in_��rith----_on---9-th--S�re_e'�----an�i _a�iQp_th___of--------. <br /> ----- -------1-3�---f_e_Q_t__tQ __the- -a11�y--in---said--fxactiAnal__�lock__�svsnte.en_a�nva---de��ribs-d.------------------------------------- <br /> __ ----- --- - _ ---- - - - -- - - -- - - - --- - -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- --- - ----- - -- - -- - ------- <br /> _ - - - - - - - -- ---- - - - - - - --- --- - - - - - --- - - -- -- - -- - - -------- -- -- ------ ---------- ----------- - -- <br />� Te�e�tl�er witPi all t1�e tene�ue�its, hereclitan_��rt,s, and appnrtenar�ces thei�eunto belon��irlg, an�d all the Esiat,e,3�ight, Title, Intet°est, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demand whatsoever of the s�,i�i �rar�tor____�3____, and of either of them, of, in, or to tha sarne, or any pa�t thereof, � <br /> I TO FI!�ti'E AN� TO hOL�� the above-describecl premises,u%ith �he appurtenances, unto the said Gralltee_._______and to________hz�_._________ ___..____heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever. �l:�d_____ Z�e__ ________. ____hereby covenant______tivith the said Gra��tee_________tha.t________�:'� premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__._____�14___-___________ha_Ve_gooc� rigl�t and 7awful autliorit,y to sell azzd convey the same; that tl�eyare free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------- - ----- --- ------ - ----- - - - _ . __. -- -- ------ - ---- - - - - __-- ------------- --- --- - ----..- - - ------ - - -- ------------------------ <br /> - ------ -- ---- - -- - --- - -- - ---- - ------ - --- ---- - - -- -------- ---- --- - --- ------- - ------- ---- -------------- - --------------- - <br />' --- - -- --- - _ -- ----- -- - .._ __ - --- -- -- - - - -- - --- --- --__ - - - ---------------- - - ------- -- - ------- -- -------------- ------------- - ------------------------ <br /> -- - - - - - -- -- - <br /> - -- - - - - And ------ - -- ---- - -- --- - - d�-e-- -----------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> I � <br /> defeiid �p aid pre�nises against the lawf'ul ciairls of all persor�s �rhomsoevel°, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> -------- - ---- ------ <br /> -- - - - - --- - -- -- - ---- ----- - - - -. - - ---- - -- --- ---- ------------ - - -- -- - - - -- --------- ----------------- - -- --- - ---- <br /> Dated the--- -- - Ten�h---- - ----da,y of_ --- - JanL1�ZTy - ..__..--- -- - --------A, D., 1911--- • <br /> WITNESS -__--------------l�i ch�d__L.Harr i�on----- <br /> ------------------------- <br /> Bextha P�t.Harrison <br /> ----- - --- - -- - -�_._�_.�iu��Qn -- - ----- -- - -- - _ <br /> , <br /> ST�TE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ---�Ial_ County, On this-------___. -----llt�---------------day of-----------Jant�aT,y------------------A. D., 1911-----, before me, the <br /> undersi�n.e�, a Notary Public---------------------------_,.-------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --I3i�h�xsi -L.�iarri�-�n-----�nsi--I3ex_�h�--��i.Hax_xi�s�-n---hi�---�ri�-e--------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - ----- - - --------- --- - -- ------------- ------- -- - --- --- - - ---- ----------------------------- - --------- -------------------------------- <br /> to me personally knoivn to be the identical person__�____u�hose name__.g______,_�rQ__________._._____af�'ixed to the above instru- <br /> (r�%AL} lnent as�rantol°__�____.__, and____i h_�;l___________severally acknowledged the same to be_____th8ix__________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> ITv -6�ITPIESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribednmya���and afl'ixed my of�'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> �=x��?c�_�_I_3�_�nd_}__T�1ebr_,,_______________________________on the date last above written. <br /> S.0 .Hu�ton <br /> ---------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------Natary Public,----- <br /> My commission expires----------------------------------- -----J111�-----��--------------------------------------19_��------ <br /> I�_ , ; <br />