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<br /> FR01E1 I lzereby certif,y that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index ancI
<br /> J3.C.Ob__ �d�,n�ri�0_l - -- . - - filed for recorcl this- 12 _ ---- - -day of --�7'�1S1Li�rz-- _. --_--
<br /> �, D., 19._11_ , at -_ - ..__�.10- --c'clock - - - PR - --1V1.
<br /> (ci �vldovt�T.�, _-----. _ ------ -- Warranty
<br /> - _
<br /> _- -
<br /> Deed.
<br /> TO -- -- - -���G�G�ti'-��c�- -- -- ---- --
<br /> Albort_ �1�nY __
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<br /> now All 1VIer� by Z'l�ese Preseaits: �
<br /> Tha+-.J�cob �lindna�ol a-�xri�.o�ver, - - - -- . -__. _ - - - - - - - _ --- ---- - - - -- --- _ - - - ---- --
<br /> Iof th� Count�� of__--___-- -------- - .- --H�t1.I--- -- - ----a,nd State of__ __T�T81�7C_38it3------- ------ --- -- --------Grantor-----, in consideration
<br /> of the sunl of___--Ei�ht__�uncl�<3ci_a21d--no--�__-�---_�...,....______......�_...__ � -----------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in nan�l paicl, do__ ._ -------hereby G tA?vT, B!�I�GFIIN, SEIeL, A�'D CONVEY unto_ ___A�.be�---Klink---- _
<br /> of the �ounty of_. _ -- - --.-_- Hall and State of__.T1ebr�Bk3___ __ ------------- -----------. --.------------------ .__, Grantee--._ _,the following
<br /> described prerllises, sitizated in tI1� Coiznty of___ __ __ __ H2t11_____ .__ _ _ _ ____and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Lot num�er ten _�1__0_}_ in Bl�ck num�ar__S.eVent��n____�1'7_}___�.�__Packex_�"��3arr_�_�a__ _��cQnd__A���_��.9n__ �o__the___ �
<br />' City of-lrancl- I�lancl-s -Ne-1�x��ka_,___a�--�urvQyeci,_ _plat_t_ed -and___r_e�ord�-a--- - -- ----
<br /> -- -- - - - -- - --- - -- -- - -- -- -- --- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- --- - - - - -------- ----
<br /> -- - --- -- - --- --- - -- _- -- -- - - ---- - - -- --- -- -- - - --- - - - -- ---- - - - --- -- - - -- ---- --- - ----- --
<br /> - - -- - . ---- - -- - -- ---- - - - --- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - ----- ---------------- -- -- -- -- --- ---- - -- - - --- --- -------
<br /> Together with a,ll tlie tenerr.ents, lierec�ita�nents, and appurteliances tnereunto belon�ing, an� all the Esta,te, R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />'' Denland tivhatsoever of the said Grantor_:_____ _._., and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> I TO H4VE �1NV T�J HGL.l1 the a.boti�e-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grartee_.__._____and to____..___�?�$___________________heirs and
<br />� a,ssigns forever, And_ ________I_____ __ hereby covenant________with the said Grantee__________that______I_.____.__._._hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> t title; that___ ____I___ ________ _________1'�a_ve_good ri�ht and lai�ful au�hority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br />',, u�hatsoever--------B�C�_���_.���s--f Qr--LLhe Year -1�10- - --------- --- ----- --- -- ---- -- - ----------- - - ----- --- -- -- -------- ------------------
<br /> --- - - - - --- - --- - -- -- -- - ---- -- - - --- --- - -- ------ ----- - ------ --- - -- --- ---- -- ---- - - -- ----------- ------------------------
<br /> ------ ----- -- --- _ - - - --- - - - - - --_ . -- ---- - --- ------ -- - - - - ------ - ------ ------ - - - --------------- ----- -- -------
<br /> -- - - --And---- - - - - ----- ----�- ----- - - _._.:------------covenant-- ---to warrant and
<br /> �'
<br /> defend '�said premises aga-inst tI1e laz��ful clainis of all persolis ivliomsoever, _exCQ��____t_a_$e�__for___�hQ__y_e_�r___�.9�Q___�r�d__.tn�reaft er____._.__
<br />' ------ ---- -- - - - - -- -- - --- ---- - -. --- - ----- -- ------ ----- - ---- - - ------ ----- ---- --- ----- -----------------------�---------------- -----
<br /> 1)ated the-- - l�th _. _- ----- --- --da,y of_- -- - NoVet�ber - ---- - -- ---------A. D., 19---�Q-- �
<br /> I WITr7ESS -----�Tac_ob---�Pa.� � - - --------- ----------- --------------
<br /> d �gs�
<br /> -- --
<br /> ---- ---- -- - - L._R_�F3rinin�Q� --- - - - -
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------- Hall----------_County, On this---------14th---------------------day of_---------NQ_V_�_�1ber---------------------A. D., 19_],0__, before me, the
<br /> unc�ersi�ned, a ivocary Public ______________.____.____________within and for said County, personally came ______________________________________
<br /> --- - - ----- Jacob--�[inanag�-l-- ---- ---
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor_._______whose name______1s_____________ _______________ar7ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor___________, and________h_e__.__._.___X��te� acknowledged the sa,me to be_.___��.�__________________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> nauie
<br /> Ii'�' lYITNESS WHER�OF I have hereunto subscribed my�$�,and afTixed my of�'icial seal at.__________________________________________
<br /> (SE.AL) rranci___Is18nc1,___TJebr,___________________________on the date last above written, ,
<br /> ---------------------� ----- --I,-.R..�r_ining�r----------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />, My comrnission expires-- ------ ----- -- ---- --------�x'�-h---l�----1914-----------------------------,�------------ �
<br />, �
<br />