dl� �� r--'"� _ _"\ . ,
<br /> � I� � � D 0 D � o .
<br />-___�_� __ _ _r���_
<br /> 500�8—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Li(hograP,�ing and Cornaty Supplies;"O^n¢Tec,. '"`` --"__ �___-__ :___.__.____.�--_--.,-,--_-- _ _ _
<br />' FRO�ti�I I hereby certify that this inst��umerit was entered on Nutnerical Index a�ld
<br /> filed for record this--------- 9�h__ ___. ----..__day of----JanLta7Cy' ------ ------------ -
<br /> -- - - - L"ttyler A.�l�u3:t�-�-�vife - -
<br /> :�. D., 191_1_._., at_. --- - - -- -- � -�.��u0--o'clock- -__ - A. -IYI.
<br /> - - ------ - ___ _ _ __ __ Warranty
<br /> _--
<br /> �� Deed.
<br /> --_..----_ � - - -- - - - . -- - - - - --- -
<br /> ,p ` �I
<br /> - _ -Ba_xnha��l__�ic�idt�ann �. _ _ /C . ,
<br /> _ - -- - - -- - -. --����-�
<br /> llepuiy. �
<br /> -- - - Ic�a__A.�i_eidtrnann _ . -- - - -
<br /> Know 1�I1 l�ieai �y T�iese Pr��exmts:
<br /> That __we� Cuyler _�1,_�ck�.ults--and_Eliza Schult s - ---. - -- - - - --_-- - ---:-- -
<br /> _ - - -- -( _hu_sbanci_and �ife -� - __ . - -- -- - ----
<br /> of the Cqunty of_ _- -------HAIl ----and State of_----------- ---Ne�r�.s�:a __-- ----- ---------- --------- - ---------Grantor-----�, in c�nsideration
<br /> of the sum of_---Fiftaen �Iundreci__and_ no/100--- --_ ---- ------- ---- ---- - ------ -------- -------DO�LARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do- -- ------ ___nereby G�AtiT, �:�RG�IN, �ELL, A�'�'D CO��iVEY unto---- -- ------- ------------- --- ---
<br /> -g2rnhard__Reidtr�ann---ansi-Ida---A.H_eidtr.lann..�rjth--sur.yi�or_sh_ip__.__._...__--- ---- ------- -- ------ ------
<br /> ---- --- -- ---- -
<br /> of the Countti of_--- -------- �311 _ ------__----and State of_ __------ ---N�1:>r�s�3_ --., Grantee--€�---,thefollow�ng
<br /> deseribec�prernises, situated ir�the Cc�un�y of____ ____ _____ ____�Ia21_____.__ ____ ___ _ _____ _________ancl State of Nebraska, ta wit:
<br /> Lots nwnber Six (E� Seve___n (";���__and__E-i�ht--_(8� -_i__n---Bloek .numbor-_{1r-} �qve�t_a_4n-_P_��_}�ex_ _�__Ba�x_'_s---` -
<br /> -- -- -Sec_cnc�__Aciciition_ _to_.Grand�- -Is�.and--?1�b-r-a��a,-a� $urv�yecl,-p�at�sa ax��S-��eor-d�d.- - -- - - -- --
<br /> Subject to a �ort�a�e _of__�150. __in_ favor__o_f___�iay_ n._Lamb___vr�th____interest_ at___tYie__ra�e__.of___8 0____
<br /> -- x�Qr annurn. The--�r�toe- -a,�urle�--the_-mort���e _ansi._int_�.�_e�t----- ----- ----- -- - ._---- ------- ------ -
<br /> - -- - -------- --
<br /> -- - -- -- -- -_ _ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- - - --- -- - - ----- - - - -- -- -- - - ---- -------- - - --
<br /> - --- - - - -__ - -- -- -- - - - --- ----- --- -- ---- - - - - --- ---------- ----------- --- ---- - - ----------- ----- - - -- ------
<br />� Toget�her with ��,11 the tenements, r�ere�itrzm_ents, a�nd appiirtenarces thereunto belon�inb, a,ncl all the Estats, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ��� �
<br /> I Demand w�a,t�soever of the said Grantor_B_____, and of eithel� of�heln, of, in, or to the same, or any pa,rt thereof,
<br /> TO K�VE A1�D TO HOLD the above-c�esc�°ibed prelnises,i�it11 the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_8....___and to__.__�h9-is__._________ ..___._____heirs and
<br />', assigns forever. And______'•"�e_____ _____ _____hereby coveridnt_______with the said Gravtee_a------that_______�g________hold___._._said premises by good and perfect
<br />'� title; that_____�e __._______11a_vA.gocd i°i;17t �,nd lawful autl�ority to sell a.nd convey the same; that they ara free a,nd clear of all lietis and incumbrances
<br /> whatso2ver------- - eX_Cept--a� above• - - - - __ - -- - -- ---- -- - - --- -- - - -
<br /> - - ------- -- --------- ---- ------- - ---------------------------
<br /> --- - --- - - - ------ - ---- -__ - - - - - - --- - --- ------ --- - ------ -- ------ - -- - ----- -- - ------- - ------- ----- - ----------------
<br /> -- -- -- --- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -- --- -- -- --- - --- - - - -- ---- ------- -- - ------- -- -- ----------------- ------------ -- ------------------
<br /> And---- - -- - �e - -----------------covenant--------to warra,nt and
<br /> clefend to said Premises against the lawfnl claims of all persolls wllomsoever, ____8:�_CEpt___35__�.b9Y_8_,___________________________._ .
<br /> - ----- -- - ------- - ---- --- - --
<br /> --- - -- -- .._- -- - ------- ------ ----- ---- - ---- ----- --- -- ------- --------- - ---- - -- - ----- --- --------- ------- ----------------------------
<br /> Da�ed the-------SeYenth--------------------------da�� of------------��.riLiaTy------------. A, D., 19---11---.
<br /> ujlTN�ss ----------------------Cu�rler__A,Schult s
<br /> -------------------Eliza__A,_._Schult-�---------------------------------
<br /> - --- - ------ u,-C.Hu�t�n- --- - - "
<br /> ----- - ---- ----- - - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- �
<br /> ss,
<br /> ------- - -H�11-----------._County, Qn this-------����BXlt-�-----------------day of------13riU.�tr�t---------------------A, D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�necl, a ivoiary Publi�_______dp�oi'�1�_�_ci._.._______________within and for said County, personally came
<br /> - ---- - Cu�rler---=A_._Schult�--�na_E1iza--Schult� - -------------------- --- -----------�------------------ -----------
<br /> ----- - -- - --- - ------ - --- ------ ------ - --- -- -- -�---�husband anci_ �rif e)--------- --- ----- -- --- -------
<br /> t,o me personally known to be the identical person_�_______whose name___B_.�ra________________________af�i�ed to tne above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantcr_�_______, and.____�:��3�___________severaliy acknou�ledged the same to bethe.ir____.__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for lhe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN i�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m�y��and af�ixed my oflicial seal at_____________________________._____________
<br /> __ r�and Isl�nd�___Ne�r._________.______________.__on the date last above written,
<br /> ,
<br /> S.0.Hu�ton
<br /> ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expirese---------- ------:- - ----------- -------Jt�.ly_--N�---------------------------------------i91�------
<br />� 1
<br />