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<br />— 50013—KLt11'1'�BA7�'1'T,1?TT CO..Printinn,LitJ�o�r¢phinp anrl Counly Supplies!O•nakc�._ _ ___ ...___ _.. _ _._. . _._.._ _--_.__.�---�____: ___ — -'-----
<br /> F���'I I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -----Ni_CO1clU8_�aU,��t---Ee--t*tif-8 --__.__. filed for recorct t1�is--- -- _ 7th--- -------aay of._.J'ail'lis.�`y--- ----- ---___---- -
<br /> �, D., 19 l_1_ __, at_....-_ - __._. 11 _ _ __ - -o'clock - - - A.--M. .
<br /> -- _- - -- - _ - -_ _ - . _ _ _ Warranty
<br /> T� � � � Deed. � /
<br /> -��/
<br /> �
<br /> �tilliam Vortman � � ��-�-��J
<br /> • - - -_ _ --- - -- - - - - --:- - - - - Depuly.--
<br /> K�o�v All I�Ien by T��se Prese�t�:
<br /> That_ - - -1NQ, �Tic�lau�__R�uer_�__and--August.e Aau�r�_ . -- - - -- -- _ - - - - -- ---
<br /> -- _ __ -_ - - __. -- _ ___ _ .- -- ---( hu.sband__and_mife
<br /> � - ---- --- - - - -
<br /> of the County of----------- HS11---- _-- --- - ___- -------and State of- -----_------�TBbr�fl2�d. ------ _-.- ------ - ------------Grantor--8----, in consideration " .
<br /> oi tne su�n of__ _ Fort-y- T':za H�nc�red arid. no�100-- - -- - ----- ---- ------ .-- ------ -- -- - ------- ---- --- ------- - -----DOLI,ARS,
<br /> in 1�and paid, do_ -1�ereb�� GnAi1T, I�AI�G_1IN, SEL1., At�'D CONVEY unto-------'�1i11iEt1Yt_VOTtTa�-------- --------- --- --.--
<br /> -- - ------
<br /> of the County of--- -,------ TY13yer- -- - ---- --_. ----- -___al�d State of_----------�Te��'36I:1�- -- -- - - - -__.--- --------, Grantee_.----,thefollowing
<br /> describecI prerfiises,situated in the Cou:�t,y�of_.___ __ __ __ __ �ia��.___ _ _________ _____ _________and State of Nebraska, to u�it:
<br /> ----------Ba-x-z�,--�ar�__of---th� _ South--Ea�t- Qua�ts�- ef---ths---�outh �ast--Q-�a.�te-r -Sec-t-�.vn �tunbex--Tvre�ty--4no--------- .
<br /> -- -----�21) 'To�shi�p- Nurab�r _Eleven- (11)---North---o�'---RangB-Nur�he-r -Nina-- -(-9�- -�est---of-._tha-6--P-.T�_.--.bs3.ng-------
<br /> - - ----more _�e���c�l� �i��_c_ribs�i- -aa_ -f_o_llowa:------ ---Co�mQnc i�g- -a�- -thB--cent�r---of __th.e--Se�tic�n__r_oad_-Thirt�_ Q�e
<br /> -- (31}- rods---and---Four---feat __sc�uth _of t�_e._ _S_outh--E3��_-go-i-n�---in--P_le_aB�nt_.tiome---As��lit_i_on-�o--�ra�,d-------- �
<br /> - I_s__land_,_ _Ne'caraska_,- a�---�urvQye.ds---�alat_teci-- and _xeaar_de��__ -----Then-ce--�unn�-n�--W�a�- Fo-r-ty- -(�4)--rods-
<br /> thence---South Twan�_y_.Four_._��4-)-- �ods; --- _�hencs�---E�_�t _F.Q_rty---�_4__4�--rQr�s- -to--t�e-c_ent-�-r_--Qf--�ect�.on---road;
<br /> --- �hance No_rth . Tvr_e_nty--Fnu�- -(-2�-}----r�ds------�-o- -�la��--o.f.---beg3nnin�---, -�Qn�aining--Sig---Ac_re�_.-------------------------
<br /> Tog�ther��it� aIl the tenelnents, 1�erer�italr�ent,s, and appurter�ancss thereunto belonaing; and all��t1?e Esta,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � �
<br /> Demand wl�atsoever of t�ie said Grartor__ � .._.; and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any par� thereof,
<br /> TO H%�VE AI�D TG I�OL.D the above-descrihed premises, with the a�purtenances, unto the said Grantee____.____ancl to____._.____________h�,�_._____.____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns foreti�er, �1nd_____4'�-g____ _________.___hereby r,oven_ant_______tivith the said Grantea_.___ __that__________.yug_-------_hol�i__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; bhat_________Y1t�____ __.__.____�a_un.goocl ri��it and IaWful a,utlior°ity to sell a,nd convey the same; �hat tliey are fre� and clear of all lieus and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_-------- - - --- - ---- - - - - - - - ----- - ------- -- -- --- ---- --- --- ------- - --------- - - -------- --- ------------------------
<br /> - - ----- - - --- -- ---- -- -- --- - - - --- --- - - --- -- ----------- ---- - ---------- -- -- -------- -- ------- - -- ------------ -- ------------------..
<br /> --- --- -- ---- - -- - -- - --- - ---- - - -- - ---__.__-- ---- - --- - ------ -------- -- --- -- -- - ------------- ----------- ----- -- - -------------------------------
<br /> - - --- - - _ - - --.__And----- - -- -- -- --�i!e-- --- -- -------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said Prelr�ises against the lawiul clain�s of all persolls ivl�omsoevei°, ______ ____.__ ._____.___________________ _
<br /> ----- ---- --------- - --.------ - - --- - -----
<br /> 1)a,ted the- --- - S9 VE3n�h- - - - - -day of_-- - -�'�ilt�3xy--- - - - ------- ---------A, D,, 19-1-�----�
<br /> WIT�rESS � ---------------------NiC o1.at�B__RSUO Tt----------------------------------
<br /> ,
<br /> -- -- ---- - ,�,igut���---Raue-r�----------------------------------- .
<br /> - --- -- - --- ----- - -'._C.�u�t nn --- - -
<br /> STATE OF NE�RASKA_, �
<br /> ��s ____.A. D., i9__11__, before me, the
<br /> ----- ----- �i21��. ----County, , Qn this- -- - --._SeVan'�h----------day of_--- -�'ailuar3r------ ---------------
<br /> undersigned, a T�T�tary Public___a?�PO�??'�ed____..___----__---witllin and fol� saia County, personaliy came_______________________-.________________.__
<br /> - ------Ni�_ola.�zs R�u�z�--an�i- 6u�r,ua�e -I3�uaxt - - -:------------- -- --- ------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> ---- ----- - ------------ -- ---- ------- -�- hu�band__and--wife---�---------------------------------- -
<br /> ---------------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identicat person.__�___whose name8__________��9____.__________.____aflixec� to the a�ove instru-
<br /> nlent as granior__$_______, and______t7?pY__.______severaliy acknou�ledged the same to be_____.t�?e3r_________:.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, �
<br /> �$E'A'r'� IIv ti�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��tand affixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________._____________
<br /> ---_--____G�AiZd__T_�_�,�nda--_�'d8��-.�------------------_--------on the date last above written. '
<br /> -------------------------------�_._C_,�Ll,D'�Q�------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires--------- _Jul;�t-------------��'--`�----------------------------1912------
<br /> i
<br />, I
<br />